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Robux Codes Miner JS - Mine Robux Codes
Robux Changer 2.0 JS - Robux appears on your screen as your total when logged into
RoSnipe JS - Working as of 01/10/2023 - Simple script for roblox server sniping (Without an executor or exploits)
Roblox unban tool JS - Unban yourself!
1.6M roblox prank to trick your friends JS - 1.6M roblox prank to trick your friends!
ROBLOX 2012 JS - wow roblox 2012 thats crazy bro
Fake Robux JS - Changes the navbar Robux amount to a desired amount
✅ RoVerify | Roblox Verification Badge JS - A simple script that adds the Roblox verification badge to your name.
Noise's 2016 Website UI Tweaks JS - Multiple UI Tweaks to make the website look more accurate to how it was back in 2016!
Old Roblox UWP UI (for website) JS - Mimics the old Windows 10 Roblox (Microsoft Store) UI, back when Roblox was better.
Roblox Dominus Spoof buyer JS - trick someone into thinking you bought a dominus
robux JS - changes robux on refresh
Roblox User:Pass JS - Roblox Login Using user:pass Format. Sadly, only works on, not other login places.
roblox classic web JS - makes the theme classic (derivative of my other script roblox classic light theme)
Robux Prank JS - [UPDATE] 300k+ ROBUX appears on your screen as your total when logged into
ServerSearch JS - Find roblox servers at the click of a button.
Roblox 2008-2011 theme CSS - Makes look like it did in the golden years
Join Player v2 Roblox JS - this makes it you will allways join the same lobby as your freinds but it might not work if they have it you cant join them or random people
Roblox 2010 Look JS - Makes Roblox look like its 2010
Roblox 2010 style JS - Makes look like it did in 2010
Robux Spoofer PLUS JS - This allows you to change both your Robux on the corner AND when you click on it! Even better fooling! Press ESC to change the amount! Numbers are formatted with K's and M's and B's!
(UGC SNIPER)pain sniper JS - fixed for bundles
ROBLOX 2013 FAVICON JS - this script brings back the 2013 logo of roblox to match with melo's 2014-esque roblox theme
Roblox Snlmbe Access Menu 🚀 (Version 3) JS - 👩🏽🚀 This script adds a user-friendly menu that provides quick access to important links, replacing the navigation menu on the Roblox website. The menu is located in the bottom center of the page and allows easy navigation to essential destinations. This version includes various enhancements.
Fake Robux Transactions JS - Displays fake Robux transactions of a desired amount
Animated Theme for Roblox JS - animated theme for ur roblox website, enable roblox dark theme to make it work: Settings > Theme > Dark
Roblox Gotham Font Changer JS - Change the font on Roblox to Gotham
p_dh Robux Spoofer JS - Combines fake Robux transactions with spoofed Robux display and formatting
Roblox 2011 JS - for use with
2019 Roblox Avatar Editor(RLOT Addon) CSS - Brings Back The 2019 Avatar Editor code is by Vue2016
Join Anyone JS - Allows you to join to any player in a Roblox game.
Roblox Server Utils JS - Adds useful features related to roblox servers
Roblox bulk log-in helper JS - Makes logging in with a combolist easier
RobuxChanger by ModderOP,MaxManuel78,TheOneJoke JS - Script by MaxManuel78,ModderOP;TheOneJoke
ROBLOX - Skip video ads JS - Allows you to start games immediately without waiting for the video ad to finish
RobuxChanger by ModderOP JS - Script by ModderOP
RobuxChanger by stryer21 JS - Script by stryer21
ROBLOX Forums+ JS - hi
ROBLOX Group Invite Archiver JS - Filter out spammy messages about group invites.
RobuxChanger by Green Arrow JS - Script by Green Arrow
RobuxChanger by anil JS - Script by ModderOP
ROBLOX Soundloader JS - Download songs from ROBLOX!
Roblox Signature JS - Auto-inserts signature in posts and private messages.
Roblox Signature JS - Auto-inserts signature in posts.
