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Présente les paroles de chansons de sur Spotify
Vous pourriez également aimer Youtube Music Genius Lyrics.
// ==UserScript== // @name Spotify Genius Lyrics // @description Shows lyrics from on the Spotify web player // @description:es Mostra la letra de de las canciones en el reproductor web de Spotify // @description:de Zeigt den Songtext von im Spotify-Webplayer an // @description:fr Présente les paroles de chansons de sur Spotify // @description:pl Pokazuje teksty piosenek z na Spotify // @description:pt Mostra letras de no Spotify // @description:it Mostra i testi delle canzoni di su Spotify // @description:ja スクリプトは、Spotify (スポティファイ)上の から歌詞を表示します // @namespace // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @copyright 2020, cuzi ( // @supportURL // @icon // @version 23.6.9 // @require // @require // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_openInTab // @connect // @match* // @match // @sandbox JavaScript // ==/UserScript== /* Copyright (C) 2020 cuzi ([email protected]) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* global genius, geniusLyrics, unsafeWindow, GM, GM_openInTab, KeyboardEvent */ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars /* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */ 'use strict' const scriptName = 'Spotify Genius Lyrics' let genius let resizeLeftContainer let resizeContainer let optionCurrentSize = 30.0 GM.getValue('optioncurrentsize', optionCurrentSize).then(function (value) { optionCurrentSize = value }) function setFrameDimensions (container, iframe, bar) { = container.clientWidth - 6 + 'px' = document.documentElement.clientHeight - bar.clientHeight - 15 + 'px' } function onResize () { const iframe = document.getElementById('lyricsiframe') if (iframe) { setFrameDimensions(document.getElementById('lyricscontainer'), document.getElementById('lyricsiframe'), document.querySelector('.lyricsnavbar')) } } function initResize () { window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMoveResize) window.addEventListener('mouseup', stopResize) window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize) } function onMouseMoveResize (e) { optionCurrentSize = 100 - (e.clientX / document.body.clientWidth * 100) = (100 - optionCurrentSize) + '%' = optionCurrentSize + '%' } function stopResize () { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMoveResize) window.removeEventListener('mouseup', stopResize) window.addEventListener('resize', onResize) onResize() GM.setValue('optioncurrentsize', optionCurrentSize) } function getCleanLyricsContainer () { document.querySelectorAll('.loadingspinner').forEach((spinner) => spinner.remove()) const topContainer = document.querySelector('div.Root') if (!document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')) { = (100 - optionCurrentSize) + '%' = 'left' if ('--panel-gap')) { = '-' +'--panel-gap') } resizeContainer = document.createElement('div') = 'lyricscontainer' = 'min-height: 100%; width: ' + optionCurrentSize + '%; position: relative; z-index: 1; float:left;background:black' topContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(resizeContainer, topContainer.nextSibling) } else { resizeContainer = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer') resizeContainer.innerHTML = '' topContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(resizeContainer, topContainer.nextSibling) } resizeLeftContainer = topContainer = 10 return document.getElementById('lyricscontainer') } function onNewSongPlaying () { genius.f.closeModalUIs() } async function onNoR###lts (songTitle, songArtistsArr) { const showSpotifyLyricsEnabled = await GM.getValue('show_spotify_lyrics', true) const submitSpotifyLyricsIgnored = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('submit_spotify_lyrics_ignore', '[]')) const key = songTitle + ' - ' + songArtistsArr.join(', ') if (submitSpotifyLyricsIgnored.indexOf(key) !