Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
BetterInstagram JS - An awesome theme for Instagram. White is trash.
Privacy Redirector JS - Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
Instagram Downloader - HISHTNIK JS - Download Instagram photos and videos from posts.
Instagram Dark Theme JS - Redirects to /?theme=dark which is an official dark theme for instagram
TamperMonkey Instagram Dark Theme JS - TamperMonkey Instagram Dark Theme is an userscript which aims to change the theme of the website, and make it a dark theme when the system is in dark mode.
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
Imagus instagram channel fix. JS - Remove blocking elements to make Imagus work.
Progresigo JS - Improve search and browsing experience with various features
Hide Explore tab r###lts in mobile mode JS - Hide Explore tab r###lts and "use mobile app" banner in mobile mode
Auto unmute Stories JS - Automaticly unmute stories / turn story audio on
Instagram Notification Displayer JS - Display the amount of notifications on Instagram Desktop similair to Discord.
Instagram Utils JS - get user email
Instagram 4K Screen UI JS - Improve the view of instagram on 4K screen
Instagram Redirect JS - Redirect Instagram
Enlarge Instagram Following Dialog JS - Resizes / Enlarge Ig following dialog
kittyclickr - bring back the old instagram feed JS - brings back the old following feed on Instagram :3
Instagram Video Controls JS - Adds video player controls to Instagram videos
Force Instagram dark mode JS - Forces instagram dark mode on desktop
InstaHaul JS - From the creator of SpotOn, a Spotify Overhaul, I bring you this! Addition of a video playback progress-bar at bottom of an Instagram video (Currently set as purple, with a inverted background, but can be changed!). Video controls, an always on dark theme and some other neat features.
Block Social Media JS - replace a social media website with a message to get off(you can add any other ones you want)
Instagram Dark Mode Redirect JS - Redirect to Instagram's official dark theme site.
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Instagram Video Anti-Pause JS - Prevent Instagram Videos From Pausing When Switching Web Browser Tab.
BetterInstagram JS - An Instagram Modifier and Theme, You can inject it using Tampermoney or Greasemonkey.
Instagram: Fix Image Linking JS - Fix Right Click on Image/Video to Download & User Mentions Button on Instagram browsing as Guest
Mindfulgram for Instagram JS - Mindfulgram allows you to use Instagram in a mindful way, by removing the addictive content consuming aspects, and just leaving the useful aspects. Learn more on
Focus Mode for Social Media JS - block time-wasting social media & other
Instagram Next/Prev Shortcut JS - Add shortcuts for Instagram Next/Prev buttons
anti-tiktok JS - be more productive !
Lift Web Restrictions: Modified JS - A user extension that modifies many sites.
Instagram Explore and Reels Button Remover (German and English) JS - Removes the Explore and Reels button on Instagram (supports German and English language settings)
Redirect Instagram Web JS - To redirect Instagram Web
Instagram Close Fix JS - work around, for the instagram bug to select elements when closing the post
Copy Modified URL on Click Instagram JS - Copies ddinstagram links into your clipboard. Will make you share TikTok videos easier on platforms like Telegram and Discord.
Hide Instagram Feed, Stories, Reels, and Explore Page JS - This script removes the stories, feeds, reels, and explore page from Instagram, allowing you to see only the things you explicitly search for. It's supposed to help you remove some distractions from your life, while still allowing you to browse through Instagram if you actually need to see something there.
Stop videos looping JS - Stop videos looping (Youtube, Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook)
Fix Post Right Click JS - A simple userscript that remove's blocking elements to allow copying the image on Instagram and adds video controls
Instagram Mobile Home Feed Suggested Video Prevention JS - Simple script to prevent scrolling beyond "You've completely caught up" element
Remove Threads link and red badge on JS - Removes the div with the href on without using the class xdy9tzy
Instagram Audio Autoplay JS - Automatically enable audio playback on Instagram videos
Instagram Greyscale Filter JS - Applies a greyscale filter to Instagram (excluding pages with /direct/ in the URL)
Instagram Greyscale Filter (Videos Only) JS - Applies a greyscale filter to Instagram (Videos Only)
instagram redirect to picuki JS - 12/9/2023, 3:07:35 AM
Instagram Redirector JS - Redirect to a specific variant on Instagram
Instagram comment deleter JS - Deletes ALL of your comments
Instagram like deleter JS - Deletes ALL of your likes
Instagram: Arrow Keys for Multi-Image Posts JS - Makes right/left keys navigate next/previous images in multi-image posts, as well as to adjacent posts. Holding shift, right/left jumps directly between posts. Esc key closes posts.
