Reddit to Redlib Redirector (Improved) JS - Redirects Reddit URLs to Redlib via (fast and reliable)
Auto-Rotate Video Fullscreen JS - Automatically rotate device to landscape when a fullscreen video is in landscape orientation only
Android Double Tap to Seek Video JS - Adds double-tap seeking to Firefox android or any other browser efficiently
Site Search for Arc Browser JS - Enables site search for Arc browser and others using shortcuts
Site Search for Arc Browser for Google users JS - Enables site search for Arc browser and others using shortcuts
Universal Video Sharpener (CSS Filter) JS - Applies video sharpening using CSS filters across websites
Universal Video Sharpener JS - Applies video sharpening filter to streaming videos across websites with smooth transitions
Android Swipe to Seek Video JS - Adds swipe seeking to Firefox android or any other browser efficiently
Video Enhancement Control Panel JS - Advanced video sharpening and enhancement with real-time controls
Monospace Font for Brave Search JS - Apply font style to Brave Search
Brave Search Default for Opera JS - Automatically redirects Yahoo searches to Brave Search
Stream To Android Player JS - Detect streaming videos and open them in external Android apps
Reddit to SafeReddit Redirector JS - Redirects Reddit URLs directly to SafeReddit
Force Google Results in English JS - Automatically adds &hl=en to Google search URLs to force English results
Android Anti-App Redirect JS - Prevents automatic redirection to apps on Android browsers