Greasy Fork is available in English.
A dinamic system to customize style css. It append the rules in the end of body
Ce script ne doit pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie destinée à être incluse dans d'autres scripts avec la méta-directive // @require
With CssDynamic you can add properties like standard css method of jQuery
//jQuery standard$(element).css(property,value)//jQuery dynamic$(element).cssDynamic(property,value)
You can also pass an object like new standard of jQuery 3
//jQuery standard$(element).css({property1:value1,property1:value1})//jQuery dynamic$(element).cssDynamic({property1:value1,property1:value1})
The below parameter represents the actions that may perform (default is add
). The actions can be:
You can add a new rule to an existing stylesheet (you can use the follow parameter to select it).If it doesn't exist it create the stylesheet
$('.myClass').cssDynamic('color','#DDD','add', 'idStylesheet')//another use$('.myClass').cssDynamic({'color':'#DDD','font-weight':'bold'},'add', 'idStylesheet')//or$('.myClass').cssDynamic('color','#DDD')/* `add` like action and `cssDynamic` like id of stylesheet are default parameters */
With this action you can create new stylesheet and it will be placed in the end of body
$('.myClass').cssDynamic('color','#DDD','new', 'newIdStylesheet')/* `cssDynamic` is default id parameter */
It's easy to remove "cssDynamic" with this syntax:
$().cssDynamic('remove', 'idStylesheetToRemove')/* `cssDynamic` is default id parameter */
You can also rename a stylesheet id with another one
$().cssDynamic('rename', 'oldIdStylesheet','newIdStylesheet')
This action deletes an old stylesheet (by id) and it replace the old stylesheet with the newest
$('.myClass').cssDynamic('color','#DDD','renew', 'idStylesheet')