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Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Twitter/X(web version)videos/4kPhotos/gif download.[limbopro] JS - Twitter/X(web version)videos/4kPhotos/gif download.[limbopro] / Download tweet original images(4k) with one click and save by username
Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
Download Original Picture JS - A tool to help you download full size images from websites
One-Click X/Twitter Media Downloader (Android/iPhone support) JS - Download images, videos, and GIFs from X/Twitter with one click, and save them with user ID and post ID in default settings. You can customize the filenames of downloaded files. On Android/iPhone, all attached media can be downloaded at once via a ZIP archive.
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Twitter Block With Love JS - Block or mute all the Twitter users who like or repost a specific post(Tweet), with love.
TweetXer JS - Delete all your Tweets for free.
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Download videos/pictures with one click | Automatically package them into a ZIP file for batch download
Twitterᴾˡᵘˢ JS - Enhance the X(Twitter) user experience. View original quality images and customize the removal of spam tweets.
X(Twitter) - Add notes to the user JS - Add notes (aliases/tags) for users to help identify and search, and support WebDAV sync
Twitter Block Porn JS - One-click block all the yellow scammers in the comment area.
Twitter kaizen JS - Script to improve Twitter display
Twitter/X Media Batch Downloader JS - Batch download all images and videos from a Twitter/X account, including withheld accounts, in original quality.
Video Quality Fixer for X (Twitter) JS - Force highest quality playback for X (Twitter) videos.
[Twitter]Note_Tweet expander JS - Long tweets will expand in the TimeLine without having to press "Show More".
Twitterを少し便利に。 JS - 私の作ったスクリプトをまとめたもの。と追加要素。
X/Twitter Clean menu and sidebar (Supports multiple language) JS - hidden Menu,Grok,Premium subscription,Verified Orgs,other,Explore,Notifications,Messages,Communities,Bookmarks,Right Column and Customizable Settings
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Twitter | X Image Viewer Enhancement JS - When viewing an image, click on the image to close it directly.
ForceTwitterURL JS - Redirects to and enforces ?mx=1 on all URLs
Twitter media-only filter toggle. JS - Toggle non-media tweets on and off on the home timeline, for the power-viewer!
Twitter image viewing enhancement JS - Make Twitter photo viewing more humane
Twitter Click'n'Save JS - Add buttons to download images and videos in Twitter, also does some other enhancements.
Twitter hide content warning crap JS - Makes it so nothing is marked as sensitive.
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Twitter Video Downloader JS - Download Twitter videos via Twittervid website
Twitter/X Login Blocker to Nitter JS - Converts Twitter/X login flow redirects to Nitter links, and replaces old url in browser history. Also works in Firefox Android.
Hide the Twitter (formerly: 𝕏) impression-earning scammers with "display:none;" JS - A tool to hide, block, and report spam on Twitter.
- (Twitter) - Auto Show Sensitive Content JS - (Twitter) Auto Show Sensitive Content. You Don't Have To Click "Show" Button Anymore When Reading NSFW Tweets With Blur Alert. 推特自动显示色情##内容,不再被模糊化。
X Ad remover JS - remove X ads
Enhanced Twitter post hider JS - Allows finer control over what words you want to hide from the platform
Twitter remove content warning JS - Remove twitter content warning
Automatically show more replies on Twitter (+ offensive replies) JS - 6/1/2024, 1:49:37 AM
TweetDeck Clear and Remove Buttons JS - Adds "Clear" button to each column.
Unblock All Users on Twitter JS - Unblock all users on the blocked users page with a button, preload, and autoscroll
X Long Image Enlarge Tool JS - Add a button on the left top conner of a image,for convenience of displaying long images on X
Persist Twitter(X) Mute JS - Control the global mute for embedded videos on Twitter
for-you-tab-remover JS - Removes the "For you" tab on X/Twitter.
HD Twitter JS - Improves Twitter's (X) image quality by replacing image formats. When clicking an image, JPEGs are replaced with lossless PNGs.
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
X Block JS - Adds a block button to tweets excluding your own, using native Twitter block
Simple Website Blocker JS - Blocks specified websites
nuke button JS - kill 'em all
Twitter/X - clickable links to images and show uncropped thumbnails JS - All image posts in Twitter/X Home, other blog streams and single post views link to the high-res "orig" version. Thumbnail images in the stream are modified to display uncropped.
TwitterImg Downloader JS - Add download button to Twitter image, and click to download the original image named by format.
Control Panel for Twitter JS - Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
TweetDeck Custom Background Plus JS - Customize background script for Tweetdeck.
