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Lift Web Restrictions: .io Game Mods (, Ad Link Bypasser, Adblock, & MORE! JS - A huge userscript that modifies hundreds of websites, adding mods, hacks, new features, and quality-of-life to the web! (in beta) Notable features: auto-redirects, a fully-featured hack, Google Classroom dark mode, mass delete discord messages, remove ads on baidu, disable Google Analytics, Facebook ad blocker!
🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 JS - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
Deletecord - Mass Delete Discord Messages JS - Adds a button to the Discord browser UI to mass delete messages from Discord channels and direct messages
Discord Reaction Spammer JS - This script adds a button in Discord's text box that allows you to automatically add reactions to new messages in text channels for however long is specified. Note: If a channel does not allow reactions, some odd things might happen.
Ad blocker JS - Updated version! Block ads on serval websites.
Discord Watch Deleted Messages JS - Records all deleted messages in every opened channel and stores them so you can read it later ;)
Discord Developer Mode [FIXED AGAIN] JS - Enables the discord developer settings
Discord Nitrolen V2: A Free Auto-Embedding Nitro script JS - Basically Free Nitro. Join my server for updates:
Discord Token Login JS - Allows you to log into Discord Accounts with the Discord Account Token or copies your own Discord Account Token
DiscoDelate - Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM (Bulk deletion) JS - Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM (Bulk deletion)
TikTok to TikWM Redirect JS - Redirect TikTok video links to in a new tab when middle-clicked
Discord Cyberpunk Neon Transparent CSS - Cyberpunk Neon theme for Discord, transparent version (custom background allowed)
Discord 2009 youtube player CSS - 2009 youtube player but its on discords built in video player (not youtube embed).
Discord Theme Changer JS - Discord Theme Changer like better discord theme
Screenshare with Audio JS - Screenshare with Audio on Discord
Discord Get Your Token JS - Get your Discord token
AutoMudae JS - Automates the use of Mudae bot in Discord
Discord customizer JS - Discord style
DiscordExperiments JS - Enable the Experiments menu in your Discord settings
pin discord channels JS - Implements pin/start/favorite channel functionality for Discord by displaying your favorite channels on top
ringtone for discord JS - discord PC only :/
Discord Hide Bot Indicators JS - Hides the "BOT" indicators. Note that this may make it harder to check if someone is or is not a bot.
Discord | Fullscreen Inbox CSS - Fullscreen Inbox for Discord
Discord Hide Channel List Button JS - Hides the channel list at the press of a button
Discord Keyword Notification JS - Displays a browser notification whenever a user mentions specific textual word(s) in a channel. The script must be manually edited to configure the keywords.
Discord Toggle Channels List JS - Adds show/hide channels sidebar button to Discord Web App
Discord Theme Color JS - Sets the Discord theme color to allow better title bar looking in PWA mode
Hide block messages on discord JS - Hide blocked messages completely
Discord Anonymise JS - Makes Discord names anonymous only on your screen (e.g. [2240] Anonymous)
Discord: Hide Image JS - Make images opacity lower.
Discord Obliterate 'Nitro' Button JS - Nukes the 'Nitro' button that has suddenly appeared around 30th Jan 2020. This is a new script because it has distinct behavior.
Mathcord Reborn JS - Typeset equations in Discord messages.
Discord: Zoom In Small Icon JS - Zoom in the image which is under the cursor.
Speedy | Discord theme JS - Discord cool theme!
Discord Text File Preview JS - Previewing uploaded text files in Discord
RemoveBlockedMessages JS - Get rid of blocked messages.
Login With Token JS - Adds a button to login with a token.
Discord Cyberpunk Neon CSS - Cyberpunk Neon theme for Discord
Disable Discord chat input JS - Avoid accidentally typing in chat
Pokedex 100 watch JS - Watch discord for pokedex entry
Hide Discord sidebars JS - Give the chat more screen space
Fix Move Caret by Word in Discord on macOS JS - Fixes issue where Discord updated and started overriding <kbd>option</kbd>+<kbd>←</kbd> and <kbd>option</kbd>+<kbd>→</kbd>, preventing the macOS default behavior of moving the caret by one word.
Dark Discord JS - dark theme discord for browser :)
Discord Text Highlight Remover JS - Discord theme
[Discord] Disable Reply Ping Automatically JS - Disable reply ping automatically in your discord!
