
Greasy Fork is available in English.


try to take over the world!

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// ==UserScript==// @name         LoultGetId2// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/// @version      0.1// @description  try to take over the world!// @author       You// @match        https://loult.family/*// @grant        none// ==/UserScript==function getCookie(name) {var value = "; " + document.cookie;var parts = value.split("; " + name + "=");if (parts.length == 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift();}var CheminComplet = document.location.href;var NomDuFichier     = CheminComplet.substring(CheminComplet.lastIndexOf( "/" )+1 );var FirstMessage = true ;socket = new WebSocket('wss://loult.family/socket/'+NomDuFichier);socket.onmessage = function(e){var server_message = e.data;if (typeof event.data === "string") {var jsonObject = JSON.parse(e.data) ;if(FirstMessage){      // si premier message du socketvar length = jsonObject.users.length ;      // taille du tableau des utilisateurs  et nombre pokemon connectéfor (var i = 0 ; i<length; i++) {if( jsonObject.users[i].params.you === true) {console.log( "nom :" +  jsonObject.users[i].params.name  +" "+  jsonObject.users[i].params.adjective  );console.log( "cookie :" + getCookie("id") );document.cookie = "id"+ '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';}FirstMessage=false ;  // sortir du if}}}}