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A JavaScript to run script when docs is ready
Ce script ne doit pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie destinée à être incluse dans d'autres scripts avec la méta-directive // @require
// ==UserScript==// @name docsReady// @namespace [email protected]// @description A JavaScript to run script when docs is ready// @author xymopen// @version 1.0.1// @grant none// @license BSD 2-Clause// @homepageURL @updateURL ==/UserScript==function domReady( onReady, contextWindow ) {var excuted = false;function onDelayedReady( event ) {if ( !excuted ) {excuted = true;onReady( event );}}if ( !contextWindow ) {contextWindow = window;}if ( "interactive" == contextWindow.document.readyState ) {onReady();} else {contextWindow.document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", onDelayedReady );}// In case DOMContentLoaded was not supported or not emitted or missedallReady( onDelayedReady, contextWindow );}function allReady( onReady, contextWindow ) {if ( !contextWindow ) {contextWindow = window;}if ( "complete" == contextWindow.document.readyState ) {onReady();} else {contextWindow.addEventListener( "load", onReady );}}function frameReady( onReady, contextFrame ) {if ( "complete" == contextFrame.contentDocument.readyState ) {onReady();}contextFrame.addEventListener( "load", onReady );}