Simplified Wattpad JS - improves desktop wattpad reading experience for the ao3 nerds
AO3: Archived Bookmarks JS - Tag bookmarks with 'Archived' or another chosen tag to have them automatically hidden from searches
AO3: Display Full Work Conditionally JS - Makes chaptered works under a certain wordcount display in full instead of chaptered
AO3: Fav Tag Counter JS - Show a counter of how many tags you have favourited on the homepage
AO3: Marked For Later In The Sidebar JS - Adds a direct link to marked for later in the sidebar of profiles under history
AO3: Remove from List JS - On 'Marked For Later' pages, add a button to remove from list without deleting
Bandcamp: Artist to Discography JS - When you click the artist name on an album page, it'll take you to the discography page
AO3: Incomplete. Continue? JS - Checks how long ago incomplete works were last updated and displays a warning if longer than user set time period.