Greasy Fork is available in English.

URL Stripper

Takes offsite links that stick the original URL into an onsite link with extra parameters and changes the href to that original URL.

Voici les versions de ce script où le code a été modifié. Voir toutes les versions.

  • v1.1.914/03/2020Added include directive
  • v1.1.808/08/2016Allows proper suppport for
  • v1.1.729/01/2016Now supports Yahoo search links
  • v1.1.629/01/2016Fixed cases where URLS have multiple question marks in them
  • v1.1.518/12/2015Changed unescape back to decodeURIComponent, as unescape caused more problems than it solved.
  • v1.1.416/12/2015Decode is replaced with unescape to better handle foreign letters
  • v1.1.306/12/2015Amazon links will be ignored. Object generation ignores parameters without a value. Multiple link observers replaced with single body observer, allowing for better link change detection.
  • v1.1.228/11/2015Now accommodates double URL encoding
  • v1.1.128/11/2015
  • v1.1.026/11/2015Now works on links that change after they're clicked on
  • v1.0.625/11/2015Added a "skip list" that skips over links that don't need the script
  • v1.0.506/11/2015Optimized special case detection
  • v1.0.401/11/2015Added support for "special" cases
  • v1.0.312/10/2015Simplified URL parsing, removing unecessary key handiling. Now ignores "search all archived pages" links in Wayback Machine
  • v1.0.211/10/2015Fixed type in title, now detects and sorts shared keys
  • v1.0.111/10/2015Now accommodates the "URL" flag (uppercase). Hard to believe an extra line is even necessary for that
  • v1.011/10/2015