All comments on one page, iReply, quick-vote, user-scores.
// ==UserScript== // @name Forum: all comments on one page v2 // @namespace Vorticon // @author marrr, edited by commander_keen, jn // @version 2.5.0 // @description All comments on one page, iReply, quick-vote, user-scores. // @include*/foren/* // @include*/foren/* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== (function() { // Opera wrapper /******************************************** * USER SETTINGS ********************************************/ // show article ratings by default var showRatings = 1; // don't fetch postings whose title ends in (kT), n.T. etc. var skipNoTextPostings = 0; var overviewPagePostCount = 16; var maxJoinedPosts = overviewPagePostCount * 10; // in overview, add x posts * y pages var maxJoinedPostsInThread = 80; // user score is scaled by this value and then fitted into 0-10 var posterScoreScaleFactor = 0.3; // here you can enable joining on different overview levels /*var joinTopLevelForen = 1; this is nowhere to be found*/ var joinSubLevelForen = 1; var enableThreadView = 1; // reply stuff var enableIReply = 1; var enableAutoQuote = 1; var enableQuickVote = 1; // "plain" for disabling colored bar indentation; or "colored" to enable var displayMode = "colored"; // defines the colors used for colored indentation var branchBorderStyle = "1px dashed"; function getBranchColor(lvl) { switch(lvl % 8) { case 0: return "#999999"; case 1: return "#445599"; case 2: return "#995544"; case 3: return "#449955"; case 4: return "#994455"; case 5: return "#554499"; case 6: return "#CC77CC"; case 7: return "#554499"; } } function getQuoteColor(lvl) { switch(lvl) { case 2: return "#668811"; case 3: return "#445599"; case 4: return "#995544"; case 5: return "#449955"; case 6: return "#994455"; case 7: return "#554499"; case 8: return "#CC77CC"; case 9: return "#554499"; // ... default: return ""; } } /******************************************** * BROWSER DEPENDENT ********************************************/ function isOpera() { return typeof(opera) != "undefined"; } function isSafari() { return typeof(safari) != "undefined" || /apple/i.test(navigator.vendor) || /safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } function isChrome() { return typeof(chrome) != "undefined"; } function log(msg) { if (isOpera()) opera.postError(msg); // else if (isChrome()) console.log(msg); // chrome supports GM_log else if(isSafari()) { // according to the docs, GM_log is supported if(typeof(GM_log) != undefined) GM_log(msg); } else GM_log(msg); } function requestHTML(fileUrl, callback, nr, div) { fileUrl = ensureAbsoluteUrl(fileUrl); if (isOpera() || isSafari()) { var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', fileUrl, true); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) callback(xmlHttp.responseText, nr, div, fileUrl); }; xmlHttp.send(null); } else { // maybe the opera way works here, but this one contains more GM_s GM_xmlhttpRequest( { method: 'GET', url: fileUrl, onload: function(resp) { if(resp.status == 200) callback(resp.responseText, nr, div, fileUrl); } }); } } // TODO: this is limited to simple values, yet sufficient function setLocalValue(name, val) { if (isOpera() || isChrome() || isSafari()) { var lifeTime = 31536000; document.cookie = escape(name) + "=" + escape(val) + ";expires=" + (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + (1000 * lifeTime))).toGMTString() + ";path=/"; } else GM_setValue(name, val); } function getLocalValue(name, def ) { if(isOpera() || isChrome() || isSafari()) { var cookieJar = document.cookie.split("; "); for(var x = 0; x < cookieJar.length; x++) { var oneCookie = cookieJar[x].split( "=" ); if( oneCookie[0] == escape(name) ) { try { eval('var footm = '+unescape(oneCookie[1])); return footm; } catch(e) { return def; } } } return def; } else return GM_getValue(name, def); } /******************************************** * THE CODE ********************************************/ var baseUrl = document.location.protocol + '//' +; var postingRegExp; var isNewForum = /^\/forum\//.test(document.location.pathname) ? true : false; if(isNewForum) postingRegExp = /((<div class="userbar[\s\S]*?)(?=(<div class="metabar">))\3[\s\S]*?<\/div>\s*<\/div>)(?=\s*<div class="thread_view_switch">)/; else postingRegExp = /((<div class="vote_posting">[\s\S]*?)?(?=(<div class="posting_date">))\3[\s\S]*?(?=(<div class="tovote_links">))\4[\s\S]*?<\/div>)/; var searchUrl; if(isNewForum) searchUrl = baseUrl + '/forum/suche/?rm=search&q='; else searchUrl = baseUrl + '/foren/suche?q='; function xpath(xp, root) { if(root === null) return null; if(root === undefined) root = document; return document.evaluate(xp, root, null, XPathR###lt.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); } function xpath1(xp, root) { var res = xpath(xp, root); return res ? ((res.snapshotLength > 0) ? res.snapshotItem(0) : null) : null; } function ensureAbsoluteUrl(url) { if(url.match(/^\//)) url = baseUrl + url; else if(url.match(/^\?