浏览器控制台防检测 JS - 根据 的检测方法进行了一个逆向反检测...需要在哪些网站上运行,自己添加到脚本编辑器-设置-用户包括里面去
快捷键粘贴当前时间文本 JS - 使用键盘快捷键(windows[Ctrl+Alt+T],其他系统[Ctrl+Shift+T])快速粘贴当前时间文本到当前输入框当前光标位置
网易邮箱去除广告 JS - 126、163和yeah邮箱去除顶部"应用中心"、"网易严选"和"半个电台",去除登陆页与首页广告
Fuck Baidu Cursor(update) JS - 对百度竖中指|Fuck Baidu Cursor
网页鼠标自定义 JS - 自定义你的网页鼠标样式,在www.cursor.cc安装新的鼠标样式
My Free MP3+ JS - 解锁MyFreeMP3的QQ音乐、酷狗音乐、酷我音乐,过广告拦截器检测,所有下载全部转为页面内直链下载
轻小说文库+ JS - 轻小说文库全方位体验改善,涵盖阅读、下载、书架、推荐、书评、账号、页面个性化等各种方面,你能想到的这里都有。没有?欢迎提出你的点子。
页面隐私保护 JS - No Privacy Spys
我是宪法小标兵!! JS - 宪法答题自动练习(100%正确率但不支持考试)
jQ EveryWhere JS - Load jQuery quickly in every site without jQ loaded. Uses CDNJS API and JSCode Storage to make sure we uses the latest version and be also available in limited network. Uses GM storage function to store jQuery code, in order to decrease unneccessary networking and speed up browsing.
Userscript Console (For developers) JS - Simple script that provides window.GM_Exec that can access GM_*functions
Userscript Runtime JS - Try to make userscripts work on non-tempermonkey environments(e.g. X Browser, Via Browser, etc.) as well. Attention: All data that are expected to be saved in browser storage will actually NOT be saved, that means, everytime the userscript executes will act as this is the first time.
高校邦脚本(修改版) JS - 高校邦刷课脚本,改自高校邦脚本,修改版版号GaoxiaoBBBB
OSU navigator JS - Use key "z" and "x" as mouse left and right, and displays your mouse cursor as osu yellow mouse cursor
- hack JS - Hack: feel free to touch anywhere, no fail!
Anti-"砖叶房风沙" JS - Anti
Keyboard support for JS - Use 'D' 'F' 'J' 'K' to beat the apples
Greasyfork script-set-edit button JS - Add / Remove script into / from script set directly in GF script info page
- JS - A simple script that helps you to make better
AGEFans 允许控制台调试 JS - 允许在 AGEFans 使用网页控制台,去除无限debugger以及页面自动跳转
iCourse163 Anti-detect JS - Prevent plugins(e.g. userscripts) being detected by 1course163 while simulating clicks on webpage
Fuck Ifly Freedom(FIF).js JS - 说实话,我不觉得讯飞考试有外国用户
动漫岛 视频功能增强 JS - 允许观看和下载动漫岛视频,去除部分uBlock Orgin未自动拦截的广告
Userscript App Core JS - Userscript App Core For Userscript Web Apps
超星允许粘贴 JS - 超星学习通允许粘贴
ASMR Online Work Downloader JS - Download all(selected) folders and files for current work on in one click, preserving folder structures
Netease Music - MyFreeMP3 Extender JS - Extend netease music with MyFreeMP3
Website icon getter JS - Get the icon of current tab
Confirm before closing tab JS - Prevent closing tabs accidently
Anti devtools-detector JS - Anti
快捷便笺+ JS - 快捷便笺,快速记录所需信息
Goda漫画下载 JS - 打开章节页面,一键下载全部章节
Anti devtools-detector 2 JS - Anti
ku10 Enhance JS - ku10.com增强:课程倒放、跳转Gomocalc分析
左手医生匿名化 JS - 去除或随机更换左手医生页面水印
Hikarinoakari direct links JS - bypass , go to directly
Pixiv novel to Epub JS - Download pixiv novels in Epub format
Extract RHYTHM-play arcaea password from video JS - Read cards in the video for you
Webpage mask JS - A customizable mask layer above any webpage. You can use it as a privacy mask, a screensaver, a nightmode filter... and so on.
行动代号工具 JS - 行动代号游戏描述词编辑工具
恋爱游戏网4位数字验证码识别 JS (Library) - 识别恋爱游戏网4位数字验证码
MyFreeMP3核心函数encode字段加密函数解密(未完成) JS (Library) - 对使用jsjiami.com进行加密的main.js中的encode函数进行解密
urlEncodeGBK.js JS (Library) - js纯代码实现gbk格式的url编码
GBK_URL.js JS (Library) - js纯代码实现gbk格式的url编码
hello world script JS (Library) - hello world脚本,用于测试环境是否OK
I'm wenku8 admin! JS (Library) - 通过简单的几行代码把用户伪装成wenku8管管
elegant alert()库 JS (Library) - Customized alert box at the top right corner, auto close in a few seconds. Click on the alert box will close it immediately and copy the alert message to clipboard.
GMRequireChecker JS (Library) - Require this script and you will get variable GMRequireChecker equals to true if loaded. In other cases, variable GMRequireChecker will just not exists.
GM_Polyfill JS (Library) - Provide GM_functions in non-ScriptManager-environment
GreasyForkScriptUpdate JS (Library) - Check update for Greasyfork userscript
wenku8+ loader JS (Library) - load wenku8+ temporarily
wenku8+ loader entry JS (Library) - load wenku8+ temporarily (entry)
轻小说文库++ 测试模块 JS (Library) - 轻小说文库++的测试模块,测试GM存储和其他grant,以及模块返回值功能
Basic Functions JS (Library) - 自用函数
Baidu Translate JS (Library) - Baidu translate api support for userscripts. No need for baidu's token.
Kawaii hikari chan for anti-devtools-detector JS (Library) - 一只可爱的光光,献给所有酷(ku3)毙(bi1)的前端逆向工程师们
Basic Functions (For userscripts) JS (Library) - Useful functions for myself
download corner pop JS (Library) - a corner pop script
download corner pop black-red theme JS (Library) - black-red theme for download corner pop
ItemSelector JS (Library) - An gui for users to select items from given standardized json
ConfigManager JS (Library) - ConfigManager: Manage(Get, set and update) your config with config path simply with a ruleset!
GM web hooks JS (Library) - Makes GM_xmlhttpRequest and GM_download queued
URL Encoder JS (Library) - URL encode and decode for non-utf8 encodings
MyFreeMP3 API JS (Library) - Music API for and
ic2api JS (Library) - 虽然作者懒得写描述,但是他至少记得添加过一个默认描述……
buffer JS (Library) - This is the userscript port for
metaflac.js JS (Library) - A pure JavaScript implementation of the metaflac (the official FLAC tool written in C++) (The userscript port for
Aria2 RPC Edit 2 JS (Library) - Aria2 RPC Library 维护,源脚本