Greasy Fork is available in English. and Highlight one-click-hoster links and include Multi-OCH Helper button
// ==UserScript== // @name Multi-OCH Helper Highlight links // @namespace cuzi // @license MIT // @copyright 2014, cuzi ( // @description and Highlight one-click-hoster links and include Multi-OCH Helper button // @homepageURL // @icon // @match *://*/* // @exclude *.yahoo.* // @exclude *.google.* // @exclude *.youtube.* // @exclude ** // @exclude ** // @exclude ** // @exclude ** // @exclude ** // @exclude * // @exclude *.amazon.* // @exclude *.ebay.* // @exclude ** // @version 10.20.5 // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== /* globals getOCH, GM, $, alert, NodeFilter */ /* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */ (async function () { 'use strict' const MAXTEXTNODES = 10000 const scriptName = 'Multi-OCH Helper Highlight links' const mainScriptName = 'Multi-OCH Helper' const syncHostersHost = '' const syncHostersUrl = syncHostersHost + 'Userscripts/index.html?link=sync' const ignoreList = [['', 30]] const chrome = ~navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') const $J = $.noConflict(true) const config = { mouseOverDelay: 700, frameWidth: '170px', frameHeight: '200px', colorHosterAvailableBG: 'green', colorHosterAvailableFG: 'white', colorHosterUnavailableBG: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)', colorHosterUnavailableFG: 'white', colorLinkOfflineBG: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)', colorLinkOfflineFG: 'silver', maxRequestsPerPage: 2, updateHosterStatusInterval: 24 * 7 // weekly update } // These hosters are supported by but have a X-Frame-Options enabled or simply do not work without javascript. const frameHosterWhitelist = [ ] const multi = { '': new function () { const self = this this.key = '' = '' this.homepage = '' const mapHosterName = (name) => name.replace('-', '') this.updateStatusURL = '' this.updateStatusURLpattern = /https?:\/\/www\.nopremium\.pl.*/ this.status = {} this.init = async function () { self.lastUpdate = new Date(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_status_time', 0)) self.status = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_status', '{}')) } this.updateStatus = async function () { // Update list of online hosters if (document.location.href.match(self.updateStatusURL)) { if ($J('#servers a[title]').length) { // Read and save current status of all hosters self.status = {} $J('#servers a[title]').each(function () { const name = mapHosterName(this.title) self.status[name] = true }) await GM.setValue(self.key + '_status', JSON.stringify(self.status)) await GM.setValue(self.key + '_status_time', '' + (new Date())) console.log(scriptName + ': ' + + ': Hosters (' + Object.keys(self.status).length + ') updated') } else { console.log(scriptName + ': ' + + ': Hosters: no hoster list found') } } else { alert(scriptName + '\n\nError: wrong update URL') } } this.isOnline = (hostername) => hostername in self.status && self.status[hostername] }(), '': new function () { const self = this this.key = '' = 'premiumize' this.homepage = '' this.updateStatusURL = '' this.updateStatusURLpattern = /https:\/\/www\.premiumize\.me\/hosters\/?/ this.status = {} this.init = async function () { self.lastUpdate = new Date(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_status_time', 0)) self.status = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue(self.key + '_status', '{}')) } this.updateStatus = () => null // This works only with api key, which only the main script has this.isOnline = (hostername) => hostername in self.status && self.status[hostername] }() } function matchHoster (str) { // Return name of first hoster that matches, otherwise return false for (let i = 0; i < ignoreList.length; i++) { if (str.indexOf(...ignoreList[i]) !== -1) { return false } } for (const name in OCH) { for (let i = 0; i < OCH[name].pattern.length; i++) { if (OCH[name].pattern[i].test(str)) { return name } } } return false } // All suitable urls are saved in this array: const alllinks = [] function frameSrc (src) { // Prevent websites from busting the iframe by using a second "sandboxed" iframe // It's a kind of magic. const framesrc = 'data:text/html,' + encodeURIComponent(`<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>HTML5</title> <style>* { margin:0px; padding:0px; }</style> <script> function addlistener() { window.addEventListener("message", function(e){ if(! "iAm" in || != "") return; document.getElementById("mysandyframe").contentWindow.postMessage(,'*'); }, true); } </script> </head> <body onload="addlistener();"> <iframe id="mysandyframe" sandbox