9gag remove GIF/video JS - return to old 9gag, no animation just image
Hide Cakeday Comments JS - Hides comments that contain cakeday-related keywords
Fix width of YouTube Desktop for small screen device (mobile) JS - Fixes the width when viewing Youtube desktop mode on small screen device, useful when your using add-ons that is only available on desktop mode, ex: Comet - Reddit Comments on YouTube & Webpages, *use some add-ons like comet works only when url don't contain "app=desktop"
Filter reddit post with certain keywords in the title JS - Hide elements with specific text content
Hover Zoom Minus -- JS - image popup: zoom, pan, scroll, pin, scale
Autoclick Reddit Home JS - Autoclick Home
lain game JS - lain web game adjustments
Old Reddit Auto Expand Images and Post Text, Images in comments JS - expands medias and post text on old Reddit feeds.