Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 JS - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
chatGPT tools Plus(修改版) JS - Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, 360 Search, Google Mirror, Sogou, B Station, F Search, DuckDuckgo, CSDN sidebar CHAT search, integrate domestic words, star fire, sky work, righteous AI, Chatglm, 360 wisdom, 360 wisdom brain. Experience AI immediately, no need to turn over the wall, no registration, no need to wait!
Lift Web Restrictions: .io Game Mods (, Ad Link Bypasser, Adblock, & MORE! JS - A huge userscript that modifies hundreds of websites, adding mods, hacks, new features, and quality-of-life to the web! (in beta) Notable features: auto-redirects, a fully-featured hack, Google Classroom dark mode, mass delete discord messages, remove ads on baidu, disable Google Analytics, Facebook ad blocker!
Bypass It JS - Automatically Bypass Restrictions and Get Straight to Your Destination!
Google Translate Auto Languages JS - Auto switch Chinese/English
Gplex - Old Google Frontend JS - 2011-2019 Google frontend (public beta release)
Search Engine Assistant JS - "Elegant search engine assistant" allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.
adLBypasser [v1.6] || Ouo.Io, Uii.Io, Exe.Io, Bc.Vc, Adf.Ly & More ✔ NO ADS JS - Quickly advertising link bypass script
Wider AI Chat↔️ JS - Make the AI chat dialog window wider for ChatGPT/Claude/Kimi/Tongyi/ChatGLM/Tiangong/Deepseek/Gemini/Tencent Yuanbao/grok
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Baidu Google Bing URL Shorten JS - Mark Baidu、Google、Bing URL Shortest.
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Advanced Search Assistant for Google JS - Add an advanced search form to the top of the page
Google Scholar to free PDFs JS - Adds Sci-Hub, LibGen, LibSTC and Anna's Archive buttons to Google Scholar r###lts
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
Google Images direct link JS - NOTE: Since July 2016 this script is unmaintained. It is here just for historical purposes and to let other people fork it. Adds direct links to images and pages in google image search
Youtube Download ALL VIDEO JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
Sci-hub button JS - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
Reddit search on Google JS - Adds a button to search Reddit posts with Google
Google Search Tools to Sidebar CSS - Always expands the search tool and moves it back to the left side (legacy feature).
Google Docs Dark Theme JS - Make Google Docs a bit darker
[Main] Google Docs Dark Mode CSS - Google Docs Dark Mode - Main
Search engine redirection optimization (Baidu, Sogou, Google, Bing) JS - 1. Bypass your own redirect connection in search r###lts from Baidu, Sogou, Google, and Haosu, and directly access the original webpage - you can understand it anyway. 2. Add custom website interception function. 3. Add Favicon display. 4. Page CSS. 5. Add counting. 6. Switch to select the above functions. 7. Automatic page flipping function
Set Slope Speed and Set Points JS - Sets the speed and set points for a slope game
Hide Google AI Overview JS - Hide AI Panel in Google search
Project VORAPIS JS - V3 is the alternative solution to a fast and responsive YouTube frontend which combines performance with beauty, bringing back Google's best web layout.
Google Search Better Privacy JS - Delete unnecessary params and add useful params on Google Search.
Resize Video To Window Size JS - Resize the video player for various sites to the window size.
Google Favicons JS - Adds favicons to Google search r###lts.
Remove Google Click-tracking JS - Removes Google's click-tracking from r###lt links
Googlifix JS - Fixes layout of Google if you don't like 2012 and 2013 changes. Brings back left column (sidebar) options, all expanded, black bar, etc.
Avatars Plus! and More for Google+ JS - Google+ is now lively and fun! No more small, static and low resolution avatars, also restore In Your Circles section. Other cool features are waiting for you to discover!
appchan x JS - The most comprehensive 4chan userscript.
MoreCAPTCHA JS - Speeds up solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges by shortening transition effects and providing continuous selection ability.
Google Docs Animations JS - Adds animations to Google Docs
DoodleGoneBy Removal JS - Replace the Google logo with a hosted image
Flickr Link Original Images AllMod JS - Add link to original (or large, or middle if original is missing) image on top of Flickr thumbnails
Google Disable SafeSearch automatically JS - Disable Google SafeSearch automatically
Direct download from Google Play JS - Adds APK-DL, APKPure, APKCombo, APKPremier, APKMirror and Evozi download buttons to Google Play Store when browsing apps.
Endless Google [fork] JS - Load more r###lts automatically and endlessly.
Google Gmail sidebar invert color Dark Night Mode Theme JS - Google Gmail sidebar invert color Dark Night Mode Theme - currently undergoing build
GBookDown - Download Google Books JS - Saves all available Preview pages from a Google Book as PNGs
Fix Gmail Email Search JS - Improved version of the old "Emails" quick search functionality in Gmail, one click to view all emails you've sent or received from any address
ReCaptcha Automatizer JS - Passes ReCaptcha automatically as long as no suspicious traffic was registered.
Google Search restore URLs (undo breadcrumbs) JS - Brings back the full URLs in r###lts.
Google Search remove icons and undo breadcrumbs JS - #### breadcrumbs and icons in Google search r###lt.
Google Images direct link fix JS - Adds a direct button link for the image.
GoogleBookDown - Download Google Books as PNGs or PDF JS - Saves all available Preview pages from a Google Book as PNGs or PDF, Base on GBookDown
Better Google JS - Restore google search r###lts to older style with green link below title instead of link above title. Just tweaks the CSS and does some dynamic JS reordering of the DIVs.
●→■ Unround Everything Everywhere ◙ CSS - Forces zero border-radius to everything.
