There are libraries posted by Greasy Fork users that you can @require
in your scripts. For other kinds of libraries you can @require
, read Greasy Fork's policy on @require
Legacy verified 24 JS (Library) - /^2[0-4].*/.
Legacy verified 19 JS (Library) - /^1[6-9].*/.
Legacy verified 15 JS (Library) - /^1[3-5].*/.
Legacy verified 12 JS (Library) - /^1[0-2].*/.
dmzjDecrypt JS (Library) - 解析 dmzj v4 api 返回数据
waitForKeyElementsNeamow JS (Library) - waitForKeyElementsNeamow custom library
Lost mod for moo moo io remake JS (Library) - working Lost Mod
HWM_Resources_customupdate1505 JS (Library) - Библиотека HWM_Resources с апдейтом по артам
Typr库 JS (Library) - Typr 库 greasy fork 镜像
User Agents JS (Library) - Most Common User Agents
91-plus-mux-mp4 JS (Library) - mux-mp4.js
swf2js JS (Library) - swf2js is Flash Player Runtime Engine written in pure JavaScript
CAI Universal Toolbelt Menu JS (Library) - Reusable menu structure for various TM scripts that require a menu
Hash Code JS (Library) - Javascript implementation of Java’s String.hashCode() method
Country Code JS (Library) - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
hwm_google_api_wrapper JS (Library) - Обёртка gapi с интерфейсом для HWM
API for CustomElements in YouTube JS (Library) - A JavaScript tool to modify CustomElements in YouTube
DOMUtils JS (Library) - 使用js重新对jQuery的部分函数进行了仿写
ajaxHookerLatest JS (Library) - ajaxHooker latest version from
库1 JS (Library) - 库
JS-分页插件 JS (Library) - 用于对数据分页显示
GoogleTranslateEngine JS (Library) - googleTranslateEngine
translateLanguage JS (Library) - _translateLanguage_
hookFetch JS (Library) - only hookFetch
Vanilla JS Dialog JS (Library) - A general purpose JavaScript class for Dialog Creation in Vanilla JS.
Mxo New Bot Librarys/Depencens - Task Processor JS (Library) - For Mxo New Bot - Library/Depencens
Mxo New Bot Librarys/Depencens - Image Converter>Dither JS (Library) - For Mxo New Bot - Library/Depencens
libraryComment JS (Library) - 图书馆评论区接入
Mxo New Bot Librarys/Depencens - Image Converter JS (Library) - For Mxo New Bot - Library/Depencens
Mxo New Bot Librarys/Depencens JS (Library) - For Mxo New Bot - Library/Depencens
Mxo New Bot Librarys/Depencens - Extensions JS (Library) - For Mxo New Bot - Library/Depencens
lucianjp-library JS (Library) - Core library to handle webpages dom with userscripts
screenshotsPrint JS (Library) - Modified from
QRCode_nuintun JS (Library) - Origin:
module_jquery_XiaoYing JS (Library) - $_jquery
global_module JS (Library) - @XiaoYingYo global_module
Autoverify-mod JS (Library) - autoverify captcha
onDomChange JS (Library) - Dom变化监听
WaitFor JS (Library) - 一直等待并执行回调函数
MyContextMenu JS (Library) - 原生js右键弹出菜单
func-public JS (Library) - 取参方法
Draft Tools JS (Library) - Adds useful features to's new-thread page.
🐭️ MouseHunt Utils Beta JS (Library) - Testing version
public-func JS (Library) - public
MyDropdown JS (Library) - 原生js实现简洁的下拉菜单
MyModal JS (Library) - 原生js弹出层
马到成公 JS (Library) - 成绩提醒
common.js JS (Library) - common filter
lodash.js JS (Library) - 防抖节流库
国开题 JS (Library) - 国开题目形式
- Item counter by Nuro JS (Library) - Made by Nuro
NElementGetter JS (Library) - cxxjackie的ElementGetter库
- JS (Library) - Confetti generator
my_jQuery JS (Library) - jQuery JavaScript Library v3.5.1 for AIce.Fu use.
