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Instagram Download Button JS - Add the download button and the open button to download or open profile picture and media in the posts, stories, and highlights in Instagram
🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 JS - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
Bypass It JS - Automatically Bypass Restrictions and Get Straight to Your Destination!
Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
IG Helper JS - Downloading is possible for both photos and videos from posts, as well as for stories, reels or profile picture.
Download Original Picture JS - A tool to help you download full size images from websites
Instagram Reloaded JS - View or download the full-size Instagram image/video. Super simple: press alt+f or shift & click to view media - alt & click saves file. Read for more options.
Story Downloader - Facebook and Instagram JS - Download stories (videos and images) from Facebook and Instagram.
Instagram Download JS - Download instagram image and video
Instagram: pictures, video batch downloader JS - Downloader for Instagram, support batch download pictures and videos
Instagram Basic JS - Restores basic video control for Instagram videos after clicking to "unmute" (showing time and progress bar) and enabling left-click.
Simple Web Blocking JS - Creates Graphics and Moms.
Un#### Instagram JS - View Instagram images without javascript. Just the image, please.
Big Instagram Images JS - Makes Instagram preview images full-sized
Instagram image downloader JS - Adds a download link for instagram images in the one-image pages
Instagram - browse not logged JS - Remove login message and popup. Remove cookies warning. Unlock links on the page.
Instagram Downloader JS - Quick 'n dirty little userscript for accessing pictures and videos off of Instagram. Everything is accessed via right-clicking image or video. Note: for videos requires viewing the actual post (not just in the feed).
Instagram mobile on Desktop Fix JS - Change the User Agent on Instagram to use mobile version on Desktop
Open-Source Alternative Redirector JS - Redirects you from proprietary web-services to ethical alternatives(front-end).
Instagram 2014 CSS - Makes Instagram (WEB) look like it did in 2014
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Instagram Anonymous Story Viewer JS - Blocks a specific request to maintain anonymity while viewing Instagram stories.
Instagram: Blind Stories JS - Watch user stories anonymously
Instagram comment deleter JS - Deletes ALL of your comments
InstaSaver - Instagram media downloader JS - Add download buttons to Instagram posts and reels to download images or videos from post body.
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
Instagram Threads Checker (OSINT) JS - Check if an instagram username has a threads profile by scraping
Instagram Auto Followers/Following Scraper (OSINT) JS - Auto scraping of all instagram Followers/Following to a .csv with popup controls.
Instagram Post Date and Location JS - Adds post date and location to instagram feed
Simple Website Blocker JS - Blocks specified websites
Instagram: middle-click to new tab JS - Allows you to open links in new tabs by middle clicking
Instagram Squared*漂亮背景+布局OK JS - Squaring off all new wide format photos and videos for old school vibe. Multi-column feed, bigger photos on profile pages, bigger post pages and post overlays
Instagram List Links JS - Userscript that lets you back up your instagram media
TwitterInstaCleaner JS - Removes promoted-tweets(ADs), follow suggestions and trending tweets sections
Andrew's Instagram Tag Downloader JS - Download all pictures and/or videos for a certain tag.
instagram_allow_saveimage JS - Allow "Save image as..." on context menu of Instagram.
instagram_ex JS - enable save instagram images
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Instagram Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Helps you like/follow/browse in Instagram ultra-fast via keyboard; use keys A/D/Left/Right for next/previous picture, W/Up for Like/Unlike, S/Down for follow/unfollow ... made by
ShadeRoot Instagram JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Instagram
InstaZoom JS - Show actual size image when clicking on it. It also unmutes the stories automatically
Download Instagram Image JS - Add button Download for an Instagram Image
InstaMagnify: Instagram Media Downloader JS - Best! Greatly enhance your Instagram navigation experience! And magically view or download the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums, images/photos, videos and profile avatars. If you have ever wanted to save a story, album, image/photo, video or avatar, then this is for you!
Remove Stories from Instagram JS - Just removes the recently added stories from desktop Instagram
Instagram Downloader JS - Instagram Media Downloader For Web Version
Instagram Followers Liker JS - Script will like foolowers recursively
Disable Instagram Video Loop JS - Disable the looping of Instagram videos.
Add Instagram Video Progressbar JS - Add a video playback progressbar at bottom of an Instagram video. This script also disables video looping and unmute audio. All are configurable in script code. Note: CSP must be disabled for Instagram, or use Tampermonkey.
Instagram video downloader JS - Adds a download link for instagram videos in the one-image pages
Instagram unprotect JS - Unprotects Instagram images in the single-image pages
Instagram Logger JS - Log stuff on the instagram homepage. It will only log what you see.
Instagram follow JS - try to take over the world!
