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Evernote - Clean Print JS - Evernote - Clean Print style for new beta
Evernote Web in-app note link JS - This scripts shows the internal "evernote:///" URI of a note
TinyMce for Evernote JS - Adds TinyMce in Evernote with custom options including source code. A new button is added to Evernote top toolbar section.
Evernote direct link access JS - Evernoteのノート上のリンクに直接アクセスします
Yah's Evernote Audio Player JS - Simple Audio File player for Evernote shared notebooks
Evernote Full Screen View JS - Adds a full screen option to view Evernote Notes in view mode.
Evernote Editor Preview JS - Adds a preview option to Evernote Editor
Patch Evernote broken tables JS - Patch broken tables within Evernote shared notes (tables too wide)
Distraction Free Evernote JS - hit alt+m while a note is open to hide the navbar, header and footer, also activate fullscreen. a second alt+m reverts these changes.
Evernote direct link opening, without "You are leaving Evernote" JS - Faster links opening. Git repo at