== -1) { // User has previously clicked "Cancel" on the confirm dialog for this song console.debug('onNoR###lts() Key "' + key + '" is ignored') return } if (showSpotifyLyricsEnabled && document.querySelector('[data-testid="lyrics-button"]')) { openAndAskToSubmitSpotifyLyrics(songTitle, songArtistsArr, false) } } async function openAndAskToSubmitSpotifyLyrics (songTitle, songArtistsArr, forc###bmit = false) { const submitSpotifyLyricsEnabled = forc###bmit || (await GM.getValue('submit_spotify_lyrics', true)) const key = songTitle + ' - ' + songArtistsArr.join(', ') // Open lyrics if they are not already open if (!document.querySelector('[data-testid="fullscreen-lyric"]')) { document.querySelector('[data-testid="lyrics-button"]').click() } // Wait one second for lyrics to open window.setTimeout(async function () { const lyrics = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="fullscreen-lyric"]')).map(div => div.textContent).join('\n') // Close lyrics again, if there are no lyrics if (document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="fullscreen-lyric"]').length === 0) { console.debug('Closing lyrics-view, because Spotify has no lyrics either.') document.querySelector('[data-testid="lyrics-button"]').click() return } // Check if the lyrics are behind a premium modal overlay for (let p = document.querySelector('[data-testid="fullscreen-lyric"]'); p && p.parentElement; p = p.parentElement) { if (p.tagName === 'MAIN') { if (p.querySelector('button span')) { console.debug('Lyrics are behind paywall, abort submit to genius.') improveLyricsPaywall() return } break } } if (submitSpotifyLyricsEnabled && lyrics && lyrics.trim()) { // Add this song to the ignored list so we don't ask again GM.getValue('submit_spotify_lyrics_ignore', '[]').then(async function (s) { const arr = JSON.parse(s) arr.push(key) await GM.setValue('submit_spotify_lyrics_ignore', JSON.stringify(arr)) }) // Ask user if they want to submit the lyrics genius.f.closeModalUIs() if (forc###bmit || (await genius.f.modalConfirm(` doesn't have the lyrics for this song but Spotify has the lyrics. Would you like to submit the lyrics from Spotify to\n(You need a account to do this)\n${songTitle} by ${songArtistsArr.join(', ')}`))) { submitLyricsToGenius(songTitle, songArtistsArr, lyrics) } else { // Once (globally) show the suggestion to disable this feature GM.getValue('suggest_to_disable_submit_spotify_lyrics', true).then(async function (suggestToDisable) { if (suggestToDisable) { genius.f.modalAlert('You can disable this suggestion in the options of the script.') GM.setValue('suggest_to_disable_submit_spotify_lyrics', false) } }) } } }, 1000) } function improveLyricsPaywall () { if (!document.querySelector('[data-testid="fullscreen-lyric"]')) { return } let main for (let p = document.querySelector('[data-testid="fullscreen-lyric"]'); p && p.parentElement; p = p.parentElement) { if (p.tagName === 'MAIN') { if (p.querySelector('button span')) { main = p break } else { return } } } const modal = main.querySelector('button span').parentNode.parentNode.parentNode = '50%' = '30%' = 'auto' = 0 = 'auto' = 0 const lyricsHolder = document.querySelector('[data-testid="fullscreen-lyric"]').parentNode const style = window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('[data-testid="fullscreen-lyric"]').firstElementChild, null) lyricsHolder.className = '' = style.fontSize = style.fontWeight = style.color } function submitLyricsFromMenu () { genius.f.closeModalUIs() const [ret, songTitle, songArtistsArr] = getSongTitleAndArtist() if (ret < 0) return if (songTitle && document.querySelector('[data-testid="lyrics-button"]')) { openAndAskToSubmitSpotifyLyrics(songTitle, songArtistsArr, true) } else { genius.f.modalAlert('Spotify lyrics are not available for this song.') } } function submitLyricsToGenius (songTitle, songArtistsArr, lyrics) { GM.setValue('submitToGenius', JSON.stringify({ lyrics, songTitle, songArtistsArr })).then(function () { GM_openInTab('', { active: true }) }) } async function fillGeniusForm () { const data = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('submitToGenius', '{}')) await GM.setValue('submitToGenius', '{}') if ('lyrics' in data && 'songTitle' in data && 'songArtistsArr' in data) { document.getElementById('song_primary_artist').value = data.songArtistsArr.join(', ') document.getElementById('song_title').value = data.songTitle document.getElementById('song_lyrics').value = data.lyrics // Create keyup event on song name, to generate the warning about duplicates const evt = new KeyboardEvent('keyup', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, key: 'e', char: 'e' }) document.getElementById('song_primary_artist').dispatchEvent(evt) document.getElementById('song_title').dispatchEvent(evt) } } function hideLyrics () { addLyricsButton() document.querySelectorAll('.loadingspinner').forEach((spinner) => spinner.remove()) if (document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')) { document.getElementById('lyricscontainer').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')) const topContainer = document.querySelector('div.Root') = '100%''float') } } function listSongs (hits, container, query) { if (!container) { container = getCleanLyricsContainer() } = 'rgba(0,0,0,.8)' // Back to search button const backToSearchButton = document.createElement('a') backToSearchButton.href = '#' backToSearchButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Back to search')) backToSearchButton.addEventListener('click', function backToSearchButtonClick (ev) { ev.preventDefault() if (query) { showSearchField(query) } else if (genius.current.compoundTitle) { showSearchField(genius.current.compoundTitle.replace('\t', ' ')) } else if (genius.current.artists && genius.current.title) { showSearchField(genius.current.artists + ' ' + genius.current.title) } else if (genius.current.artists) { showSearchField(genius.current.artists) } else { showSearchField() } }) const separator = document.createElement('span') separator.setAttribute('class', 'second-line-separator') separator.setAttribute('style', 'padding:0px 10px') separator.appendChild(document.createTextNode('•')) // Hide button const hideButton = document.createElement('a') hideButton.href = '#' hideButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hide')) hideButton.addEventListener('click', function hideButtonClick (ev) { ev.preventDefault() hideLyrics() }) // List search r###lts const trackhtml = ` <div class="geniushiticon"> <div class="geniushiticonout"> <span style="color:silver;font-size:2.0em">🅖</span> </div> <div class="geniushiticonover"> <span style="opacity:0.7;font-size:1.5em">📄</span> </div> </div> <div class="geniushitname"> <div class="track-name-wrapper tracklist-top-align"> <div class="tracklist-name ellipsis-one-line" dir="auto">$title</div> <div class="second-line"> <span class="ellipsis-one-line" dir="auto">$artist</span> <span class="second-line-separator" aria-label="in album">•</span> <span class="ellipsis-one-line" dir="auto">👁 <span style="font-size:0.8em">$stats.pageviews</span></span> <span class="second-line-separator" aria-label="in album">•</span> <span class="geniusbadge">$lyrics_state</span> </div> </div> </div>` container.innerHTML = '<section class="tracklist-container"><ol class="tracklist geniushits" style="width:99%"></ol></section>' container.insertBefore(hideButton, container.firstChild) container.insertBefore(separator, container.firstChild) container.insertBefore(backToSearchButton, container.firstChild) const ol = container.querySelector('ol.tracklist') const searchr###ltsLengths = hits.length const compoundTitle = genius.current.compoundTitle const onclick = function onclick () { genius.f.rememberLyricsSelection(compoundTitle, null, this.dataset.hit) genius.f.showLyrics(JSON.parse(this.dataset.hit), searchr###ltsLengths) } hits.forEach(function forEachHit (hit) { const li = ol.appendChild(document.createElement('li')) li.setAttribute('class', 'tracklist-row') li.setAttribute('role', 'button') li.innerHTML = trackhtml.replace(/\$title/g, hit.r###lt.title_with_featured).replace(/\$artist/g,\$lyrics_state/g, hit.r###lt.lyrics_state).replace(/\$stats\.pageviews/g, 'pageviews' in hit.r###lt.stats ? genius.f.metricPrefix(hit.r###lt.stats.pageviews, 1) : ' - ') li.dataset.hit = JSON.stringify(hit) li.addEventListener('click', onclick) const geniushitname = li.querySelector('.geniushitname') if (geniushitname.clientWidth > (li.clientWidth - 30)) { = (li.clientWidth - 30) + 'px' geniushitname.classList.add('runningtext') } }) if (hits.length === 0) { const li = ol.appendChild(document.createElement('li')) = 'larger' li.innerHTML = 'No r###lts found' } } const songTitleQuery = 'a[data-testid="nowplaying-track-link"],.Root footer .ellipsis-one-line a[href*="/track/"],.Root footer .ellipsis-one-line a[href*="/album/"],.Root footer .standalone-ellipsis-one-line a[href*="/album/"],[data-testid="context-item-info-title"] a[href*="/album/"],[data-testid="context-item-info-title"] a[href*="/track/"]' const songArtistsQuery = '.Root footer .ellipsis-one-line a[href*="/artist/"],.Root footer .standalone-ellipsis-one-line a[href*="/artist/"],a[data-testid="context-item-info-artist"][href*="/artist/"],[data-testid="context-item-info-artist"] a[href*="/artist/"]' function getSongTitleAndArtist () { const nowPlayingFooter = document.querySelector('[data-testid="now-playing-widget"]') const songTitleDOM = nowPlayingFooter ?, songTitleQuery) : document.querySelector(songTitleQuery) // eslint-disable-line no-undef if (!songTitleDOM) { console.warn('The song title element is not found.') return [-1] } const songTitle = genius.f.cleanUpSongTitle(songTitleDOM.textContent) if (!songTitle) { console.warn('The song title is empty.') return [-2] } const songArtistsArr = [] const ArtistLinks = nowPlayingFooter ?, songArtistsQuery) : document.querySelectorAll(songArtistsQuery) // eslint-disable-line no-undef for (const e of ArtistLinks) { songArtistsArr.push(e.textContent) } return [0, songTitle, songArtistsArr] } function addLyrics (force, beLessSpecific) { let musicIsPlaying = false const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.Root footer button[data-testid="control-button-playpause"]') if (buttons.length) { buttons.forEach(function (button) { if (button.getAttribute('aria-label') === 'Pause' || button.innerHTML.indexOf('M3 2h3v12H3zM10 2h3v12h-3z') !== -1 || button.innerHTML.indexOf('M3 2h3v12H3zm7 0h3v12h-3z') !== -1 || button.innerHTML.indexOf('M2.7 1a.7.7 0 00-.7.7v12.6a.7.7 0') !== -1 || button.innerHTML.indexOf('M2.7 1a.7.7 0 0 0-.7.7v12.6a') !== -1 ) { musicIsPlaying = true } }) } const [ret, songTitle, songArtistsArr] = getSongTitleAndArtist() if (ret < 0) return genius.f.loadLyrics(force, beLessSpecific, songTitle, songArtistsArr, musicIsPlaying) } let lastPos = null function updateAutoScroll () { let pos = null try { const els = document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="player-controls"] [data-testid="playback-position"],[data-testid="player-controls"] [data-testid="playback-duration"]') if (els.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`Expected 2 playback elements, found ${els.length}`) } const [current, remaining] = Array.from(els).map(e => e.textContent.trim().replace('-', '')).map(s => s.split(':').reverse().map((d, i, a) => parseInt(d) * Math.pow(60, i)).reduce((a, c) => a + c, 0)) pos = current / (current + remaining) } catch (e) { // Could not parse current song position pos = null } if (pos != null && !Number.isNaN(pos) && lastPos !== pos) { genius.f.scrollLyrics(pos) lastPos = pos } } function startSearch (query, container) { genius.f.searchByQuery(query, container, (res) => { if (res && res.status === 200) { listSongs(res.hits, container, query) } else { const div = container.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) div.classList.add('geniushit') div.innerHTML = `Error:<pre>${JSON.stringify(res, null, 2)}</pre>` } }) } function showSearchField (query) { const b = getCleanLyricsContainer() const div = b.