/)) url = document.location.href.replace(, "") + url; return url; } function defineScriptInPageContext(code) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "application/javascript"; script.innerHTML = code; document.body.appendChild(script); } function getElementsByClassName(oElm, strTagName, strClassName) { var arrElements = (strTagName == "*" && document.all) ? document.all : oElm.getElementsByTagName(strTagName); var arrReturnElements = new Array(); strClassName = strClassName.replace(/\-/g, "\\-"); var oRegExp = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + strClassName + "(\\s|$)"); for(var i = 0; i < arrElements.length; i++) { var oElement = arrElements[i]; if(oRegExp.test(oElement.className)) arrReturnElements.push(oElement); } return (arrReturnElements); } function grepTitleLinkURL(html) { if(isNewForum) var res = html.match(/<a[^>]*? href="([^"]*?)"[^>]*? class="posting_subject">/); else var res = html.match(/<a[^>]*? href="([\s\S]*?)"[^>]*? title=(["'])[\s\S]*?\2>/i); if(!res) return null; return res[1]; } function grepTitle(html) { var res = html.match(/>([^<]*)<\/a>/i); if(!res) return null; return res[1]; } function joinThreadPosts() { if(isNewForum) { joinThreadPostsNew(); return; } // do it this way to respect priorities var rootPostDiv = xpath1("//div[@class='forum_content']"); if(rootPostDiv == null) rootPostDiv = xpath1("//div[@id='mitte_forum']"); if(rootPostDiv == null) rootPostDiv = xpath1("//div[@id='mitte']"); if(rootPostDiv == null) rootPostDiv = xpath1("//td[@class='f-content']"); if(rootPostDiv == null) rootPostDiv = xpath1("//*[@id='parttime-forum']"); if(rootPostDiv == null) log("Root div not found!"); var rootPostText = xpath1("p[@class='posting_text']", rootPostDiv); appendReplyFrame(rootPostText, -1, rootPostDiv); var replyLinkA = xpath1(".//a[text() = 'Beantworten']", rootPostDiv); var replyLink = replyLinkA == null ? "" : replyLinkA.href; processMessageDiv(rootPostDiv, document.location.href, replyLink); var threadsList = xpath1("//ul[@class='thread_tree']"); if(threadsList == null) { log("Thread tree not found - activate it!"); return; } var divStack = new Array(); divStack.peek = function() { return this[this.length - 1]; } var answerDiv = document.createElement('div'); threadsList.parentNode.insertBefore(answerDiv, threadsList); divStack.push(answerDiv); var threadMsgs = xpath(".//div[@class='thread_title']", threadsList); var maxJoinCnt = Math.min(threadMsgs.snapshotLength, maxJoinedPostsInThread); var afterActive = 0; var cntJoined = 0; var rootAbsoluteDepth = 0; for(var i = 0; i < threadMsgs.snapshotLength && cntJoined <= maxJoinCnt; i++) { var msgDiv = threadMsgs.snapshotItem(i); var isActive = 0; // search the currently selected beitrag if(msgDiv.innerHTML.match("beitrag_aktiv") || msgDiv.innerHTML.match("active_post")) { afterActive = 1; isActive = 1; rootAbsoluteDepth = countLevel(msgDiv); continue; } else if(afterActive == 0) continue; // count the number of next_levels upwards var curRelativeDepth = countLevel(msgDiv) - rootAbsoluteDepth; // only show current subnode if(curRelativeDepth <= 0) break; // find the URL var url = grepTitleLinkURL(msgDiv.innerHTML); if(!url) { log("Error parsing: " + msgDiv.innerHTML); continue; } // create div for the branch var divBranch = document.createElement('div'); if(!isActive) = "20px"; if(displayMode == "colored") = branchBorderStyle + " " + getBranchColor(curRelativeDepth); // divBranch.innerHTML = '<a style="display: block; font-size: 6px">^^^</a>'; // create div for the post var divPost = document.createElement('div'); = "1px dashed #DDDDDD"; = "8px"; // some space from the border // decend down to current level while(curRelativeDepth < divStack.length) divStack.pop(); // add it divStack.peek().appendChild(divBranch); divBranch.appendChild(divPost); // create the ireply frame appendReplyFrame(divBranch, cntJoined, divPost); // remember current branch divStack.push(divBranch); // grep it requestHTML(url, callbackThread, i, divPost); cntJoined++; } if(afterActive == 0) { log("found no active post!"); return; } } function joinThreadPostsNew() { // do it this way to respect priorities var rootPostDiv = xpath1(".//div[@id='forum_wrap']"); if(rootPostDiv == null) rootPostDiv = xpath1("//div[@id='mitte']"); if(rootPostDiv == null) log("Root div not found! (joinThreadPostsNew)"); if(enableIReply === 1) { var rootPostText = xpath1(".//div[@class='post']", rootPostDiv); appendReplyFrame(rootPostText, -1, rootPostDiv); } var replyLinkA = xpath1(".//a[@class='reply']", rootPostDiv); var replyLink = replyLinkA === null ? "" : replyLinkA.href; var quoteLinkA = xpath1(".