KMERP_DETAILS JS (Library) - 订单信息辅助
webdav JS (Library) - 坚果云
AutoTaskFramework JS (Library) - 自动任务
淘宝天猫领券脚本 JS (Library) - 淘宝天猫领券专用库
MxoBot Example Bot JS (Library) - Demo bot to illustrate LibNevin. MxoBot
一点支撑支持库 JS (Library) - 和谐
Crime Map Churches Layer Data JS (Library) - adds churches layer to the crime map
Message JS (Library) - 一款优雅的原生JS页面消息提示插件,兼容性良好,无任何依赖。 An elegant native JS page message prompt plug-in, good compatibility, no dependency.
bufferEncoding JS (Library) - guess the encoding from buffer
Abnormal Menu JS (Library) - This is a JavaScript script that creates a menu for scripts.
学师通校园安全学习列表 JS (Library) - 学习列表
FBase Lib JS (Library) - Base library
显示订单 排名库 JS (Library) - 显示订单 排名库产品数量 popular
script-statistics JS (Library) - 脚本高级统计
Hack Timer.js By Turuslan JS (Library) - Hack Timer js
jQuery-Extensions-freeDragJS JS (Library) - jQuery-Extensions-freeDragJS是一个非常简单的jQuery 拖拽扩展,同时兼容移动设备与pc设备
GitHub 中文 JS (Library) - GitHub 中文汉化
Library For Mxobot JS (Library) - Library for Mxobot
LateLog - Simple storage-based Log Library JS (Library) - Simple library to log to the storage, granting the possibility of viewing the log after the URL changes
Canvas2Image JS (Library) - covert canvas to image and save the image file
今日诗词V2 JS-SDK JS (Library) - 今日诗词API 是一个可以免费调用的诗词接口
全部A股代码 JS (Library) - 个人用途
gbCookies JS (Library) - 优雅的搜索引擎跳转助手专用COOKIES处理函数
v587tool JS (Library) - V587工具类
HN unrank JS (Library) - Removes ranking from Hacker News homepage
wsHook.js JS (Library) - websocket 扩展
Halve HN comment's indentation JS (Library) - Halves indentation of HN comments
Fix HN comment length JS (Library) - Sets HN comment length to 50-75 characters
HN sans votes JS (Library) - Removes vote arrows and score from Hacker News
Jinxin Util Download JS (Library) - 文件下载工具类
Jinxin Util Button JS (Library) - 界面按钮工具类
[DP] PlanetDP MAL ID Eşleştirme Kütüphanesi JS (Library) - PlanetDP'deki anime sayfalarındaki sezonlar ile MAL ID'lerin eşleştirildiği dökuman. Başka betiklere veri servis etmek içindir.
airflow mark success library JS (Library) - A library of mark success for airflow helper
Airflow log hightlight library JS (Library) - A library of airflow log highlight for airflow helper
usergui.js JS (Library) - usergui
GM web hooks JS (Library) - Makes GM_xmlhttpRequest and GM_download queued
Airflow log hightlight lib JS (Library) - Enhanced keywords highlight for Airflow pages
Geoguessr Styles Scan JS (Library) - Provides utility functions to make your geoguessr scripts independent of arbitrary changes to class name suffixes
stjslab JS (Library) - a javascript lab
修改版迅雷下载js-sdk JS (Library) - 个人用途
日本語文字種変換 JS (Library) - ひらがな、カタカナ、半角カタカナの相互変換
gpt-3-encoder-bpe JS (Library) - gpt-3-encoder-bpe_file
gpt-3-encoder JS (Library) - gpt-3-encoder-coder
mzLibMenu JS (Library) - 一个居中显示的菜单,使用 ctrl + m 快捷键打开,供其他脚本调用;
🐭️ MouseHunt Utils JS (Library) - MouseHunt Utils is a library of functions that can be used to make other MouseHunt userscripts easily.