Instagram Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Helps you like/follow/browse in Instagram ultra-fast via numpad; use keys Numpad 7/9 for next/previous picture, for posts with multiple pictures use Numpad 1/3 for next/previous picture. Numpad 4/6 cycle through pictures in multiple picture post as well. Numpad 8 for Like/Unlike, Numpad 5 for play/pause video ...Update of script made by
Instagram Downloader JS - Adds a download button for Instagram posts online.
(Deprecated) Instagram Source Opener JS - Open the original source of an IG post, story or profile picture
I_FollowYou JS - Follow
oneClickDeleteInstagramPost JS - Add [Delete] button on the post in Personal Page on Instagram. Directly delete post without confirm.
Instagram style JS - try to take over the world!
InstagramPostsLiker JS - Clicks "like" button when sees it. Just scroll the page as you usually do.
Instagram Picture Content (Alt) Displayer JS - With this script you will be able to see the automatically recognized content of a picture (found in the alt attribute) by clicking on it.
Instagram Image Viewer JS - View the full image with the click of a button (or D key press).
instagram_allow_saveimage2 JS - Allow "Save image as..." on context menu of Instagram.
Ape's escape artist JS - All this script does is allowing you to access the context menu and selecting text/images + dragging them. Works in Firefox 68
Instagram Tag And Like JS - like by tag name, auto like by tag name, best ever!
Instagram Feed Auto Like JS - like user feed, auto likeer, best ever!
Instagram mobile on Desktop JS - Change the User Agent on Instagram to use mobile version on Desktop
Instagram Direct Message Chat JS - Activate Direct Message on Instagram for any browser by changing useragent to iPhone
Instagram - Add notes to the user JS - Add notes (aliases/tags) for users to help identify and search, and support WebDAV sync
Instagram Dark Mode JS - A dark mode for Instagram
Limit Instagram JS - Limit the time to watching Instagram and use your time effectively.
ig-shutup JS - block instagram login popup and re-enable scroll
InstaKiller JS - Bypass the 'required' log in for instagram.
InstagramWithoutLogin JS - Browse instagram without login. No more login popups and scroll through whole pages.
Instagram Keyboard Shortcuts for Power User JS - Scroll through posts with standard J/K keyboard shortcuts. L to like, O to save, U/I to rewind/fast forward video, M to Mute/Unmute, Space to play/pause video. On the Reels page use left/right arrow keys to rewind/fast forward video.
Instagram full-size media scroll wall JS - Creates a scrollable wall of full-size images from any user's instagram page, "tagged" page, or the instagram homepage. Just click the "Load Images" button at the top of the list of images/posts.
Instagram Story Downloader JS - Adds a button that lets you download stories
Instagram Mobile WebView JS - Enables the mobile view (with DMs and the possibility to upload) on desktop
Remove Instagram Sign Up JS - Hide instagram's singup pop up and layover
Instagram: Hide Image JS - Make Instagram Images Opacity Lower.
Unfollow Instagram JS - Deixa de seguir todas as pessoas do instagram
Instagram video player with basic control of volume and skipping. JS - try to take over the world!
instaclear JS - Lightweight script that monitors your instagram-journey and kills annoying overlays at real-time mode. It let you save photos just using default context-menu.
"view replies" auto expander JS - click on "view replies (500)" and it will click on the same button until all replies open.
View Instagram Without Login JS - View Instagram without login via
Instagram Larger Photos JS - Makes single page photos a little bigger
Browse Instagram Without Logging In (Removes login/register Pop-up and opens up links) JS - Removes annoying login/register popup when scrolling down a profile by adding an [ X ] button on the popup and allows you to see posts without logging on.
Scrapy Spider for Instagram JS - Scrapy spider for scraping Instagram
Instagram Show More Posts JS - Auto Clicks Instagram Show More Posts Button
Instagram Story Unmute | Instagram Stories Unmuter | Muted Instagram Story | JS - Instagram Stories Desktop Unmuter
Remover advertencia de instagram JS - Eliminar advertencia de instagram, volex.
ins shotcut JS - Use cursor keys to browse images, use shortcut keys to like and favorite,ArrowLeft:Prev | image ArrowRight:Next Image | Up ArrowDown:NextArticle | ArrowUp:PrevArticle | KeyZ:Like | KeyX: Add to Favorite
Instagram - Allow right click on images CSS - Allow right-clicking on images on Instagram
Instagram widescreen CSS - Makes Instagram use its space better by filling the screen on home and profile pages using a grid layout.
Instagram Like Bot With 15 Second Time Delay JS - Likes The Posts Automatically From Hashtags With A 15 Second Time Delay..
Instagram web RTL JS - a script to fix rtl on web version of instagram
Instagram Fix Arrow Keys JS - Fixes arrow keys function in stories reply box. Without the fix pressing any arrow key erases the whole reply.
Instagram Persian Date JS - this script convert all date of Instagram to Shamsi date
BetterInstagram JS - An awesome theme for Instagram. White is trash.