//a[@class='quote']", rootPostDiv); var quoteLink = quoteLinkA === null ? "" : quoteLinkA.href; processMessageDiv(rootPostDiv, document.location.href, replyLink, quoteLink); var threadsList = document.getElementById('tree_thread_list'); if(threadsList == null) { // don't complain so often if(xpath1(".//div[@class='thread_view_switch']", document.getElementById("forum_wrap"))) log("Thread tree not found - activate it! (joinThreadPostsNew)"); return; } // apply stylesheet once addStyles(); if(showRatings === 1) { addStyle('span.rating { display: inline !important /* Rating for each post*/ }\ .tree_thread_list--rating { display: inline !important /* Rating in post list at the bottom of the thread, and in thread list*/ }'); var votebuttonLoggedOutSpan = xpath1(".//span[@title='Bitte loggen Sie sich ein, um den Beitrag zu bewerten.']", document.getElementById("forum_wrap")); if(votebuttonLoggedOutSpan === null) { addStyle(".first_posting + .rating_buttons_wrapper { display: inline !important /* Show voting buttons */}\ .post + .rating_buttons_wrapper { bottom: 60px; display: inline; float: right; position: relative }\ #tree_thread_list { clear: right } /* sonst verschieben sich Bewertung+User+Datum (verursacht durch .ratings_button_wrapper{position != absolute}) */ \ "); } else addStyle(".rating_buttons_wrapper { display: none !important /* Dont show voting buttons if voting is not posible */ }"); } var divStack = new Array(); divStack.peek = function() { return this[this.length - 1]; } var answerDiv = document.createElement('div'); threadsList.parentNode.insertBefore(answerDiv, threadsList); divStack.push(answerDiv); var threadMsgs = xpath(".//li[contains(@class, 'posting_element')]", threadsList); var maxJoinCnt = Math.min(threadMsgs.snapshotLength, maxJoinedPostsInThread); var afterActive = false; var cntJoined = 0; var rootAbsoluteDepth = 0; var skippedEntryTitles = []; skippedEntryTitles[1] = xpath1(".//a[@class='posting_subject']", threadsList).textContent.trim(); for(var i = 0; i < threadMsgs.snapshotLength && cntJoined <= maxJoinCnt; i++) { var msgDiv = threadMsgs.snapshotItem(i); var isActive = false; // search the currently selected beitrag if(msgDiv.className.match("current_posting")) { afterActive = true; isActive = true; rootAbsoluteDepth = countLevel(msgDiv); continue; } else if(afterActive === false) continue; // count the number of next_levels upwards var curRelativeDepth = countLevel(msgDiv) - rootAbsoluteDepth; // only show current subnode if(curRelativeDepth <= 0) break; // find the URL var url = grepTitleLinkURL(msgDiv.innerHTML); if(!url) { // don't complain about locked posts if(!msgDiv.innerHTML.match(/<span [^>]*class=(["'])posting_subject locked\1>/)) log("Error parsing (joinThreadPostsNew): " + msgDiv.innerHTML); continue; } // create div for the branch var divBranch = document.createElement('div'); if(!isActive) = "20px"; if(displayMode == "colored") = branchBorderStyle + " " + getBranchColor(curRelativeDepth); // create div for the post var divPost = document.createElement('div'); = "1px dashed #DDDDDD"; = "8px"; // some space from the border // descend down to current level while(curRelativeDepth < divStack.length) divStack.pop(); // add it divStack.peek().appendChild(divBranch); divBranch.appendChild(divPost); // create the ireply frame appendReplyFrame(divBranch, cntJoined, divPost); // remember current branch divStack.push(divBranch); // don't retrieve (KeinText) contributions from the server skippedEntryTitles[countLevel(msgDiv)] = grepTitle(msgDiv.innerHTML).trim().replace(/^Re:\s*/i, ""); if(skipNoTextPostings === 1 && isNoTextEntry(skippedEntryTitles[countLevel(msgDiv)]) && skippedEntryTitles[countLevelNew(msgDiv)-1] != skippedEntryTitles[countLevel(msgDiv)]) { processMessageDivNew_NoText(msgDiv, url, divPost); } else { // grep it requestHTML(url, callbackThread, i, divPost); } cntJoined++; } if(afterActive === false) { log("found no active post! (joinThreadPostsNew)"); return; } } function appendReplyFrame(div, id, divPost) { if(div == null) { log("div to attach reply frame to is null"); return; } var iReplyFrame = document.createElement('iframe'); = "reply" + id; = 'none'; = '100%'; = '35em'; divPost.setAttribute("replyFrameID",; var divReply = document.createElement('div'); =; divReply.appendChild(iReplyFrame); div.appendChild(divReply); } function callbackThread(txt, nr, div, url) { if(isNewForum) { callbackThreadNew(txt, nr, div, url); return; } try { // pre-check the posting for performance issues // else match can lock up if(txt.indexOf('<div class="posting_date">') == -1 || txt.indexOf('<div class="tovote_links">') == -1) { log("No known posting: " + url); return; } var mtchs = txt.match(postingRegExp); if(mtchs == null) { div.innerHTML = "<i>Could not load comment</i>"; return; } var html = mtchs[1]; div.innerHTML = html; var replyLinks = txt.match(/<a href="([^"]*)"\s*>Beantworten<\/a>/); var replyLink = (replyLinks != null) ? replyLinks[1] : ""; processMessageDiv(div, url, replyLink); } catch(e) { log('Error processing post: ' + e); } } function callbackThreadNew(txt, nr, div, url) { try { // pre-check the posting for performance issues // else match can lock up if(txt.indexOf('<div class="thread_view_switch">') === -1) { log("No known posting (callbackThreadNew): " + url); return; } var mtchs = txt.match(postingRegExp); if(mtchs == null) { div.innerHTML = "<i>Could not load comment (new forum)</i>"; return; } var html = mtchs[1]; div.innerHTML = html; var replyLinks = txt.match(/<a href="([^"]*)" class="reply"[^>]*>[\s]*Antworten[\s]*<\/a>/); var replyLink = (replyLinks !