Power LinkedIn empowers your use of LinkedIn.com with social networking automation and configurable, time-saving features.
Features include:
- Connect All button to auto connect to all shown contacts inA) Search R###lts page,B) Profile page (even if Connect button is hidden),C) My Network page suggestions, and likely anywhere else Connect is available
- Connect All/Open button to connect to all shown contacts and also open Contacts without Connect button in search r###lts
- Auto Skip Add Note, just Send NowYou can disable this behavior for certain pages by adding "connectNote&" to the URL (either after the /? or after adding a ? to the URL if one doesn't already exist) in address bar and pressing Enter.Disable permanently by having var autoSendNowOnConnect = false; (instead of default of true) in the USER SETTINGS part of the script.
- Expand all Profile sections (for easier searching)Disable permanently by having var autoExpandProfileDescription = false; (instead of default of true) in the USER SETTINGS part of the script.
- Show visited link color for profiles already seen (even when opened from search r###lts)
You can Configure or Disable features in User Settings part of script.
You can also disable some features temporarily for specific pages by adding the described parameters (such as connectNote&) on to the URL of the page you are visiting.
By PowerSheet.ai