Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
列出S1一条帖子的所有内容 JS - 在帖子的导航栏添加[显示全部]按钮, 列出帖子的所有内容
屏蔽赵小姐 JS - 屏蔽S1里面的赵小姐条目
remove alert from saraba1st JS - try to take over the world!
Non-blocking S1 JS - 以脱了裤子放#的温柔方式提醒用户关闭广告屏蔽插件
S1变灰 JS - 限定stage1st论坛专用
Automatic refresh JS - Automatic refresh.
纯白S1 JS - white s1 ! (替换掉S1的屎黄色,上班摸鱼更清爽)
s1mini JS - for s1
Stage1 Local Time Replacer JS - Replace and overwrite ##### Standard Time with local time on Stage1 forums.