== null) ? replyLinks[1] : ""; var quoteLinks = txt.match(/<a href="([^"]*)" class="quote"[^>]*>[\s]*Zitieren[\s]*<\/a>/); var quoteLink = (quoteLinks !== null) ? quoteLinks[1] : ""; processMessageDiv(div, url, replyLink, quoteLink); } catch(e) { log('Error processing post (callbackThreadNew): ' + e); } } function processMessageDiv(div, messageUrl, replyLink, quoteLink) { // parameter quoteLink is only used in the new forum if(isNewForum) { processMessageDivNew(div, messageUrl, replyLink, quoteLink); return; } // link username to search var userI = xpath1(".//div[@class='user_info']/i", div); var userName; if(userI != null) { userName = userI.innerHTML.replace(/^(.*?), .*$/, "$1"); userI.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + searchUrl + escape(userName) + "\">" + userI.innerHTML + "</a>"; userI.innerHTML += getPosterScoreBarCode(userName); } else { userName = "?"; log("Could not find username div!"); } // colorize quote var quotes = xpath(".//p/span[@class='quote']", div); for(var i = 0; i < quotes.snapshotLength; i++) { var e = quotes.snapshotItem(i); var patternLength = 10; var m = e.innerHTML.match(/^((?:> )+)/); if(m != null) { var color = getQuoteColor(m[0].length / patternLength); if(color != "") e.innerHTML = "<span style=\"color: " + color + "\">" + e.innerHTML + "</span>"; } } // set the reply links if(replyLink != "") { replyLink = ensureAbsoluteUrl(replyLink); replyLinkInline = "<a style=\"color: #6673DD\" onclick=\"iReply('" + div.getAttribute ("replyFrameID") + "', '" + replyLink + "')\">iReply</a>"; replyLink = "<a href=\"" + replyLink + "\">Beantworten</a>"; if(userI != null) userI.innerHTML += " --- " + replyLink + (enableIReply ? " / " + replyLinkInline : ""); } // link posting title to posting var postingSubject = xpath1(".//h3[@class='posting_subject']", div); if(postingSubject != null) postingSubject.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + messageUrl + "\">" + postingSubject.innerHTML + "</a>"; else log("Posting subject not found!"); // relink voting buttons if(enableQuickVote) { var voteLinks = xpath(".//div[@class='tovote_links']/a", div); for(var i = 0; i < voteLinks.snapshotLength; i++) { var voteLink = voteLinks.snapshotItem(i); var url = voteLink.href; voteLink.removeAttribute("href"); voteLink.addEventListener("click", quickVoteFunctionBuilder(voteLink, url, userName), true); voteLink.setAttribute("onclick", "sendVote(this, '" + url + "');"); } } } function processMessageDivNew_NoText(div, messageUrl, divPost) { var userH; var userName = div.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerText; if(userName !== "") { userH = "<a href=\"" + searchUrl + escape(userName) + "\">" + userName + "</a>"; userH+= getPosterScoreBarCode(userName); } var replyLink = ensureAbsoluteUrl(messageUrl).replace(/\/show\/$/, "/reply/"); var quoteLink = ensureAbsoluteUrl(messageUrl).replace(/\/show\/$/, "/quote-1/reply"); replyLink = '<a href="' + replyLink + '" class="reply">Beantworten<\/a>/'; quoteLink = ' | <a href="' + quoteLink + '" class="quote">Zitieren<\/a>'; replyLink+=quoteLink; var replyLinkInline = "<a style=\"color: #6673DD\" id=\"iReplyLink_" + divPost.getAttribute("replyFrameID") +"\">iReply</a>"; userH += " --- " + replyLink + (enableIReply ? " / " + replyLinkInline : ""); var ntTime = div.getElementsByTagName("time")[0].outerHTML; ntTime = ntTime.replace(/class="[^"]*"/, 'class="posting_timestamp"'); var ntRatingInner = div.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].getElementsByTagName("span")[1].innerHTML; var ntLinkText = div.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerText.trim(); var ntPostingID = messageUrl.match(/posting-(\d+)\/show\//)[1]; var ntDiv = '<div class="userbar clearfix"><ul class="author forum_userbar--author userbar_list"><li><span class="full_user_string"><span class="pseudonym">' + userH + '</span></span></li></ul><p><!-- xxx Beiträge seit xx.xx.xxxx --></p><div class="user_interaction"><!