Making DinoRPG faster
Fast Discussions and Fights:
- No more waiting on dialogues, you can click on the answer before the text is fully loaded
- Fight r###lts can be shown instantly with a single click
With 1 click get:
- Merguez sausages, from the Merquez seller @ Ashpouk Ruins, with an extra button
- Water charm, from Bao's fan @ Bao Bob's House, with an extra button
- Fire charm, from Soft Shaman @ Lavapit, with an extra button
- Shovel repaired, by Miner @ Coral mines, with an extra button
- Shovel repaired, by Forger @ Forges of the Big All-Hot, with an extra button
- Double skill, from MadamX @ Bruteforce, with an extra button
- Focus, start focussing with Bao Bob @ Bao Bob's house, with an extra button
- To Nimbao, no more falling somewhere in Dinoland @ Klutz's workshop, with an extra button (until the workshop gets destroyed)
- Skully missions, 1 click to Skully's missions @ Twilight Cemetery, with an extra button
- Ashpouk Totem, from Professor Eugene @ The University, with an extra button
Details tab gets an extra line if:
- Invocater skills are gathered, but Invocator isn't available yet
- Double skills are gathered, but Double-Skill isn't available yet
Nice extras:
- Swamp roadsign, provides fight and move ability when near Sticky Swamp
- Bruteforce opponent info, shows info on opponent skills before you start the match
- Mission reward info, shows rewards before you accept the mission
- Level-up tree, shows when you level up
- Gravity Rock Roadsign, provides daily timetable for the gravity rock's position
- Dungeonmaps with ingame or external view option
The faster discussions and the merguez thing are copied from sunn0's DinoRPG simpler script, though slightly edited.
Added in V2.22:
- Fixed a wrong Cuzcous mapview for level 10.
Added in V2.21:
- Dungeon maps for Cuzcous Ruins added
- Removed scoll-zoom on dungeon maps, clickzoom + scrollbars seems to work better
Added in V2.20:
- Dungeon map for Kaze Kami Forest
- Updated the Gravity Rock Roadsign a bit so its more clear using an outline
Added in V2.19:
- Fixed minor bug issue in dungeon map zoom
Added in V2.18:
- Ingame dungeon maps now zoomable with click or scroll (pretty primitive since only Javascript is used, but it can zoom!)
Added in V2.17:
- Ingame viewable map for The Katacombs and The Monster Port Sewers when entering either dungeon
- Link to external mapview also available(Will add the other dungeonmaps when I reach those dungeons again)
Added in V2.16:
- Gravity Rock Roadsign fixed for Sunday
- Cassandra Missions fixed with correct missionnames
Added in V2.15:
- Show/Hide fight r###lt option
Added in V2.14:
Added in V2.13:
- (06-03-2015) Previous fix was bugged... fixed it now.
- Focus script fix, seems it only worked when no watercharm was present...
- Tournament Info updates
Added in V2.08-V2.11:
- Full skill path list for all level-ups
- Mission info got a remake, now it integrates more with the site
- Smog invocation for Air level-up
- Replaced image locations of most items which pointed at the forum, it seems MT removed those
- Mission info corrections
- Tournament info updates
Added in V2.07:
- Full skill path list for Lightning level-up
- Smog invocation for Lightning level-up
Added in V2.06:
- Double skill and Invocation info also visible under skill tree on level up
Added in V2.05:
- Skills tree when levelling up (in image of Rianon's DinoRPG site)
- Mission info fixes(f.e. Chen's missions are a bit different once you complete the Quetzu-quest)
- Tournament Info Updates
Added in V2.04:
- Link to Rianon's DinoRPG skills pages when a dinoz levels up(preparation to replace link with the actual skills list)
- Mission Info fixes
- Tournament Info Updates
Added in V2.02-V2.03:
- Mission Info fixes
- Tournament Info Updates
- Mission Info for Golum, Cassandra, Captain of the Guard and Sage Rhubabao'riley missions
Added in V2.00-V2.01:
- Fix on doubleskill button (it missed option 5)
- Charm buttons only appear if charm isn't already acquired
- Focus button only appears if Korgon Fins are acquired
- Mission Info fixes
- Tournament Info Updates
Added in V1.97-V1.99:
- Mission Info fixes
- Tournament Info updates
- Reward items given when completing a mission, since these don't show (anymore?) normally
- Get/Repair shovel only appears when not existent or broken @ Coral Mines
Added in V1.94-V1.96:
- Fixed To Nimbao script (now Nimbao really is 1 click away!)
- Mission Info fixes
- Tournament Info updates
- Forger shovel repair only shows when shovel is broken
Added in V1.91-1.93:
- Get Double skill fix
- Mission info fixes
- Tournament Info updates
- Get Ashpouk Totem 1 click (after getting the Old Stone)
Added in V1.90:
- Stickyswamp roadsign now shows which day it is and looks much better integrated
- Swamp roadsign can be seen from all connecting places
Added in V1.89:
Added in V1.85-V1.88:
- Mission Info fixes
- Tournament Info updates
Added in V1.84:
- All reward info except for Klutz, Gulom, Cassandra, Captain of the Guard, Rhubabao'riley(Some bugs could occur as to not having the exact mission names available)
Added in V1.83:
- Reward info for Soft Shaman, Elemental Master and Mr. Bao Bob
Added in V1.81-V1.82:
- Reward info for missionsYou can see the rewards when you click on your current mission.This opens the windows which allows you to give up the mission.
Added in V1.8:
- Get invocator and get double skill moved to top of skillslist.
- Added mouseover info for Get Invocator so you can see where to get it
- Bruteforce Tournament Opponent info.
The BTO info isn't completely accurate yet, so please provide feedback if you find faults or additional skills