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Faviconize SearX JS - Add favicons to SearX/SearXNG
Invidious: full width JS - 5/24/2023, 9:30:45 AM
New Instance Button for Redlib JS - Adds a button to Redlib (previously Libreddit) instances to redirect to a new instance.
- to youtube JS - Redirect to youtube
[Buggy] Redlib Quirk Fixer JS - Fix some quirks of Redlib (previously Libreddit) instances (disabled HLS, disabled NSFW, etc). Buggy, see README.
URL Modifier for Search Engines JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying (redirecting) URLs in the search r###lt of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites, allowing for a more customized and efficient browsing experience. You can also add you custom URL modification rule to the script and are welcomed to commit your rules to this script to make it much more useful.
Add to Watch Later for Invidious JS - Adds an "Add to Watch Later" button on video thumbnails for Invidious