Showing r###lts for all languages. Show English r###lts only.
Kickass 24hJS-Adds top 24h buttons to kickass like the top48h in tpb.
Anti-DMCA script for KATJS-Started by PXgamer & Chev.Chelios
Kickass Torrents Yandex Browser TransparencyJS-Adds the Transparency feature for Yandex Browser (currently Yandex Alpha only) on Kickass Torrents.
KAT - Mass AcceptJS-Adds a button to your profile that will allow you to accept all friend requests
Message NotifyJS-Flash for Message/Title Edit
Subs Adder [KAT]JS-Adds subtitle YIFYSubs link to KAT pages
Add Followers BubbleJS-Adds Follower Bubble
Special Occasions HeadersJS-Adds banners for special occasions
Extra SmileysJS-Adds more smileys to KAT
Uploads List AdderJS-Adds uploads list button to the sidebar of each torrent
Flags for KATJS-Adds Flags
Auto-Save Message [WIP]JS-Auto-Saves message on accidental click.
KAT home page + search customizerJS-color codes the file sizes for table lists of r###lts