Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
Torn Fast SlotsJS-Makes slots stop instantly. Works for every spin except first.
Torn Item Market HighlighterJS-Highlight items in the item market/bazaars that are at or below Arson Warehouse Pricelist and Market Value
torn-crime-crack-helperJS-Utilize password database to crack torn cracking crime.
Egg FinderJS-Makes finding eggs a little bit easier...
Torn Extensions - Gym Torn GainJS-calculates gym gain based on Vladars calculations
Torn Pickpocketing ColorsJS-Color codes crimes based on difficulty
Torn Crimes 2.0 - DisposalJS-Color codes disposal type based on difficulty
Torn Market FillerJS-On "Fill" click autofills market item price with lowest market price currently minus $1 (can be customised), fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
Torn Bazaar FillerJS-On "Fill" click autofills bazaar item price with lowest bazaar price currently minus $1 (can be customised), shows current price coefficient compared to 3rd lowest, fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
Cyclist RingJS-Making money by pickpocketing cyclists! Enhanced Chat Buttons V2JS-Add customizable buttons to chat with enhanced UI and features
Torn Crimes Scamming TimersJS-Show how much cooldown & expiration is left for targets
Torn Crimes 2.0 HelperJS-Simple helper for crimes 2.0. Adds links to guides for each crime, quick buy link for materials/enhancers and crime chain counter.
OC Role DisplayJS-Dynamically numbers duplicate OC roles based on slot order
TC Bootlegging Plus v2JS-Tools to help with Bootlegging
Torn City - Travel Run One Click Update by Xiphias[187717]JS-Update Travel Run and the Travel Thread with one button click.
Torn Set CalculatorJS-Calculates prices of plushie and flower sets
PennywiseJS-Records your transactions
Enable Attack Button on Torn Profile PageJS-Enables the disabled button on Torn profile page when a player is in hospital and redirects to the attack page when the button is clicked
Torn Crimes Rewards ValueJS-Shows the market value of all crime rewards.
TORN: Display Crime ChainJS-Calculates and displays your current crime chain
shoplifting-watcherJS-Watch shoplifting status for players.
Torn: speedwayJS-1 lap speedways
Inventory SorterJS-Allows you to sort your inventory in ascending/descending order.
Disposal J.A.R.V.I.S.JS-color disposal options based on safety
Crime MoraleJS-A comprehensive tool for Crime 2.0
stock-vaultJS-stock vault for
HOF Warbase HelperJS-Highlights potential war targets in green on HOF page
Torn HelperJS-Adds extra information to different pages all around Torn.
Torn War HelperJS--------
Items Market, Travel and otherJS-Easy access to torn city Items Market
Flying Cloud RemoverJS-Removes the cloud animation.
Torn Easter Egg SpawnerJS-Spawns additional Easter Eggs
Bookie CalculatorJS-Calculates your total winnnings and profit in the Torn bookie
Torn company stock orderJS-Automatically calculate stock percent based on sale and enter the order amount to order up to max capasity.
Chain WatchJS-Makes the chain watch a whole lot bigger.
Hall-Of-Fame FilterJS-Allows filters for the Hall Of Fame
AutoCloseTheStrongJS-automatically closes torn profile pages if target is not a punchbag
Torn Extensions - Stock OrderJS-Helps to order stock for your company.
Bazaar Scam WarningJS-Puts a big red warning on items that are priced way above their market value
TORN: Mission Reward InformationJS-Give some information about mission rewards.
travelSFCJS-show faction and company while flying
Torn City - warn before flightJS-Confirm twice if you really want to fly out when an OC is due
Torn: Spy SaveJS-Saves your spies by sending them to TornStats
HeLa RevivesJS-Adds a button to request a revive from HeLa
Torn Property Vault Quick Money InputJS-Add buttons to set money withdraw/deposit inputs to a target amount.
Heasley's Egg NavigatorJS-Traverse every page in Torn in search for eggs
TC Crimes 2.0JS-description
Torn Russian RouletteJS-Loader for the Torn RR Helper script
Torn Crimes Burglary ExtendedJS-Sorts all scouted by target, created date, expire date, confidence, risk or uniques number. Remembers your choice.
