Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
Dsync Client [] JS - The most advanced hack for
FPS Booster 2 JS - remove lag enjoy
Vortex JS - -
Ad blocker JS - Updated version! Block ads on serval websites.
Invert all colors JS - Funny, but quite annoying thing
Texture Pack Manager [,,] JS - Allows you to change game textures!
- Hat Hotkeys JS - Allows to equip hats by pressing keys!
Anti Spacebar Scroll [,] JS - Removes scrolling when pressing spacebar
Crystall Texture v3.1 JS - texturerelease pack for sploop WORKS ON MOBILE!!
Key press visual representation JS - Shows what keys you are hitting, **press escape to open the menu** Can be useful for .io game streaming, tutorials, etc.
CPS Count JS - -
Circle hitboxes - Sploop JS - Accurate Circle Hitboxes For PvP in!
Advanced Automill - JS - Automatically place windmills when you press the M key
- ### and DNS! JS - ### and DNS (good)
☂ Spinning Spikes ☂ JS - spikes will spin. good spike texture packs
☕Coffemod☕ JS - coffemod the best hack
ahh~ JS - description
SploMod - The best hack of 2024 NIGGA NIGHTMARE WAS SO MAD BECAUSE I FIXED SPLOMOD BAHBAHBAHBABAHBH JS - Autobreak-trap, Autoheal, Hat macros, Anti-trap, AutoPush & more!
The most advanced hack JS - Xxx mod the most advanced hack of 2025
New script s JS - I am vague to give it a name and are grinder the text below
legitlooking macro JS - 1
- Rainbow Hack + Extra Controls JS - Type the commands in the Info tab in the chat for r###lts. The wood, stone, food and gold will turn rainbow. Here is the link to my youtube channel:
Adblock & buffs for JS - for syka clan
ScrollMacro v2 JS - With this script, you can quickly scroll through the store with caps! When you click on the buttons, the store will automatically open and scroll the ScrollBar to the desired header ! Keys: B-BerserkerGear, C-BoostHat, T-CrystalGear, V-ImmunityGear.
transparent hat shop JS - I did not remove the equip button, I made it transparent, you can tell if you're hovering over the button by looking at your cursor.
KeyBoard Panel v2 JS - The best public keyboard panel in ! Next to the inscription "MADE BY NUDO" you can change the color of the text on the keyboard and it is saved after page reload. When you press the button, the keyboard will show that you have enabled the automatic attack, and will be highlighted in blue. Also on X.
- Shows CPS and FPS (UPDATED) JS - -
big shop sploop JS - ok
Crystall Pack JS - yes
- [Visual Extension] JS - New visuals elements [Tracers, HitBoxes, HP indicator, Setting menu]
- W-MOD [ Modifications ] JS - Transparent Hat & Clan Menu, Auto Toggle, Auto Select Mode, Access Settings ingame, Ad Remove
Music Menu For Sploop / Coded By Alpine JS - Coded By Alpine A110
Show Fps and cps JS - Keystrokes!
Alpine Hack Menu JS - ad block & big shop & background
Sploop Console Script JS - As you already know, in the console is no longer working, or rather, the output to the console. Perhaps you would like to continue using it? If yes, then use this script.
- Zoom hack JS - Allows to change zoom of the game using mouse wheels
Just a cps counter JS - Shows the number of clicks per second
Fixed settings menu JS - Developers too lazy to do it yourself.. So I did it for them.
Hat Switcher JS - When you log into the game, open the store and click on Z or R or Y. After that everything will work correctly.
- All Skins Unlocked JS - Unlocks ALL skins in the game! Select any skins you want!
Global Chat JS - You can chat with other players from all servers! When you write something in the chat then it is shown in the global chat. (This script does not allow you to communicate with everyone, but allows you to communicate with all users of this script)
Voice input for chat JS - To turn it on, press F2. When the chat is open, it will work by itself. Use the HTTPS protocol of the page. You can use 2 languages [ru, en] to switch, press F8.
- Tracers JS - Draws tracers on enemies, teammates and animals
FPS booster JS - have less effect on 60hz+pc
- update script JS - 12/6/2022, 11:57:43 AM
- - KeyStroks, Hats, No grids, Better shop JS - random desc
Anti-swear JS - 11/01/2023, 11:40:55
FPS Booster JS - oh yes the old name returns
Ping Clean JS - removed google facebook and mediafire acess
Keystrokes for JS - Keystrokes made for! | For support please join our Discord -
Scrollbar Key Ignore JS - Disables scrolling when the arrow keys or spacebar are pressed on the scrollbar.