-- <a href="Link nicht vorhanden /user-xxxxxx/posting-xxxxxxxx/ignore/" class="ignore" rel="nofollow">ignorieren</a> --></div></div>'; ntDiv+= '<div class="metabar">' + ntTime; ntDiv+= '<ul><li><span class="rating js-rating-chart__wrapper">'+ntRatingInner + '</span></li>'; ntDiv+= '<li><a href="' + ntPostingID + '/" class="perma" rel="nofollow">Permalink</a></li>'; ntDiv+= '<li><a href="' + ntPostingID + '/feedback-links/" class="feedback" rel="nofollow">Melden</a></li>'; ntDiv+= '</ul></div><h1 class="thread_title"><a href="' + messageUrl +'">' + ntLinkText + '</a></h1>'; divPost.innerHTML = ntDiv; if(enableIReply === 1) document.getElementById("iReplyLink_" + divPost.getAttribute("replyFrameID")) .addEventListener("click", function() { iReplyNew(div.getAttribute ("replyFrameID"), replyURL) }, false); } function processMessageDivNew(div, messageUrl, replyURL, quoteLink) { // link username to search var userI = xpath1(".//span[@class='realname']|.//span[@class='pseudonym']/a|.//span[@class='pseudonym']", div); var userName; var replyLink; if(userI !== null) { userName = userI.textContent; userI.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + searchUrl + escape(userName) + "\">" + userI.innerHTML + "</a>"; userI.innerHTML += getPosterScoreBarCode(userName); } else { userName = "?"; log("Could not find username div! (processMessageDivNew)"); } // set the reply links if(replyURL != "") { replyURL = ensureAbsoluteUrl(replyURL); var replyLinkInline = "<a style=\"color: #6673DD\" id=\"iReplyLink_" + div.getAttribute("replyFrameID") +"\">iReply</a>"; replyLink = "<a href=\"" + replyURL + "\">Beantworten</a>"; if(quoteLink != "") { quoteLink = ensureAbsoluteUrl(quoteLink); quoteLink = " | <a href=\"" + quoteLink + "\">Zitieren</a>"; replyLink += quoteLink; } if(userI !== null) { userI.innerHTML += " --- " + replyLink + (enableIReply ? " / " + replyLinkInline : ""); if(enableIReply === 1) document.getElementById("iReplyLink_" + div.getAttribute("replyFrameID")) .addEventListener("click", function() { iReplyNew(div.getAttribute ("replyFrameID"), replyURL) }, false); } } // link posting title to posting var postingSubject = xpath1(".//h1[@class='thread_title']", div); if(postingSubject !== null) postingSubject.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + messageUrl + "\">" + postingSubject.innerHTML + "</a>"; else log("Posting subject not found!(processMessageDivNew)"); // relink voting buttons if(enableQuickVote) { // not necessary when you cannot vote var votebuttonLoggedOutSpan = xpath1(".//span[@title='Bitte loggen Sie sich ein, um den Beitrag zu bewerten.']", document.getElementById("forum_wrap")); if(votebuttonLoggedOutSpan !== null) { return; } var voteLinks = xpath(".//a[contains(@class, 'rating_post')]", div); for(var i = 0; i < voteLinks.snapshotLength; i++) { var voteLink = voteLinks.snapshotItem(i); //var url = voteLink.href; // always points to positive rating?! //voteLink.removeAttribute("href"); // modifying the element will invalidate the list element and the event listener will match nothing voteLink.addEventListener("click", function(event) { if(GM_xmlhttpRequest || XMLHttpRequest) event.preventDefault(); quickVoteFunctionBuilderNew(this.href, userName); sendVoteNew(this, this.href); } , false); } } } function quickVoteFunctionBuilder(voteLink, url, author) { return function() { log("voted for author: " + author); // mark as voted = "yellow"; // extract score var matches = url.match(/postvote-(-?\d)/); if(!matches) return; var score = parseInt(matches[1]); log("score: " + score); // score the author scorePoster(author, score); }; } function quickVoteFunctionBuilderNew(url, author) { // extract score var matches = url.match(/\/rate\/(positive|negative)\/$/); if(!matches) { log("vote url not found"); return; } var score = 0; if( matches[1] === "positive") score = 1; else if(matches[1] === "negative") score = -1; log("voting score: " + score + " added for author " + author); // score the author scorePoster(author, score); } function sendVoteNew(target, voteUrl) { //prefer the GM_ method because XMLHttpRequest requires XHR permission in uMatrix if(GM_xmlhttpRequest) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: voteUrl, onload: function(resp) { if(resp.status == 200) { = "yellow"; } } }); } else if(XMLHttpRequest) { var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', voteUrl, true); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) { = "yellow"; } }; xmlHttp.send(null); } else; } function addStyle(styleText) { if(GM_addStyle) { GM_addStyle(styleText); } else { var copyStyles = document.createElement("style"); copyStyles.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); copyStyles.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styleText)); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(copyStyles); } } function addStyles() { if(top !