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) = 'padding:5px' div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Search ')) // Hide button const hideButton = div.appendChild(document.createElement('a')) hideButton.href = '#' = 'float: right; padding-right: 10px;' hideButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hide')) hideButton.addEventListener('click', function hideButtonClick (ev) { ev.preventDefault() hideLyrics() }) const br = div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')) = 'right' = '15px' const input = div.appendChild(document.createElement('input')) = 'width:92%;border:0;border-radius:500px;padding:8px 5px 8px 25px;text-overflow:ellipsis' input.placeholder = 'Search' if (query) { input.value = query } else if (genius.current.compoundTitle) { input.value = genius.current.compoundTitle.replace('\t', ' ') } else if (genius.current.artists && genius.current.title) { input.value = genius.current.artists + ' ' + genius.current.title } else if (genius.current.artists) { input.value = genius.current.artists } input.addEventListener('focus', function onSearchLyricsButtonFocus () { = 'black' }) input.addEventListener('change', function onSearchLyricsButtonClick () { = 'black' if (input.value) { startSearch(input.value, b) } }) input.addEventListener('keyup', function onSearchLyricsKeyUp (ev) { = 'black' if (ev.code === 'Enter' || ev.code === 'NumpadEnter') { ev.preventDefault() if (input.value) { startSearch(input.value, b) } } }) input.focus() const mag = div.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) = '-27px' = '3px' mag.appendChild(document.createTextNode('🔎')) } function addLyricsButton () { if (document.getElementById('showlyricsbutton')) { return } const b = document.createElement('div') b.setAttribute('id', 'showlyricsbutton') b.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; top: 0px; right:0px; font-size:14px; color:#ffff64; cursor:pointer; z-index:3000;') b.setAttribute('title', 'Load lyrics from') b.appendChild(document.createTextNode('🅖')) b.addEventListener('click', function onShowLyricsButtonClick () { genius.option.autoShow = true // Temporarily enable showing lyrics automatically on song change window.clearInterval(genius.iv.main) genius.iv.main = window.setInterval(main, 2000) b.remove() addLyrics(true) }) document.body.appendChild(b) if (b.clientWidth < 10) { b.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; top: 0px; right:0px; font-size:14px; background-color:#0007; color:#ffff64; cursor:pointer; z-index:3000;border:1px solid #ffff64;border-radius: 100%;padding: 0px 5px;font-size: 10px;') b.innerHTML = 'G' } } function configShowSpotifyLyrics (div) { // Input: Show lyrics from Spotify if no lyrics found on const id = 'input945455' const input = div.appendChild(document.createElement('input')) input.type = 'checkbox' = id GM.getValue('show_spotify_lyrics', true).then(function (v) { input.checked = v }) const label = div.appendChild(document.createElement('label')) label.setAttribute('for', id) label.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Open lyrics from Spotify if no lyrics found on')) const onChange = function onChangeListener () { GM.setValue('show_spotify_lyrics', input.checked) } input.addEventListener('change', onChange) } function configSubmitSpotifyLyrics (div) { // Input: Submit lyrics from Spotify to const id = 'input337565' const input = div.appendChild(document.createElement('input')) input.type = 'checkbox' = id input.setAttribute('title', ' case Spotify has lyrics that does not have') GM.getValue('submit_spotify_lyrics', true).then(function (v) { input.checked = v }) const label = div.appendChild(document.createElement('label')) label.setAttribute('for', id) label.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Suggest to submit lyrics from Spotify to')) label.setAttribute('title', ' case Spotify has lyrics that does not have') const onChange = function onChangeListener () { GM.setValue('submit_spotify_lyrics', input.checked) } input.addEventListener('change', onChange) } function configHideSpotifySuggestions (div) { // Input: Hide suggestions and hints from Spotify about new features const id = 'input875687' const input = div.appendChild(document.createElement('input')) input.type = 'checkbox' = id input.setAttribute('title', 'Hide suggestions and hints from Spotify about new features') GM.getValue('hide_spotify_suggestions', true).then(function (v) { input.checked = v }) const label = div.appendChild(document.createElement('label')) label.setAttribute('for', id) label.