Instagram-Pixwox redirector JS - Redirect Instagram to equivalent Piokok (formerly Pixwox) page
Instagram sponsored posts remover JS - Remove sponsored posts on Instagram
pip insta video call JS - PIP the video call while you are calling in Instagram video call
instagram Default Volume JS - Set your Instagram videos default volumes
Instagram non-English link redirector JS - Remove language codes (e.g. hl=fr) from Instagram URLs
instagram DM Resizer JS - Set your Instagram DM Sizes
(Instagram) Allow Right-Click Image Downloading JS - yeah
Instagram dark and responsive CSS - Instagram website is more suitable for wide screens and for our eyes.
Disable Double Tap to Like on Instagram JS - Prevent double-tap to like on Instagram images
Ig tools JS - Copy Username, Download Image.
Instagram Volume Control Enhanced JS - Adjust default volume on Instagram videos with a user-friendly interface and persistent settings, now with a modern look
Remove Threads link and red badge on JS - Removes the div with the href on without using the class xdy9tzy
Instagram Video Volume Controller JS - Sets the volume of Instagram videos to 10%.
Shorts Reminder JS - Get reminders to take a break from watching shorts (default every 15 minutes)
Instagram scroll JS - Scroll through posts with mousewheel on web browser
Instagram Chat Bot JS - A script that adds a side panel to Instagram's DM section. Activates an AI-powered bot to automatically reply to incoming messages.
(Instagram)Enable standard video controls JS - enable standard video controls
Block Instagram Ads and Suggested Posts JS - Block Instagram posts with "Follow", "Suggested for you", or "Suggested posts"
Replace Images and Videos with White Divs (Social Media Version) JS - Replace all images and videos on Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit with white divs
Ins### JS - 获取INS数据!
Instagram Embed Link Copier for Discord JS - Adds two buttons to copy Instagram post links with modified URLs for proper embedding on Discord. One adds "dd" before "instagram" and the other adds "ez" after "instagram".
Simple instagram Images JS - Simple userscript to open instagram images in another tab.
Stop Scrolling Instagram JS - Simple script to prevent scrolling beyond "You've completely caught up" element
instagram-dm-unsender JS - Simple script to unsend all DMs in a thread on
Better Instagram JS - An Instagram addon that removes the Reels button and blocks the Reels page.
Exact-Time-Viewer-For-Instagram JS - Converts Instagram time elements to local time zone in user's local time zone format with time zone info added.
[INSTAGRAM] WORKING PROGRESS BAR JS - Adds a progress bar to all videos (Reels included) on Instagram and lets you skip thru the video
Hide Instagram Reels and Explore Button JS - Hide Instagram reels and the explore button from the webpage
Instagram Stories Background Playback JS - Allow Instagram Stories to play in the background
Instagram Gallery Downloader JS - Scans for images and downloads them from cache
Instagram Background Playback JS - Keeps Instagram videos playing in the background.
Instagram Auto Unmute Videos and Stories JS - Automatically unmutes Instagram videos and stories once per session or event.
Instagram Video Controls - Enhanced State Management JS - Video controls for Instagram with persistent state and improved muting prevention
Instagram Reel Volume Control JS - Add a volume bar to reduce the volume of Instagrams ####ing loud reels
Instagram Reels Auto Scroll JS - Auto-plays next reel when your on the reels page on someone's profile!
Instagram Profile Picture Opener JS - Adds a styled context menu option to open Instagram profile pictures in new tab
Social Media Background Playback JS - Keeps videos playing in the background on Google, TikTok, & Instagram
Instagram Reels Improver JS - This script removes the max-width of the div containing the video, so it can be viewed in full size. It also removes the related Reels below the video. Finally, it will turn the video sound on by default.
Video Controls for Instagram JS - Instagram video controls with keyboard shortcuts and persistent unmute, originally by FXZFun (
Instagram Slideshow With Custom Time JS - autoclicks the next button smartly to feel like slideshow.For Videos wait till it plays twice before clicking next.Preview all post in Instagram carousel before jumping to next post.
instakeeplay JS - Prevents Instagram videos from pausing when switching tabs and adds a custom seek bar to all videos.
Instagram Square Posts Fix JS - Forces Instagram posts to be perfectly square in the grid layout.
Add Video Controls on Instagram JS - Adds controls to videos on Instagram.
Unfollow Everyone on Instagram JS - Automatically unfollows EVERYONE on Instagram