Favorites by 袁野(FaithfulMind)
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MoreMovieRatingsJS-Show IMDb ratings on Douban, and vice versa
search engine jump for academicJS-方便的在各个引擎之间跳转(学术版)
百度云插件+APIKeyJS-在百度云网盘的页面添加一个搜索框,调用搜索API搜索所有公开分享文件// To add a search frame that calls some api for searching some public shared files in BaiduYun cloud netdisk.
Douban library helper for Guangzhou DaxuechengJS-add library collections in Guangzhou Daxuecheng on douban website
Douban Book BarJS-以最优惠的价格买到最心仪的书
Color Code Individual Google TasksJS-Looks for specific key words and changes the background of the cell of a google task to a predefined color
豆瓣 ReadFree 传送门JS-在“豆瓣读书”页面增加到ReadFree电子书的传送门
Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36JS-Download Subtitles
GooglePlay direct screenshot linksJS-Shows all the screenshots without the scrollbox and adds direct links for fullsized versions
Movie CSE for doubanJS-find useful movie download link from Google Custom Search Engine