Twitter Original Image Link JS - Simple script that replace an image link with an original image URL if you click links on Tweet for navigating the image on new tab or copying the URL.
Twitter Middle Clicks JS - This script makes it possible to open a quoted post, a trend, a link in post input form, an input complement, or an image on the image dialog into a new tab by middle click.
Always Latest Tweets for Twitter JS - Auto-switch to latest tweets for Twitter
Twitter Remove Trends Panel JS - Remove the in-your-face trends panel on the side of your feed.
Twitter Direct JS - Remove tracking links from Twitter
Twitter Linkify Trends JS - Make Twitter trends links (again)
X (Twitter) - own tweets JS - Adds a link to users' pages to search for tweets only from them (no retweets without comment).
promotion free twitter JS - hides promoted tweets
●→■ Unround Everything Everywhere ◙ CSS - Forces zero border-radius to everything.
Twitter Zoom Cursor CSS - Distinguish between images and links on Twitter
Twitter Uncrop Images JS - Remove the image cropping on the timeline view.
Nitter JS - Always redirects to nitter
Twitter External Translator JS - Adds external & internal translators to various sites.
Twitter: view more replies and remove useless sections JS - View more replies and remove useless sections from twitter
Auto Dim Twitter JS - Toggles the Twitter web dark mode based on the selected hour range
Twitter Go Back with H key JS - Makes the unused H key a browser back button for better H,J,K,L keyboard navigation
Twitter Video Download JS - Adds a button to download video from a tweet
Twitter Show All Replies JS - Automatically click 'show more replies'
Privacy Redirector JS - Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
auto-task-v4 JS - 自动完成 Freeanywhere,Giveawaysu,GiveeClub,Givekey,Gleam,Indiedb,keyhub,OpiumPulses,Opquests,SweepWidget 等网站的任务。
Twitter fast clean link copy JS - Copy tweet links with one click and strip query parameters
Twitter Endless Scroll [X] JS - Endless scrolling between image posts with mousewheel
Twitter to Nitter Redirector JS - Redirect Twitter to Nitter, a free and open source alternative
Twitter cleanup JS - Remove user and topics to follow suggestions from Twitter
clear twitter track link JS - 在推特页面复制分享链接时,自动将链接后的追踪参数删除
CSS: JS - Corrections to UI of
twitter-promotion-remover JS - Twitterのタイムラインからプロモーションを消します。
Twitter Move Community UI to bottom JS - move ui
Shows latest tweet JS - Automatically switch to 'Following' section when visit Twitter homepage.
Twitter remove view ui JS - #### Elon Musk, Remove twitter annoying view count icon
Remove ads and promoted tweets on Twitter JS - Removes ads and promoted tweets on Twitter, as well as the large bold "Promoted Tweet" headings
Show me your Pixiv. JS - Display Pixiv link below the Tweet image.
Twitter Remove s Param JS - Remove the s=... parameter from the page
Hide your twitter info JS - Hide your Twitter information. Prevent others from seeing your ID, nickname, and profile picture in public places.
Show date normally on Twitter JS - Like this, 70/12/31(Th) 23:59:59.
Show ctime of retweets JS - Also shows Twitter Blue badges and tweet source labels.
Twitter Thread Reader JS - when we read Twitter|X thread, it's sucks. so I try to generate twitter thread reader in one single page, so i can easily read and share. Anyway, it's easy to read twitter's thread.
Twitter Thread Reader JS - when we read Twitter|X thread, it's sucks. so I try to generate twitter thread reader in one single page, so i can easily read and share. Anyway, it's easy to read twitter's thread.
Clean Twitter JS - Bring back peace on Twitter
Native Media Controls JS - This script attempts to replace Twitter media controls with your browsers native media controls.
Retweet in one click JS - Makes retweets behave the same as likes
Fix Twitter Share Link JS - Replace `twitter` to `vxtwitter` when sharing links
Twitter DL - Click "Always Allow"! JS - Download twitter videos directly from your browser! (CLICK "ALWAYS ALLOW" IF PROMPTED!)
X to Twitter JS - Get our Twitter back from Elon.
Bring Back Twitter Bird JS - Bring back twitter bird
Get Twitter Icons Back JS - Brings back the blue bird icon on Twitter. No more 𝕏.
Twitter Tab Revert JS - Reverts the Twitter favicon and tab title
Custom Logo picker for JS - We've got birds! old birds, new birds, even pigeons! new competitors, dead competitors, federated competitors!
Make bluebird great again JS - Twitter's bluebird is better than 𝕏
Old Twitter Logo JS - bring back the old Twitter logo.
X to Barren (Tab Ver) JS - Make the X a BEAR On The Tab