== self) return; // apply style rules from the first post to all posts // fixes look and positioning of the voting buttons // this is very messy but I want to avoid an external file var styleText = "\ /*#thread #replys li .post .posting_options,#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options{\ line-height:10px;\ position:absolute;\ right:0\ }\ /*#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks,#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks{\ display:inline-block;\ margin:-22px 0 0 10px;\ float:left;\ line-height:120%;\ text-align:center\ }\ /*#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post,#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post{\ float:left;\ width:12px;\ height:12px;\ overflow:hidden;\ color:#039;\ cursor:pointer;\ text-align:center;\ font-size:18px;\ line-height:14px;\ border:1px solid #ccc;\ background:#fff;\ padding:4px\ }\ /*#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post:hover,#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post:hover{\ opacity:.8;\ text-decoration:none\ }\ /*#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post.negative,#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post.negative{\ color:#c30000;\ margin-right:5px;\ border:1px solid #c30000;\ line-height:10px\ }\ /*#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post.negative:hover,#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post.negative:visited,#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post.negative:hover,/*#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks .rate_post.negative:visited{\ background-color:#c30000;\ color:#fff\ }\ /*#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks .positive,#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks .positive{\ color:#2b8f00;\ border:1px solid #2b8f00\ }\ /*#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks .positive:hover,#thread #replys li .post .posting_options .thanks .positive:visited,#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks .positive:hover,/*#thread .first_posting*/ .post .posting_options .thanks .positive:visited{\ background-color:#2b8f00;\ color:#fff\ }\ div[style] > h1.thread_title {\ font-size: 1.2em;\ margin-bottom: 10px;\ line-height: 22px;\ }\ "; addStyle(styleText); } function getPosterScoreBarCode(author) { var absScore = getPosterScore(author); if (absScore === undefined) return ""; // TODO: think about making it logarithmical var score = absScore * posterScoreScaleFactor; score += 5; if(score >= 4 && score <= 6) return ""; score = Math.min(score, 10); score = Math.max(score, 0); score += 1; score = Math.round(score); return " <img src=\"/icons/forum/wertung_" + score + ".gif\" title=\"User-Score: " + absScore + "\"/>"; } function getPosterScore(author) { return getLocalValue("score_" + author, 0); } function scorePoster(author, score) { var oldScore = getPosterScore(author); setLocalValue("score_" + author, oldScore + score); } function countLevel(el) { if(isNewForum) { return countLevelNew(el); } var lvl = 1; // limit loop, just to be sure for(var i=0; i < 10000; i++) { var par = el.parentNode; el = par; if(par == null) break; if(par.className == "thread_tree") break; if(par.className == "nextlevel" || par.className == "nextlevel_line") lvl++; } return lvl; } function countLevelNew(el) { var lvl = 1; // limit loop, just to be sure for(var i=0; i < 10000; i++) { var par = el.parentNode; el = par; if(par == null) break; if(!par.className) continue; if(par.className == "tree_thread_list") break; if(par.className.indexOf("posting_element") === 0) lvl++; } return lvl; } function insertPostStart(url, nr) { if(isNewForum) return url.replace(/(\/page-|_page=)\d+/, "$1" + nr); else { var eall = ""; if(document.location.href.match(/\/e-all/)) eall = "/e-all"; return url.replace(/(\/(list|foren)\/hs)-\d+/, "$1-" + nr + eall); } } function extractPostStart(url) { if(isNewForum) return extractPostStartNew(url); var matches = url.match(/\/hs-(\d+)/); if(!matches) return -1; return parseInt(matches[1]); } function extractPostStartNew(url) { var matches = url.match(/\/page-(\d+)/); if(!matches) { matches = url.match(/\?forum_page=(\d+)/); } if(!matches) return -1; return parseInt(matches[1]); } function joinOverviewPages() { if(isNewForum) { joinOverviewPagesNew(); return; } showOverviewPosterScores(document); var pageNrUls = getElementsByClassName(document, "ul", "forum_navi"); var threadTrees = getElementsByClassName(document, "ul", "thread_tree"); if(threadTrees.length == 0) threadTrees = getElementsByClassName(document, "ul", "fora_list"); if(pageNrUls.length == 0 || threadTrees.length == 0) { log("no forum_navi or thread_tree"); return; } var firstPageURL = ""; var lastPageURL = ""; // find the first and last of the page URLs var pageLinks = pageNrUls[0].getElementsByTagName("li"); for(var i = 0; i < pageLinks.length; i++) { var pageLink = pageLinks[i]; if(pageLink.innerHTML.match(/>Neuere</)) break; if(pageLink.innerHTML.match(/^\d+$/)) firstPageURL = ""; // find the URL var url = grepTitleLinkURL(pageLink.innerHTML); if(!url) continue; if(firstPageURL == "") firstPageURL = url; lastPageURL = url; } if(firstPageURL == "" || lastPageURL == "") { log("found no page URLs"); return; } // extract