[GC] - NeoSchool Course Rewards JS - See additional details related to NeoSchool courses and the rewards you can get from them.
[GC] - SDB Removal Improvements JS - Never try to remove too many items from your SDB again!
[GC] - Bilge Dice Keyboard Controls & Tracking Enhancements JS - Keyboard controls for Bilge Dice. Streak tracking tweaked so the new in-game streak is displayed during gameplay. You can now press enter to start a game with a default Ante, which is set to 10 NP unless you change it.
[GC | BETA] - Enhanced UB Search Helper JS - Adds enhanced search features to SW and TP to make the navigation of searching and browsing expensive items easier.
[GC] - Enhanced Relic Log View JS - See additional details related to your relic log, included view filter options.
[GC] - Underwater Map Prizes (Discord Webhook) JS - Userscript that allows you to send your Underwater Map prize results to Discord
[GC] - Protection Items Replenish Reminders JS - Backup alert in case you find yourself on the Quickstock page with less of each item than you like to keep in your inventory.
[GC] - Kings Joke Results Logger JS - Sends data about your jokes to a shared document for tracking/logging/learning avatars.
[GC] Organize SW Results JS - Blocked users can be synced but do not actually change anything in the SW results yet.
[GC] Kiss The Mortog Keyboard Controls JS - Play Kiss the Mortog with the keyboard.
[GC | BETA] - Dailies Global Preferences Wizard JS - Global script that only runs relevant code on individual dailies pages.
[GC] - Kadoatery Feed Logging (Discord Webhook) JS - Checks if feeding a kad was successful and, if it is, logs the results to pass through a Discord webhook.
[GC] Visualizer for Shop Ban JS - Displays your current shop ban status in visual format directly on the page.
[GC] - Scorchy Slots Keyboard Mapping JS - Keyboard controls for Scorchy Slots. See beginning of script for settings.
[GC] Add HST link to Games Room JS - Adds a HST link to most games in the games room. Games with non-traditional scoreboards may not be updated to the HST-inclusive format.
[GC] Neggsweeper: Right-Click to Unflag JS - Right click for flagging and unflagging.
[GC] - Snow Wars enhancements JS - Press enter to continue after a move. See score calculations above the game. Hide non-essential images to declutter.
[GC] - Solitaire Enhancements JS - See your win rate as a percentage, and prevent accidentally double-clicking and drawing two cards.
[GC] - Tax Trophy Calculator JS - Display minimum NP you should have on hand to be eligible for a trophy.
[GC] - TP Enhancements JS - Tp
[GC] - Search Link JS - Add search link to sitewide search helper.
[GC] - Stock Enhancements JS - Sort stocks listed on the portfolio page in descending order by percentage with highest profit percentages first. Original highlight script by Shalane., edited for compatibility after CSS changes.
[GC] - Quest Calculator JS - Calculate cost of quests using Virtupets API without having to check each item and do mental math. Staff approved script via ticket.
[GC] - Music Skills Sorting JS - Sorts instruments by smallest to largest so you can more easily see what you're missing.
[GC] - SDB Contents Collection JS - 2/25/2024, 11:26:31 PM
!!GC - Kings Logger JS (Library) - 12/15/2023, 6:55:38 PM
[GC] - Kadoatery Details Helper JS (Library) - Checks if feeding a kad was successful and logs the results to pass through a Discord webhook.
[GC] - Map Prizes Helper JS (Library) - Prize list last updated 1/26/24.
[GC] - Avatar Data Helper JS (Library) - Beta, not complete.
[GC | Library] - SSW: Savvy Shop Wiz JS (Library) - Library to call.
[GC | Library] - Highlight and sort 15 NP stocks JS (Library) - Automatically identifies cheapest buyable stocks for easily selecting a stock to purchase.
ww test JS (Library) - test
[GC | Library] Organize SW Results JS (Library) - Blocked users can be synced but do not actually change anything in the SW results yet.
[GC] - Underwater Fishing Prizes Library JS (Library) - Prizes worth sending webhooks for.