VIBRankFetch JS - 条目页显示VIB排名
VIBDataListInsertion JS - Add VIB Rank, stars, VIB_score decimal, and rating count to anime list based on API data
CharWhoIWouldveknow JS - show voiced characters that are from subjects in your collections
BgmBlockNSFWInLists JS - block nsfw r###lts in lists in
PreviewLinks JS - Preview links and show their titles with caching for 3 days
DeleteLogoutButton JS - Delete Logout Button on bangumi
PersonPageStats JS - show avg ratings and rankings on a person's page on bangumi
BgmVisitCounts JS - show how many times you visited a subject page
Show BGMer's Sign on Profile Page JS - Extracts sign field from user API
Visited Links Highlighter JS - let you know if the link is clicked before
AvoidAddictiontoBangumi JS - Track visits to bangumi domains' root directory and alert after a configurable number of visits in a day
AttachHowOldtoUserinPosts JS - Show how old a user is in posts
Show absolute time in timeline in bangumi JS - Swap content and data-original-title attributes of span elements within divs of class post_actions date, and monitor for changes in the timeline div
Toggle Button for Non-sep Items JS - Hide li elements without "sep" class and add toggle button
Ukagaka Shell Title Notifier JS - 检测#robot_speech_js 中包含"你有"时闪烁网页标题,提醒用户有新消息。