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Pixlr Editor Remove Sidebar

Your Adblocker remove ads, This user script inject css to remove the blank sidebar.

Installer ce script?
// ==UserScript==// @name Pixlr Editor Remove Sidebar// @namespace Pixlr Editor Remove Sidebar// @description Your Adblocker remove ads, This user script inject css to remove the blank sidebar.// @author SMed79// @version 1.1// @encoding utf-8// @license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/// @icon http://i.imgur.com/Tm0b4t0.png// @twitterURL https://twitter.com/SMed79// @contactURL http://tinyurl.com/contact-smed79// @supportURL https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/14957-pixlr-editor-remove-sidebar/feedback// @include http://pixlr.com/editor/*// @include https://pixlr.com/editor/*// @grant GM_addStyle// ==/UserScript==GM_addStyle ( "              \body {                     \padding-right: 0px; \}                     \" );