the post numbers var firstPostNr = extractPostStart(firstPageURL); var lastPostNr = extractPostStart(lastPageURL); if(firstPostNr == -1 || lastPostNr == -1) { log("found no post numbers"); return; } // limit pages to users setting var limited = false; if(lastPostNr - firstPostNr > maxJoinedPosts) { lastPostNr = firstPostNr + maxJoinedPosts; limited = true; } // add list items and load the overview pages into them var threadTree = threadTrees[0]; for(var j = firstPostNr; j <= lastPostNr; j += overviewPagePostCount) { var url = ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, j)); var li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = "<b>Beiträge ab Nr. " + j + "</b>"; threadTree.appendChild(li); li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = "<i>Lade...</i>"; threadTree.appendChild(li); requestHTML(url, callbackOverviewPage, j, li); } // add links to navigate if(firstPostNr > overviewPagePostCount) { var li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, firstPostNr - maxJoinedPosts - 3 * overviewPagePostCount)) + "\"><b>Vorwärts...</b></a>"; threadTree.insertBefore(li, threadTree.childNodes[0]); } if(limited) { var li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, lastPostNr + overviewPagePostCount)) + "\"><b>Weiter...</b></a>"; threadTree.appendChild(li); } } function joinOverviewPagesNew() { showOverviewPosterScores(document); var pageNrElmFirst = xpath1(".//span[@class='seiten']/a[position()=1]", document.getElementById("thread_sortierung")); var pageNrElmLast = xpath1(".//span[@class='seiten']/a[position()=last()]", document.getElementById("thread_sortierung")); if(pageNrElmFirst == null) pageNrElmFirst = xpath1(".//a[@class='page'][starts-with(@href, '?forum_page=')][position()=1]", document.getElementById("forum_wrap")); if(pageNrElmLast == null) pageNrElmLast = xpath1(".//a[@class='page'][starts-with(@href, '?forum_page=')][position()=last()]", document.getElementById("forum_wrap")); // only one page, nothing to join if(pageNrElmFirst == null || pageNrElmLast == null) return; var pageNrElmCurr = xpath1(".//span[@class='seiten']/em/text()", document.getElementById("thread_sortierung")); if(pageNrElmCurr === null) pageNrElmCurr = xpath1("./span[@class='active']/text()", document.getElementById("paginierung")); if(pageNrElmCurr === null) { log("current page element not found joinOverviewPagesNew()"); return; } var threadTree = document.getElementById("tree_thread_list"); if(!threadTree) var threadTree = xpath1(".//div[@class='inner_forum_list']/ul[@class='forum_list']", document.getElementById("forum_wrap")); if(threadTree == null) { log("no tree_thread_list or forum_list (joinOverviewPagesNew)"); return; } // the "first page" is actually the first with a link in the navigation bar // so when you are on the first page, firstPage is 2 ("Seite 2") var firstPageURL = ""; var lastPageURL = ""; // find the first and last of the page URLs firstPageURL = ensureAbsoluteUrl(pageNrElmFirst.getAttribute("href")); lastPageURL = ensureAbsoluteUrl(pageNrElmLast.getAttribute("href")); if(firstPageURL == "" || lastPageURL == "") { log("found no page URLs (joinOverviewPagesNew)"); return; } // extract the post numbers var firstPageNr = extractPostStart(firstPageURL); var lastPageNr = extractPostStart(lastPageURL); var currentPageNr = parseInt(pageNrElmCurr.textContent); if(firstPageNr == -1 || lastPageNr == -1) { log("found no page numbers (joinOverviewPagesNew)"); return; } if(Number.isNaN(currentPageNr)) { log("could not find current page number"); return; } // limit pages to users setting var limited = false; if(lastPageNr - currentPageNr > maxJoinedPosts / overviewPagePostCount) { lastPageNr = currentPageNr + maxJoinedPosts / overviewPagePostCount; limited = true; } // add list items and load the overview pages into them for(var j = currentPageNr+1; j <= lastPageNr; j++) { var url = ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, j)); var li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = "<b>Beiträge ab Seite " + j + "</b>"; threadTree.appendChild(li); li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = "<i>Lade...</i>"; threadTree.appendChild(li); requestHTML(url, callbackOverviewPage, j, li); } // add links to navigate if(currentPageNr > 1) { var li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, currentPageNr > (maxJoinedPosts / overviewPagePostCount) ? currentPageNr - maxJoinedPosts / overviewPagePostCount - 1 : 1)) + "\"><b>Vorwärts...</b></a>"; threadTree.insertBefore(li, threadTree.childNodes[0]); } if(limited) { var li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + ensureAbsoluteUrl(insertPostStart(lastPageURL, lastPageNr + 1)) + "\"><b>Weiter...</b></a>"; threadTree.appendChild(li); } } function callbackOverviewPage(txt, nr, startli, url) { if(isNewForum) { callbackOverviewPageNew(txt, nr, startli, url); return; } var matches = txt.match(/<ul class=\"(thread_tree|fora_list)\">([\s\S]*)<\/ul>[\s\S]*?