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Politics and War Market Extractor JS - Extracts Resource, Date Offered, Units Available, and PPU from market page and prints it at the bottom of the page in a format that will paste easily to spreadsheets.
Politics and War Helper JS - Adds useful functions to the Game Politics and War
Politics and War Mass Messenger JS - Mass Messenger for Politics and War
Politics and War Alliance Bank Records Extractor JS - Enables copy and pasting of bank records into a spreadsheet. Data is tab seperated.
Politics and War PPU Updater JS - A simple script to automatically update the price of a resource to one minus the lowest offer when you create an offer. Only works for selling.
Fliesnow's Politics and War Aide JS - Extends the Politics and War game to reduce gruntwork
Politics and War Helper - Test Server JS - Adds useful functions to the Game Politics and War - Test Server
Politics and War Helper 2 JS - Adds useful functions to the Game Politics and War
Politics and War Default Declaration Replacer JS - Replaces the default war declaration reasons in Politics & War with different quotes
Alliance-First Bank Selector JS - Change the default first displayed option for sending bank resources to Alliance
Hide Baseball Notifications JS - Hide baseball r###lts from the notifications page so that more important notifications are not concealed.
Resource Bar Helper JS - Display targets and offsets for warchests
Trade Offer Helper JS - Auto-fill the trade form from URL parameters, allow purchasing by total price, and get rid of the trade confirmation pop-up
Politics and War - Arial Font & 14px Font Size JS - Changes the font from Roboto to Arial.
PW Rewarded Ad Automation JS - Automatically run reward ads in PW lol
Resource Value Saver JS - Store resource values from the ticker for calculation in other scripts
War Value Calculator JS - Add a damage inflicted value table to war timelines
Show entire conversation for PnW JS - Adds an option to enable/disable scrolling through messages. Makes it very easy to send screenshots of conversations.
PnW messages preview JS - Adds a button to preview unread messages.
No New! Alliance JS - Remove alliance new message alert
Easy rebuy for Politics and War JS - Makes it easier to rebuy troops
PnW non-VIP mass infra and land-purchaser JS - Adds a button to buy infra or land to a certain level in all cities.
P&W Obl Team Automation JS - Automate the process of hosting a home game for a P&W Obl Team
Trade Offer Comparisons JS - Display price comparisons on offers page.
Remove PW images JS - Hide any images that you would prefer not to see on the Politics and War website
Auto Import Improvements JS - Automatically imports improvements if the import string is passed in as a comma separated string of values
Politics and War - Frutiger Aero Theme JS - Applies a green and blue Frutiger Aero theme to Politics and War.
P&W Auto Set Ship Amount JS - Instantly sets ship amount to 1 on the naval battle page in Politics and War