scrolling="no" frameborder="0" seamless="seamless" src="${src}" style="border: 0; width:${config.frameWidth}; height:${config.frameHeight}"> </body> </html>`) return framesrc } const orgDocumentTitle = document.title function setTitle (message) { if (message) { document.title = message + orgDocumentTitle } else { document.title = orgDocumentTitle } } function showMenu (jlink, textContent) { // Show the button let link if (textContent) { link = jlink.text() } else { link = jlink.attr('href') } // Create iframe let frame if ('info' in GM && 'scriptHandler' in && === 'Greasemonkey') { // Greasemonkey bug frame = $J('<embed></embed>') } else { frame = $J('<iframe></iframe>') } if (frameHosterWhitelist.indexOf('hoster')) === -1) { frame.attr('src', '' + encodeURIComponent(link)) } else { frame.attr('src', frameSrc(link)) } frame.attr('scrolling', 'no') frame.attr('frameborder', 'no') frame.attr('seamless', 'seamless') const p = jlink.offset() frame.css({ position: 'absolute', background: 'white', width: config.frameWidth, height: config.frameHeight, top: + 15, left: p.left, padding: '1px', boxShadow: '3px 3px 5px #444', border: '4px solid #9055c5', borderRadius: '0 5px 5px 5px', zIndex: 1001 }) frame.appendTo(document.body) // Send all links on this page to the "Multi-OCH Helper" setInterval(function () { if (frame[0].contentWindow) { frame[0].contentWindow.postMessage({ iAm: '', type: 'alllinks', links: alllinks, loc: document.location.href }, '*') } }, 500) // Check whether more links are selected const sel = window.getSelection() const selelectedLinks = [] if (!sel.isCollapsed) { for (let j = 0; j < sel.rangeCount; j++) { const frag = sel.getRangeAt(j).cloneContents() const span = document.createElement('span') span.appendChild(frag) const a = span.getElementsByTagName('a') for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { const url = a[i].href const m = matchHoster(url) if (url && m !== false) { selelectedLinks.push(url) } } } } if (selelectedLinks.length > 0) { const iv = setInterval(function () { if (frame[0].contentWindow) { frame[0].contentWindow.postMessage({ iAm: '', type: 'selectedlinks', links: selelectedLinks, loc: document.location.href }, '*') } }, 500) window.setTimeout(() => clearInterval(iv), 10000) } // Close frame on first click and prevent the <a>-element from opening a new window'onclick', jlink[0].onclick) jlink[0].onclick = null'click', function (event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation() event.preventDefault() const jthis = $J(this) // Close frame frame.remove() // Restore window title setTitle() // Restore onclick event this.onclick ='onclick') // Restore mouseover event'mouseOverAvailable', true)'mouseOverTimeout', false) return false }) } let firstAttach = true const attachEvents = function () { const links = [] // Normalize hoster object: Replace single patterns with arrays [RegExp] if (firstAttach) { for (const name in OCH) { if (!Array.isArray(OCH[name].pattern)) { OCH[name].pattern = [OCH[name].pattern] } } firstAttach = false } // Find all text nodes that contain "http://" const nodes = [] const walk = document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, { acceptNode: function (node) { if (node.parentNode.href || node.parentNode.parentNode.href || node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.href) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT } if (node.parentNode.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || node.parentNode.parentNode.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT } if (\s|^)https?:\/\/\w+/)) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT } } }, false) let node = walk.nextNode() while (node) { nodes.push(node) node = walk.nextNode() } // For each found text nodes check whether the URL is a valid OCH URL for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length && i < MAXTEXTNODES; i++) { if (nodes[i].data === '') { continue } const httpPosition = nodes[i].data.indexOf('http') if (httpPosition === -1) { continue } let urlnode if (httpPosition > 0) { urlnode = nodes[i].splitText(httpPosition) // Split leading text } else { urlnode = nodes[i] } const stop =$|\s/)[0] // Find end of URL if (stop !== '') { // If empty string, we found $ end of string const nextnode = urlnode.splitText( // Split trailing text if ( !== '' &&'http') !== -1) { // The trailing text might contain another URL nodes.push(nextnode) } } // Check whether the URL is a OCH. If so, create an <a> element const url = const m = matchHoster(url) if (url && url && m !