<ul class="forum_navi">/i); if(!matches) { startli.innerHTML = "<b><i>Fehler beim Laden</i></b>"; return; } var lis = matches[2]; lis = lis.replace(/\/read(?!\/showthread-1)/g, "/read/showthread-1"); startli.innerHTML = "<ul style=\"padding-left: 0px; list-style-type: none\">" + lis + "</ul>"; showOverviewPosterScores(startli); } function callbackOverviewPageNew(txt, nr, startli, url) { var matches = txt.match(/<ol id="tree_thread_list">([\s\S]*)<\/ol>[\s\S]*?<!-- Seitenzahl [\d ]+ -->[\s\S]*?<div class="paginierung(?:_thread)?">/i); if(!matches) matches = txt.match(/<div class="inner_forum_list" id="inner_forum_list_\d+">\s*<ul class="forum_list">\s*(<li class="forum[\s\S]*)<\/ul>\s*<\/div>\s*<div id="paginierung">/i); if(!matches) { startli.innerHTML = "<b><i>Fehler beim Laden der Seite</i></b>"; return; } var lis = matches[1]; startli.innerHTML = "" + lis + ""; showOverviewPosterScores(startli); } function showOverviewPosterScores(root) { var userdivs; if(isNewForum) userdivs = xpath(".//span[contains(@class, 'written_by_user')]", root); else userdivs = xpath(".//div[@class='thread_user']", root); for(var i = 0; i < userdivs.snapshotLength; i++) { var div = userdivs.snapshotItem(i); div.innerHTML += getPosterScoreBarCode(div.innerHTML.trim()); } } function cleanUpReplyPage() { if(isNewForum) { cleanUpReplyPageNew(); return; } if(enableAutoQuote && document.getElementsByName("message")[0].value == "") { // select the right button the ultra hacky way document.getElementsByName("quote")[0].click(); return; } var form = xpath1("//div[@class='forum_content' or @id='mitte_forum']"); var html = form.innerHTML; // messy but working html = html.replace(/(?:Unsere Foren|Dieses Forum)[\s\S]*<textarea/i, "<textarea"); html = html.replace(/<i>\([^)]+\)<\/i>/ig, ""); document.body.innerHTML = html; } function cleanUpReplyPageNew() { // do not crop the regular answer page (e.g. after click on "Zitat einfügen") if(top === self && /\/save\/$/.test(document.location.href)) return; if(enableAutoQuote && document.getElementById("msg_body").value == "") { // select the right button the ultra hacky way document.getElementsByName("insert_quote")[0].click(); return; } /*var noticep = xpath1(".//p[@class='forum__hinweis']", document.getElementById("composer")); noticep.parentNode.removeChild(noticep);*/ var form = document.getElementById("reply_create_posting"); document.body.innerHTML = form.innerHTML; } function isWriteUrl(url) { if(isNewForum) return url.match(/\/reply\/$/); return url.match(/\/write\/$/); } function isNoTextEntry(titleText) { if(titleText.match(/[[/(](?:[kno](?:\.?w)?[./]?t\.?)[\])]\s*$/i)) return true; return false; } function ensureShowThreadLinks() { //there is no equivalent for this in the new forum? if(isNewForum) return; var links = xpath("//a[contains(@href, '/read/') and not(contains(@href, '/read/showthread-1'))]"); // we need the tree enabled on all links for (var i = 0; i < links.snapshotLength; i++) { var link = links.snapshotItem(i); link.href = link.href.replace(/\/read\/(?!showthread-1)/, "/read/showthread-1/"); } } function iReplyNew(frameId, replyUrl) { var frm = document.getElementById(frameId); frm.src = replyUrl; = ""; } function main() { if (!String.prototype.trim) { String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); }; } ensureShowThreadLinks(); if(enableIReply) { if(!isNewForum) defineScriptInPageContext( 'function iReply(frameId, replyUrl) {' + 'var frm = document.getElementById(frameId);' + 'frm.src = replyUrl;' + ' = ""' + '}'); // is reply page? if((isWriteUrl(document.location.href) || document.body.innerHTML.match(/<textarea name="message"/i) || document.body.innerHTML.match(/<textarea name="body" id="msg_body"/i)) && (top === undefined || !isWriteUrl(top.location.href))) { cleanUpReplyPage(); return; } } if(enableQuickVote && !isNewForum) { defineScriptInPageContext( 'function sendVote(target, voteUrl) {' + 'var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();' + '\'GET\', voteUrl, true);' + 'xmlHttp.send(null);' + ' = "yellow";' + '}'); } // is board overview? if(document.location.href.match(/\/forum-\d+\/list/) || document.location.href.match(/\/foren\/(?:hs-\d+\/)?$/) || document.location.href.match(/\/forum-\d+(?:\/comment)?\/$/) || document.location.href.match(/\/forum-\d+\/page-\d+\/$/) || document.location.href.match(/\/forum-\d+\/\?$/) || document.location.href.match(/\?forum_page=\d+$/)) { if(showRatings === 1) addStyle(".tree_thread_list--rating { display: inline !important; }"); // Rating in post list at the bottom of the thread, and in thread list); if(joinSubLevelForen === 1) joinOverviewPages(); return; } // else must be a thread view // except the reply site has no thread tree but has comments embedded if(!/\/reply\/$/.test(document.location.href)) joinThreadPosts(); } main(); })();