Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
ultimatefighter JS - Nakurwia hity i je batony
Erepublik Messages Blocker JS - Hide unwanted messages from Erepublik citizens
dofd1d2 JS - Uzupelnia pola z cc i ####ami
egovatwar JS - Orders and shouts from Alliance Headquarters and Ministry of Defence
Old BF JS - Automatic redirection to the old battlefield page
Remove Dead Friends JS - Check your friends list and remove the dead and banned accounts
fast stat JS - fast stat for erepublik
Epic battle notifier JS - Alert when epic battle detected, checks every 5 min. It does NOT fight for you, only notify.
Ordens de Defesa - MoD ePortuguês JS - Plugin feito pelo Ministério da Defesa Português, para ver todas as batalhas importantes em que ePortugal está a lutar.
RW hunter JS - support RW
Erepublik Epics JS - Epic battles monitor
WRMdoc™ Helper JS - This simple script will provide easier buying from WRMdoc™ [].
eRep Energy Recovery JS - Energy recovery for eRebuglik
[Erepublik] All Party Members On One Page JS - Shows all members on one page
eRepublik top news toggler JS - Toggle button for the top news on eRepublik
[Erepublik] Extract BBCode of articles JS - Extracts BBCode of articles
eUSA Forums Feed for Erepublik JS - Preview the latest posts on your favorite eUSA Forums board from the Erepublik homepage
eRepublik Licenses and taxes JS - Table with licenses and taxes in the inventory. Scan for prices in a sortable table. Now with job offers.
Cheap Market - Ucuz Market JS - A slightly modified version of the script by N.Tsvetkov. It is not original. (
eRepmatik ORG detected JS - org detected
smskcntr Script v4 JS - simsekcountr
Unread eComments JS - Shows unread comments on eRepublik articles
Hızlı İşçi Düzenleme JS - muhteşem kolaylık
RW hunter JS - support RW
Accept all donations JS - autoaccept all donations
Erepublik elections id JS - try to take over the world!
Hide PVP JS - Hides the annoying guerilla fight button
Change stinger in air battles JS - Do not allow fighting with stingers - when the battle is loaded, the stinger is switched to fight without stingers
Auto Work at night JS - try to take over the world!
Auto comment Medals and Articles JS - try to take over the world!
fighters JS - type fighters() in console
q0 and focus JS - Switches weapon to Q0 in air battle and changes focus to fight button
bombs JS - try to take over the world!
Yarolds Referrer Close It JS - Closes game referral links at Yarolds
Yarolds Close It JS - Closes Non Action links at Yarolds, and does Actions then Closes Action links at Yarolds
Endorse 5cc JS - Endorse Erepublik article with 5cc!
Return to residency JS - Return to residency after some time. Claim daily rewards, claim weekly rewards.
Check and Deploy JS - Too long to describe
Checking S0mething JS - Find S0mething in s0mewhere
Checking S0mething 2 JS - Find S0mething in s0mewhere
New Something c00L JS - Too lazy to do something on Halloween
New but 0Ld JS - Too lazy to do something, it's old but new
Jalan-jalan JS - try to travel over the world!
Crazy Smart Stuff JS - try to handle all conflict
New Kit JS - try to take over the medals!
MoD mode JS - try to manage the world!
repeat order is a good order JS - try to take over the world over and over again!
Romusha JS - try to build the world!
Monitor JS - try to monitor the world!
eR move active enhacements to the top JS - Moves active enhacements to the top in eR inventory
eRepublik Licenses and taxes W JS - Table with licenses and taxes in the inventory. Scan for prices in a sortable table. Now with job offers.