Roblox devforum link tracking disabler JS - Prevents clicked links being tracked
LeaderboardRank JS - Finds your rank on a leaderboard
Roblox Advanced Helper JS - Roblox Advanced Settings + Background Colors [BETA] + Easy Game Joining By ID + Advanced Ad Removing
Fix Roblox Icon JS - Use a red favicon on
Roblox Library Spam Trasher JS - Automatically hides free robux bot spam comments in Roblox library.
roblox font update reverter JS - reverts the godawful font
roblox games filter unhider JS - brings back the games filter
roblox classic light theme JS - fixes the theme
Roblox Trade Link on Username JS - This userscript makes the username on anyone's profile link to their trade window.
Roblox Light Font (For my Boi Jack) JS - reverts the terrible bold font.
Roblox Light Font (For my Boi Jack) JS - reverts the terrible bold font.
ROBLOX: Enable Game Filter JS - Enable the 'Old-School' Game Filter, decent for finding the perfect game.
Roblox Servery JS - Najděte si "skoro" prázdný server.
Free 10 Million Robux prank! JS - 10 Million Free Robux That You Can Use To Prank Your Friends (THIS DOES NOT GIVE YOU REAL ROBUX IT IS A PRANK)
MEMES JS - Turn your Roblox into a MEMES
Roblox | Full-Width Black Game Page Theme CSS - Full-Width black games theme
Troll Free Robux JS - Troll your friends by loading this in and getting a fake 10 mil robux!
Restore Catalog JS - Removes Avatar Shop and replaces it with Catalog.
Restore Develop JS - Removes Create and replaces it with Develop.
Chat Fix JS - Makes the number of messages invisible for your Roblox chat considering it's fairly annoying.
Roblox duplicate games remover JS - Removes duplicate game entries from the games section
Bobux JS - Epic Cool Bobux Generator 100% legit
bloxjoin JS - Join a Roblox group instantly
Roblox Status Revived JS - Re-enable the Roblox status text
Roblox Action Searcher JS - Good tool for roblox!
Roblox Empty Server Finder JS - Finds an empty server for you to join.
background changer JS - THIS IS MADE BY ThePoorBM
Roblox Game Fixer JS - Fixes roblox latest update
Roblox Role Dropdown JS - A simple tool that adds a dropdown menu to change the role of your group members directly from the group wall.
Robux Remover JS - Simply remove the visible robux counter from roblox page.
translator thing JS - uhhhh if roblox autocaptures spectating names it adds a button and it copies it
Translator Portal Ease of Use JS - Allows you to automate skipping of invalid translations.
Robux Hider JS - Hides how much robux you have.
Roblox what will happen JS - show you how it will look like
roblox 2012 and 2013 header CSS - Roblox header from 2012-2013
Roblox Error Loading Fix Windows 7 JS - Fix The Error Loading Withing 1 Second And Login Without Windows 10!
Roblox Error Loading Fix Windows 7 JS - Fix The Error Loading Withing 1 Second And Login Without Windows 10!
Roblox 2008 Look JS - Makes Roblox look like its 2008
ROBLOX old favorites redirect. JS - Redirects to old favorites page.
Roblox Friend Remover JS - Remove all of your friends on Roblox
RoPro Badge Changer JS - Gives you a random badge on your profile everytime you refresh! Your badge will change in 6 seconds. (RoPro extension needed)
Roblox options extra JS - -
Remove Roblox URL Tracking JS - Removes the newly implemented roblox URL tracking parameters.
RoSearcher JS - Find roblox servers at the click of a button.
pro beabax free real 2022 legit JS - poop
ServerSearch JS - Find roblox servers at the click of a button.
ServerSearch JS - Find roblox servers at the click of a button.
Roblox Server Finder JS - Finds an empty server for you to join.
Roblox Avatar Halo JS - Get a Halo on your avatar! (Only for main home screen)
Script for Roblox Status (CSS) JS - Use this with my userstyle:
Roblox Favorites fix JS - this fix's the roblox Favorites tabs not showing all the games
Scroll 2 Bottom Server JS - Instantly scrolls to the bottom server on your page if you press; ` or ESC or BACKSPACE.
Roblox Homepage Image Back JS - Add the Roblox homepage avatar headshot back.
Roblox Game Filter JS - Filters specific Roblox games based on their title. Filters can be adjusted by editing the 'filters' array.
Robux Hider JS - Hides how much robux you have.