This scripts are created to help editors that have at least reached the Level 2 to answer to URs more quickly
They are based on RickZabel's version.
The functions of this script are :
- Complete the answer part with predefined texts based on the UR type
- Automaticaly send Reminders and close URs after some times (Defined in the settings by the editor, default 7 days to closure (Waze's choise in the Wiki))
- Zoom on the click on URs and center the page on it
- Change the URs colors to more red color when they passed the limit age
The features :
- In the predefined texts are some variables used to change the text to the editor's signature
- a tab that have 3 childs tab
-- Comments : All the available predefined comments are there
-- UR Filter : A tab to filter the UR on some choises like the age, the last comment, the user's URs, ...
-- Settings : Some advanced settings like the signature, ...
Install Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey depending on your browser.
Then use the following links to install.
Main script (English)
French translation /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ Main script required /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\
If you find any issue