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Mturk autoaccept hits on forums JS - Puts a button that will accept all Hits on forum page
mmmturkeybacon Remove Embedded Video JS - Removes embedded videos from mturk forums and replaces them with links to the videos.
mmmturkeybacon Ghost HIT Buster for Forums JS - Searches forum posts for HIT links, follows them, determines if the HIT is still available, and strikes the post if the HIT is a ghost or changes the link text to show the automatic approval time and number remaining if the HIT is available. Works with Live Update. Uses just-in-time link checking to reduce "maximum allowed page request rate" errors. Uncomment CHIME to receive an audio alert if there is a new HIT post.
mmmturkeybacon Show Only HIT Posts JS - Show only posts that contain links to mturk.
ZSMTurker's MTG Forum Image Video Spoilerizer (with labels mod) JS - Spoilerize all images and videos in posts (except TO) on mturk-related forums: MTurkGrind, MTurkForum, and TurkerNation.
MTurk Auto-Accept changer for JS - Add a "previewandaccept" link after the preview link for HITs posted on mturk-related forums: MTurkGrind, MTurkForum, and TurkerNation.