== false) { // Create <a> element const a = document.createElement('a') a.href = url a.appendChild(urlnode.parentNode.replaceChild(a, urlnode)) const li = $J(a) links.push({ hoster: m, url, element: li }) alllinks.push(url) } } // Find actual <a> links const al = document.getElementsByTagName('a') for (let i = 0; i < al.length; i++) { if (al[i].dataset && al[i].dataset.linkValidatedAs) { continue // Link was already checked } const url = al[i].href const mH = matchHoster(url) if (mH !== false) { const li = $J(al[i]) links.push({ hoster: mH, url, element: li }) alllinks.push(url) } } // Attach mouseover/out events to all the links for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { const a = links[i].element const hoster = links[i].hoster if ('attached' in links[i] ||'hoster')) { // Already attached 6 continue } if (OCH[hoster].multi.length === 0) { // Not supported by according to hardcoded rules continue } let notsupported = true for (const debrid in multi) { if (multi[debrid].isOnline(hoster)) { notsupported = false break } } if (notsupported) { continue // Not supported by according to status } links[i].attached = true // if(links[i].data('hosterAvailable')) { // links[i].attr("style","background:"+config.colorHosterAvailableBG+"; color:"+config.colorHosterAvailableFG+";"); // } else { // links[i].attr("style","background:"+config.colorHosterUnavailableBG+"; color:"+config.colorHosterUnavailableFG+";"); // } a.attr('style', 'background:' + config.colorHosterAvailableBG + '; color:' + config.colorHosterAvailableFG + ';')'hoster', hoster)'mouseOverAvailable', true)'mouseOverTimeout', false) a.on({ mouseover: function () { const link = $J(this) if (!'mouseOverAvailable')) { return }'mouseOverTimeout', setTimeout(function () { if (!'mouseOverAvailable')) { return }'mouseOverAvailable', false) showMenu(link) }, config.mouseOverDelay)) }, mouseout: function () { const link = $J(this) if ('mouseOverTimeout') !== false) { clearTimeout('mouseOverTimeout'))'mouseOverTimeout', false) } } }) } return links.length } // Get OCH list const OCH = getOCH() // Init hosters for (const key in multi) { await multi[key].init() } // Manual refresh from menu GM.registerMenuCommand('Find links', () => attachEvents()) // This is the start of everything let numberFoundLinks = 0 window.setTimeout(function () { numberFoundLinks = attachEvents() }, 0) window.setTimeout(function () { if (numberFoundLinks === 0) { numberFoundLinks = attachEvents() } }, 1500) // Let's try again. // Update hoster status for (const key in multi) { if (multi[key].updateStatusURLpattern.test(document.location.href)) { multi[key].updateStatus() break } } // Create iframes to update hoster status: const now = new Date() for (const key in multi) { if ((now - multi[key].lastUpdate) > (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) { if (document.getElementById('multiochhelper')) { // Button is visible on this page window.setTimeout(() => window.postMessage({ iAm: '', type: 'requesthosterstatus' }, '*'), 1000) } else if (chrome) { // Chrome: we can use iframe to load Multi-OCH_Helper script in the frame const $iframe = $J('<iframe>').appendTo(document.body) $iframe.bind('load', function () { const frame = this window.setTimeout(() => $J(frame).remove(), 4000) if ($iframe[0].contentWindow) { $iframe[0].contentWindow.postMessage({ iAm: '', type: 'requesthosterstatus' }, '*') } }) $iframe.attr('src', syncHostersUrl) } else { // Greasemonkey: we need to open a new tab to communicate with the Multi-OCH_Helper script if (document.location.href.startsWith(syncHostersHost)) { window.setTimeout(() => window.postMessage({ iAm: '', type: 'requesthosterstatus' }, '*'), 1000) } else { const w = window.setTimeout(function () { if (w) { w.postMessage({ iAm: '', type: 'requesthosterstatus' }, '*') } window.setTimeout(function () { if (w) { w.close() } }, 3000) }, 1000) } } break } } // Handle messages from the button script window.addEventListener('message', async function (e) { if (typeof !== 'object' || !('iAm' in || !== '') { return } switch ( { case 'alert': // Alert on page, not in frame alert( break case 'title': // Alert on page, not in frame setTitle( break case 'findLinks': // Research links window.setTimeout(function () { numberFoundLinks = attachEvents() }, 0) break case 'hosterstatus': { // Update hoster status, this script has no API access on premiumize, so it cannot update the hosters itself const data = JSON.parse( const r###lt = {} for (const key in multi) { if (data && key in data) { await GM.setValue(key + '_status', JSON.stringify(data[key])) r###lt[key] = Object.keys(data[key]).length multi[key].status = data[key] } await GM.setValue(key + '_status_time', '' + (new Date())) } console.log(scriptName + ': Received hoster status from ' + mainScriptName + ': ' + JSON.stringify(r###lt)) break } } }, true) })()