Web Archive Helper JS - Add options to search or save pages on and
enable-copy-telegram JS - Enable copying text on Telegram Web
GitHub Creation Date JS - Displays the creation date of a GitHub repository when clicked.
Iframe JS - Spawns multiple iframes when Shift + Left Click is pressed. Works in private/incognito mode and allows multi-account usage with separate iframe storage.
chatgpt-rtl-toggle JS - enabling RTL (Right-To-Left) text direction toggle
YouTube URL Cleaner JS - Clean YouTube URLs to only keep the video ID when Shift + Left Click is used and show a popup
hijack-xhr JS - 1/26/2025, 1:35:29 PM
Code Diff Checker JS - Compare differences between two code versions
X-Translator JS - Automatically translates tweets on X (formerly Twitter).
waitForElement JS (Library) - Waits for an element using the MutationObserver API
createModal JS (Library) - Create-Modal