Pickpocket J.A.R.V.I.S.JS-color pick-pocket targets based on difficulty
easy-marketJS-Display quality of weapon directly. Notice your API usage limit and use it on item search page.
Torn War Highlighter - offline/idle & okayJS-Provide customizable sexy highlighting of war enemies in green, orange and red.
Torn:BattleStat%JS-Adds Battlestat % to the main page in the Battle Stats Box
LActionJS-Last Action
Company Inactivity HighlightJS-Highlight inactive members of company.
Show War Local TimeJS-Shows the war end time in local time.
TORN: No Confirm Item MarketJS-Allows buying items from item market with 1-click
Torn S.O.A.P. - Spies on Attack PageJS-Get TornStats spies or personal stats information on the attack page.
Easy Easter (PDA)JS-Detects any eggs on the page and embeds a navigator to jump to any pages. Quick and dirty in classic Kwack fashion
Trade Chat Timer on ButtonJS-Show a timer that shows the time left to post next message, synchronized across tabs.
Live Stock RoiJS-This script uses current MP for calculating ROI
Torn Market Item LockerJS-Add lockable quantity controls to market items
TornZ Market HelperJS-Shows TornZ bazaar listings on Torn's item market
Bazaar Item Search powered by IronNerdJS-View items you are searching for in bazaars!
Torn Market Quick RemoveJS-Faster removal of singular items from your item market listings
TORN Friend ExtenderJS-A script that lets you add, store, and delete friends on Torn with custom descriptions.
Faction Logs CopyJS-Copy faction rebalancing logs
OC 2.0 MemberWatchJS-Shows members which aren't currently participating in an OC in the OC2.0 system, order by CE
[TORN] OC 2.0 Priority HelperJS-Adds filters to show/hide crime scenario cards and disable low-success chance join buttons
OC Success Chance 2.0JS-Dynamic OC success chance calculator using API endpoints
Disposal Unique FindsJS-color disposal options based on safety
Customizable Bazaar FillerJS-On click, auto-fills bazaar item quantities and prices based on your preferences
Torn Race ManagerJS-GUI to configure Torn racing parameters and create races with presets and quick launch buttons
Torn Mini-profile Adds Xanax ConsumptionJS-Adds the number of Xanax a player has used when loading up the mini profile.
Torn War Stuff EnhancedJS-Show travel status and hospital time and sort by hospital time on war page. Fork of
Torn SafecrackerJS-Adds a bruteforce option to opening Duke's Safe
Sort Faction List by FF ScoreJS-Sort faction members by FF Score
Torn City - Attack Logs extensionJS-This script adds a Next and Previous button to the Attack Logs page.
Organised CrimeJS-Easy initiation of Torn organised crimes.
Torn City - Extended Top Bar Search by Xiphias[187717]JS-This script adds useful search functions to the top bar.
Torn City - BBCode to HTMLJS-Reformats those old BBCode profile signatures into the new format of HTML that RESPO uses.
Torn Set CalculatorJS-Calculates prices of plushie and flower sets
War Base Extended - HakaJS-Brings back the old war base layout, adds a filter to the war base, enables enemy tagging
Buying Item ScriptJS-Item market item buyer
Faction War CleanerJS-Adds extra information to different pages all around Torn.
Torn City - One click Company training by Xiphias[187717]JS-This script adds a one click training function to company training.
Hide Quit ButtonJS-Hide Quit Job button
Torn Dog Tag CountJS-Highlight previously stolen tags
Torn - Hide UpgradeJS-Hide your upgrade link and upgrade message hint
TornAPI Quick FillJS-Prefill API key and check 'pretty' radio buttons.
Add Bazaar Management LinkJS-Adds a direct link to bazaar
Racing UpgradesJS-desc
Torn Top Forum LinkJS-Bring back the forum link at the top!
Torn Easter Egg LinksJS-Easter Egg Links
Faction OC RescuerJS-Alerts when your OC is about to start when you visit the traveling page.
Torn FlightsJS-Changes the scenery during flights
Warbase FiltersJS-Filter things out of the war base
Torn - Hide CrimesJS-desc