QOAL/discord/dontPingReplies JS - Sets ping to OFF initially when using the Reply feature
Discord Follows System Theme JS - Automatically switch Discord theme based on your system theme.
Discord AMOLED Dark Theme JS - Dark Theme
Hotsno Discord Web Theme JS - A Discord theme made 100% by me.
Follows System Discord Theme JS - Witch Discord theme based Automatically on your system theme.
Discord Remixed Ringtone JS - Enables the Discord remixed ringtone.
DiscordVMSG JS - Voice Message using Discord liek snapchat. Hold the microphone button next to the chat bar to create a voice chat.
Discord Code Block Language Displayer JS - 14/04/2021, 16:43:59
autounping JS - 4/21/2021, 6:00:42 PM
CtrlDiscord JS - Use Ctrl + Enter to send message.
BlackListChecker JS - ayo whats good
[Discord] Status Animator (Manual edit/Non-UI) JS - Automatically changes your Discord status
New Userscript JS - test
Discord custom nicknames JS - Assign custom nicknames to Discord usernames client-side
Invert all colors JS - Funny, but quite annoying thing
Discord Conceals Filenames JS - Replace the names of files you upload to Discord.
Discord Experiments JS - This code was extracted from Samogot's LibDiscordInternals.
Serross Generator JS - Token Generator
Delete Discord [PRANK LOL] JS - Delete Discord Fully And Leave Your Friends Confused Why Its Not Loading...
QOAL/discord/channelPanel JS - Makes the channel list a panel you can toggle
Discord 2009 youtube player alt CSS - Yeah I made another one
DiscordTokenLogin JS - Adds an option to login to discord via a token from the clipboard
Discord Cyberpunk Neon Theme JS - Cyberpunk Neon theme for Discord
Discord Video Cycle JS - Cycles through Discord video streams
Discord - Do Not Mention on Replies By Default JS - Sets Mention on Reply to Off by default, and adds Alt+m as a keyboard shortcut to toggle
Login With Token JS - Adds a button to login with a token.
Discord - Custom Background Image JS - You can set custom background image of Discord;
IamDeveloper JS - Enable Developer Feature(e.x. Experiments) in Discord
Discord Obliterate Snowsgiving JS - Just no
auto-task-v4 JS - 自动完成 Freeanywhere,Giveawaysu,GiveeClub,Givekey,Gleam,Indiedb,keyhub,OpiumPulses,Opquests,SweepWidget 等网站的任务。
Discord Darkest Dark JS - The least stressful theme for your eyes. Based on
Fire & Water Discord Theme JS - Fire & Water Discord Theme By Biast12
DiscordFreeEmojis JS - Link emojis if you don't have nitro!
Discord Embed Right Click Enabler JS - Re-enables right click on image and video embeds in Discord, since the new custom context menu update.
Discord Obliterate Activities/Statuses JS - Just no
Auto Claim drops, envelopes & phrasedrops. JS - Automatically claim drops, envelopes, and phrase drops from the discord bot.
purpl3r0se's discord utilities JS - These are purpl3r0se's discord utilities.
Discord Token Getter JS - Gets your token on discord.
Discord Token Getter JS - Gets your token on discord.
Discord SpellCheck JS - Enable spellcheck 4/13/2022, 13:30:00
AutoCompleteForm JS - AScript!
Discord Auto Redirect Homepage To App Page JS - Automatically redirects you from the Discord homepage to the app page
Discord Auto-Focus Text Box JS - Automatically focus text box when entering the tab
Discord Fixs for Firefox JS - Fixes some glitches Discord in Firefox browser
All in One Injector.V1 JS - Youtube Downloader, Discord Delete Message Injector, Discord BackGround Injector, Discord Emotes Injector (Use all emotes), AntiVertify Injector
Anti Verify Injector JS - No verification
Mordern Background Image injector JS - Discord background Image injector
Texcord JS - Typeset (latex) equations in Discord. (uses KaTeX)
Discord Static Avatars JS - Animate avatars in the chat area
TGD-Discord JS - Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM (Bulk deletion)
Discord Theme (Dark Blue) JS - Comfy blue theme for Discord
Free Emojies Discord JS - Very useful
Discord Forest Theme JS - Forest
Get Discord User Token JS - A simple userscript to get your Discord user token.