Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
AniList Tier Labels JS - Adds a tier badge next to ratings on AniList.
ALcript JS - Change stuff on
All the anime top buttons JS - All the anime top buttons (has MAL-Sync support)
AniList - Activity Templates JS - Script that gives you the possibility to create Activity Templates on AniList
Anilist Banner Downloader JS - This script rips the top banner of the page on
Automail JS - Extra parts for
Tagless manga JS - Tagless manga on
Anisongs JS - Adds Anisongs to anime entries on AniList
BetterFollowingList JS - Tweaks to following lists on media pages
MALScore JS - Adds MyAnimeList link and score to AniList anime and manga pages
ALFastSearch JS - Adds quicksearch links to entries
Notification Navbar JS - Have notifications as a nav link!
Browse is important JS - try to take over the world!
Find on Nyaa JS - Will open nyaa on a new window and search for the anime title
Anilist VA filter JS - Filters the list of characters voiced by a VA to show only the characters from anime in your completed and current watchlists.
AniList MultiTitle Display JS - Adds the non-primary titles to the title display.
AniList - Anti-Social CSS - Mostly simple tweaks for removing most of the social features (like the feed on front page)
Anime Website (Custom) Buttons Plus JS - A script that adds buttons on Anime Planet, MAL, Kitsu, Anilist and aniDB for searching various sites.
AniList Unlimited - Score in Header JS - For, make manga and anime scores more prominent by moving them to the title.
AniList VRV external link color change JS - Changes the colors of the external links for VRV on AniList
AniList VRV external link color change (white text) JS - Changes the colors of the external links for VRV on AniList (white text)
AniList Mobile Re-sizer CSS - Makes adjustments to the margins, padding, and the sizes of some buttons.
AniList Black Theme Plus CSS - Makes the dark theme black and grey instead of midnight blue. Increases information density in a few places.
AniList High-Contrast Dark-Theme CSS - Adjusts the dark-theme to have higher contrast and some other tweaks.
AniList Darker CSS - Dark theme with red accent for AniList.
AniList - Search Title on AnimeBytes JS - adds a button on AniList anime pages to search AnimeBytes for the title
Anime Songs - AniList Player JS - This Script allows You to play Openings and Endings directly on AniList
Anilist more links (MAL/AniDB) JS - adds links to anilist/mal site to anilist (uses just the duckduckgo I'm feeling ducky feature with the anime name)
Anilist more links (MAL/AniDB) JS - adds links to anilist/mal site to anilist (uses just the duckduckgo I'm feeling ducky feature with the anime name)
Quick drop titles JS - Adds a dropped button to the quick tab for anilist
Boneless JS - Extra parts for
Anilist External Links JS - Adds external link section to Anilist manga pages, with Anime-Planet, MyAnimeList, MangaUpdates, MangaDex, and AniSearch.
AnilistLiker JS - Allows users to quickly like posts on Anilist just by one click ,this version allow you to blacklist or whitelist any user for ease of use
Animoji JS - Easy and fast way for users to add emojis and gifs to posts on Anilist . by Makhloufbel
AniList - Activity Assistant JS - Script that speeds up Activity Making
Search for anime titles on from JS - Adds a button under the title of anime/manga on, this button sends you to search r###lts on the torrent site
ANLogoS (AniList Dynamic Colored Logos) JS - Changes the color of the AniList logo to match profile themes
Auto Dark Mode for AniList Submission Manual JS - Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
AniList Status Filter JS - Filter anime by your status on AniList search page.
SendToClient JS - Painlessly send torrents to your bittorrent client.
AnilistBytes JS - adds torrents from animebytes to the anime view. Make sure to change the passkey and username from null or click the new button in the animebytes footer.
anilist-nolife JS - Quality of no life improvement on AniList
Anilist Banner Checker JS - Closes the tab if the page has a background image URL containing "banner" on Anilist website.
Activity Bookmark & Like History JS - Simple userscript/extension for AniList that allows users to bookmark text activities.
Open in Miru JS - Adds a link to open an anime in Miru, if you have MAL-Sync installed then it will be at the bottom of the Quicklinks.
Anilist Full Airing Preview JS - Show full list for anime/manga on home page
Anilist Auto Set Start Date JS - Auto set the start date when completing 1 episode/chapter anime/manga
Anilist: Activity-Feed Filter JS - Control the content displayed in your activity feeds
VoidPaste JS - Auto transform pasted image links.
VoidLayoutDesigner JS - Design AniList profile layouts
Anilist - Block Forum Users JS - Simple userscript/extension for AniList that block users in forum.
Anilist Remover JS - Removes specific anime/manga from recommendations and r###lts on Anilist
ultra-hotkeys JS - hotkeys for various sites
AniList - Search Title on TurkAnime and TRAnimeIzle JS - adds a button on AniList anime pages to search TurkAnime and TRAnimeizle for the title
AniList Jimaku Button JS - Adds a button to individual anime pages on AniList that links to the corresponding Jimaku entry
AniList Delete Button on List Items JS - Adds a delete button to all items on lists
AniList Edit Multiple Media Simultaneously JS - Adds the ability to select multiple manga/anime in your lists and act on them simultaneously
Anilist Auto Refresh on Session Expiry JS - Refresh the page if session expired message appears and the page is focused
Anilist Audience Score JS - 9/2/2024, 12:22:50 PM
AniList Shortcuts JS - Add multiples shortcuts + custom ones
Larger Action Buttons JS - Enlarges action buttons for replies and likes on Anilist
Anilist Remove Hearts for Selected Users JS - Removes the heart icon for activities by selected users on the Anilist homepage only.
AniList:RE JS - For, this script enhances the display of anime and manga information by adding scores from multiple sources to the header, relocating and formatting genres and tags, and displaying both romaji and native titles.