/=|- B34R -|=\ /=\ Legit Script for Legit Players /=\ JS - ArrowUp Key = Modification Menu | ArrowLeft Key = Setting | ArrowRight Key = MainMenu | ArrowDown Key = InfoBox | Anti Ads |
FPS Booster JS - oh yes the old name returns
- Hack | Background Filter Changer, (Menu On "B" Key) JS - A Friendly Script That Customize your Game Background
Mouse Click Buttons for JS - Adds left and right mouse click buttons to the top left corner of the webpage.
FPS Booster [, and other] (if you want me to add sites, dm me) JS - Improve FPS performance.(if you want me to add sites, dm me)
Splo Mod JS - Autobreak-trap, Autoheal, Hat macros, Anti-trap, AutoPush & more!
Sploop Improver JS - Improves Sploop
save settings JS - saves sploop settings
scroll JS - turn off spacebar scroll
- Hat Hotkeys JS - Allows to equip hats by pressing keys!
Daggers fix JS - Since the developers do not want to engage in this game, you can use this script to fix the rendering of daggers in the UI
- Debugging QOL JS - Removes anti debugging attempts and deobfuscates the source code. You must have instant inject on for this to work.
- Hat Hotkeys JS - Allows to equip hats by pressing keys!
Sploop++ JS - simple visuals
blasploop JS - ESC for settings menu, ALT for homepage menu!
Macro Mod V-1.0 JS - Macro Place , Macro Hat , And More!!!!
2k09__ Bot Mode V-0.1 JS - -
Texture Replacer JS - ok
drxgon's best legit script JS - the best legit script in
- --> JS - yo bro
Dsync Client [] JS - The most advanced hack for
- Starry Night Background JS - Replace forest with stars!
Auto Grid Off Show Ping On JS - By yours truly
Change Background Colours [grass, desert, river, snow and beach] Menu on P key JS - Press "P" to open the colour menu
- Text Colour Changer [Menu on "O" key] JS - press "o" ingame! (Reload the page or switch server after selecting colour)
- [ CactusMod ] - JS - Cactus's are cool
- [ spikeMod - LegitMod ] - JS - spike's are cool
!! ~ Player Joined Notifications &&& Server's Player List ~ !! JS - Find your friends easily in! The first script of its type 🤯😁😎✌️. Press Semicolum " ; " to toggle the aesthetic player list and select the theme of your choice!
Neptune Macros (ALL JS!!) JS - Currently, A good Script to be in Greasyfork!
Sploop Hat Macro & Menu JS - A script that includes hat macro & a menu
Sploop IO KDR JS - Adds KDR to the profile stats
Shortened large numbers within main menu JS - automatically shorten large leaderboard scores and total score + score to next rank to compact forms like/similar to '1.8B' or '700k' for easier reading. Ideal for optimizing/making viewing better.
PIN clans JS - Add a pin icon next to each clan allowing you to easily find your friends clans without having to scroll just by pinning it so when they make a clan again with the same name, its already at the top for you!
Advanced Enhancements 2024! JS - Very useful (Real-time, help anti-clown, smart messages, playtime tracking, smart anti-ban, music playlist, intelligent player aiming.more.more)
- Advanced Keystrokes. JS - customized keystrokes tailored to your preferences & use.
xanax [PREMIUM] JS - why take 1mg when you can take 2?
- Auto-Register. JS - automated registration script for educational purposes only, You are responsible for any actions taken using this script.
🍎Applemod🍎 JS - Applemod
🍓strawberrymod🍓 JS - its a bad hack btw
♥LOVE MOD♥ JS - cool mod
♥LOVE MOD♥ JS - cool mod
- Video Recorder JS - defered
Immortal Mod C- Beta Version JS - 12/24/2022, 2:02:55 PM
- Greeting Message (Made By FunkyAid) JS - console pastable, theres a button that opens menu u can enable or disable things set the greeting msg and notifications of ur changes.
AutoChat + MeanChat Menu (Made By FunkyAid) JS - AutoChat + MeanChat Menu (Open With The Button On The Top Right) join for scripts (mean chat messages credit by crygen)
Visuals By Sonar JS - play good sploopio
Music Menu For JS - Press P for Menu