Better Google (Updated) JS - Don't be evil
Userstyles / Greasy Fork Enhancer Dark-Grey v.248 CSS - Custom Widescreen CSS theme for and
Don't track me Google JS - Removes the annoying link-conversion at Google Search/maps/...
Google Search Translate Button [Improved] JS - Adds a Translate button to the Google Search page
Google搜索、Github、YouTube点击链接打开新的标签页 JS - Google搜索、Github、YouTube点击链接时,在新的标签页打开链接网站
Privacy Redirector JS - Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
Open-Source Alternative Redirector JS - Redirects you from proprietary web-services to ethical alternatives(front-end).
Download Extension from Chrome Web Store JS - Script meant for Ungoogled Chromium, but may be used with any browser to directly download Chrome Extensions from Chrome Web Store.
Better Classroom JS - Dark Mode, Show Hide Class, more update soon...
Google Play APK Download JS - Uses Evozi's API to download APK on a Google Play page
HanoiCollab_v2 JS - HanoiCollab client for Second Generation HanoiCollab server
Google Scholar Bib Helper JS - Copy BibTeX records quickly within search r###lts.
PlumFont - Replace Roboto, Segoe UI, Arial, and other fonts JS - Replace web page fonts with your preferred ones. Stop using Segoe UI, Arial, and Microsoft YaHei. Replace English numerals with the SF Pro and Inter fonts.
Cookie Clicker Autoclicker JS - A simple script for cookie clicker that will autoclick cookies for you
Google Snake Mod Loader (Standard) JS - Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods
Google Forms to Text JS - Save "Google Forms" forms to a plaintext and copy to clipboard
Change Gmail Favicon to 2012-2018 JS - Changes the favicon of Gmail to a custom image
Human-Typer (Automatic) - Google Docs & Slides JS - Types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress.
Formify JS - Let AI solve your google forms
Zotero GPT Connector JS - Zotero GPT Pro, support ChatGPT Gemini Poe Kimi Coze Chatglm Yiyan Tongyi Claude Mytan ChanlderAi DeepSeek Doubao AIStudio MicrosoftCopilot
Google Sheets Dark Mode JS - 12/7/2023, 10:09:32 AM
URL Modifier for Search Engines JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying (redirecting) URLs in the search r###lt of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites, allowing for a more customized and efficient browsing experience. You can also add you custom URL modification rule to the script and are welcomed to commit your rules to this script to make it much more useful.
『净网卫士』在线翻译 JS - Block ads on Baidu's translation interface, streamline pages, and optimize layout.
Center Google Search Page JS - Centers the layout of Google search page.
Show Google Maps in EU Search Pages JS - Bring Maps links to Google Search r###lt pages in the EU once again.
4/21/2024 Latest Google Snake Mod Loader (Standard) JS - Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods. This is just here because the latest posted version here on Greasy Fork is outdated and doesn't work. By the way, here is the latest fbx page mods link:
Google Classroom Mod Menu JS - Adds a mod menu to Google Classroom for customization options like active teacher mode, activate incognito, dark mode, custom background, email scraper and more.
Multi-Redirect Buttons for Google PlayStore JS - Adds multiple buttons to redirect from Google PlayStore to different websites (A2Zapk, APKMirror, APKPure, ApkCombo).
[Film Tools] VIP movie analysis, short video analysis, search engine, Douban/Time Quick Search JS - VIP movie analysis: Youku, Tencent, iQiqi, LeEco, PPTV, 1905, Mango, Fengxing, Bilibili, Sohu; Short video analysis: youtube, station B, watermelon, Tiktok, Kwai, Xiao####shu, microblog, acfun;
Google News Enhanced via Gemini AI JS - Google News with AI-Generated Annotation via Gemini
Gemini Keyboard Shortcuts JS - This userscript enhances your Gemini experience by adding a wide range of keyboard shortcuts for streamlined navigation and interaction, as well as cleaning up Gemini's UI.
Expose video url classroom JS - expose video url classroom
Add Google Maps Link to Google Search Navigation JS - Adds a "Maps" link to Google Search navigation, allowing users to directly open their search query in Google Maps.
Google Scholar BibTeX Integration JS - Add BibTeX r###lts directly to each Google Scholar search r###lt entry with a copy button
Gemini Download Conversation JS - Download a conversation from Gemini to a markdown file.
AI Studio Style Enhancer JS - Eye-Friendly Styles & Element Control: Enhances Google AI Studio with eye-friendly styles and toggles visibility for user prompts, thinking process, system instructions, and input box. Includes menu controls.
Google English Language + No SafeSearch JS - English interface with any-language r###lts and SafeSearch off
Maknyos AutoIn JS - Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox,,, and many more...
google-code-rawfile JS - get google code revision rawfile-link
Replace Chrome New Tab JS - Replaces Chrome 33 New Tab with apps list page
Google picasa JS - get imageUrl from picasa in English
Google 検索窓を複製 JS - Also shows the search box to the page bottom.
CrowdSource: Search Keywords JS - Click on the circle task number indicators on the left to start working
ID Copy/Paste JS - Places an unobtrusive button on the page which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID. Edited by Tjololo12: Hover highlight for easy copy-paste, does not show on mturk pages
Google Black Bar Returns Now Customizable! JS - This Script brings back the Google Navigation Bar with customizable options, and removes the App Grid navigation entirely. You can change the links on the bar, the colors of the bar, the background image of the bar, and if the bar is always visible, or not. Check for updates regularly for bug fixes, and new features!
Google Reader Search Current Feed Button JS - Add a new button next search button, to search current feed.
Google Cache Redirect Remover JS - Removes the Google redirect in cached links
FFXII Revenant Wings Wiki JS - Translates the FFXII wiki
GooglePlus Annihilation JS - Removes G+ buttons on Google