YouTube Video Downloader 🤩& Ad Blocker| HD/2K/4K Quality | Video&Audio&Cover🔥📥 JS - Download YouTube videos in HD(1080P/2K), subtitles support, video/audio separate download, shorts download, completely free & no ads
Bilibili Video Downloader 📥 JS - Download Bilibili videos with one click, clean and easy-to-use interface
YouTube AdBlocker Enhanced |YouTube 广告拦截增强版 JS - 结合多个脚本优势的 YouTube 广告拦截器,支持移动端/PC端,支持视频广告/界面广告,性能优化
Twitter AdBlocker [Enhanced] | 推特广告过滤[优化版]🚫 JS - Hide ads in tweets and sidebar. Optimized performance.
Reddit AdBlocker|Remove ads from Reddit🚫 JS - Remove ads from Reddit pages, including elements with shreddit-dynamic-ad-link class
ScriptHub - Available Scripts Finder JS - Shows available userscripts for the current website from Greasy Fork
即刻移动端自动跳转网页版 JS - 自动将即刻移动端链接(重定向到网页版(,支持动态和用户主页链接转换
Jike Posts Sort by Likes JS - Sort posts on Jike user profile by number of likes in descending order, with optimized auto-loading
Medium免费阅读 Medium Unlock JS - Adds a button to read full Medium articles via
Twitter Search Advanced JS - Adds an Advanced Search button next to Twitter's search box. Makes it easier to access Twitter's powerful advanced search features.