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hide suggestions and hints from Spotify about new features')) const onChange = function onChangeListener () { GM.setValue('hide_spotify_suggestions', input.checked) } input.addEventListener('change', onChange) } function configHideSpotifyNowPlayingView (div) { // Input: Hide "Now Playing View" const id = 'input12567826' const input = div.appendChild(document.createElement('input')) input.type = 'checkbox' = id input.setAttribute('title', 'Hide Spotify\'s "Now Playing View"') GM.getValue('hide_spotify_now_playing_view', true).then(function (v) { input.checked = v }) const label = div.appendChild(document.createElement('label')) label.setAttribute('for', id) label.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hide Spotify\'s "Now Playing View"')) const onChange = function onChangeListener () { GM.setValue('hide_spotify_now_playing_view', input.checked) } input.addEventListener('change', onChange) } function addCss () { document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).innerHTML = ` .lyricsiframe { opacity:0.1; transition:opacity 2s; margin:0px; padding:0px; } .loadingspinnerholder { position:absolute; top:100px; left:100px; cursor:progress } .lyricsnavbar { background-color: rgb(80, 80, 80); background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6), rgb(18, 18, 18)); border-radius: 8px 8px 0px 0px; margin: 8px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 10px; } .lyricsnavbar span,.lyricsnavbar a:link,.lyricsnavbar a:visited { color: rgb(179, 179, 179); text-decoration:none; transition:color 400ms; } .lyricsnavbar a:hover,.lyricsnavbar span:hover { color:white; text-decoration:none; } .lyricsnavbar .second-line-separator,.lyricsnavbar .second-line-separator:hover { padding:0px 10px !important; color: transparent; vertical-align: text-bottom; } .geniushits li.tracklist-row { cursor:pointer } .geniushits li.tracklist-row:hover { background-color: #fff5; border-radius: 5px; } .geniushits li .geniushiticonout { display:inline-block; } .geniushits li:hover .geniushiticonout { display:none } .geniushits li .geniushiticonover { display:none } .geniushits li:hover .geniushiticonover { display:inline-block; padding-top:5px; } .geniushiticon { width:25px; height:2em; display:inline-block; vertical-align: top; } .geniushitname { display:inline-block; position: relative; overflow:hidden } .geniushitname .tracklist-name { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; color:white; } .geniushitname.runningtext .tracklist-name { display: inline-block; position: relative; animation: 3s linear 0s infinite alternate runtext; } .geniushits .second-line-separator { opacity: 0.7 } .geniushitname .geniusbadge { color: #121212; background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.6); border-radius: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 9px; line-height: 10px; min-width: 16px; height: 16px; padding: 0 2px; margin: 0 3px; } @keyframes runtext { 0%, 25% { transform: translateX(0%); left: 0%; } 75%, 100% { transform: translateX(-100%); left: 100%; } } ` } function styleIframeContent () { if (genius.option.themeKey === 'genius' || genius.option.themeKey === 'geniusReact') { = true = () => { = null // run once; set variables to genius.styleProps if (genius.option.themeKey !== 'genius' && genius.option.themeKey !== 'geniusReact') { = false return false } return true } } else { = false = null } } function main () { if (document.querySelector('.Root [data-testid="player-controls"] [data-testid="playback-progressbar"]') && document.querySelector(songTitleQuery)) { if (genius.option.autoShow) { addLyrics() } else { addLyricsButton() } } } if (document.location.hostname === '') { // fillGeniusForm() } else { window.setInterval(function removeAds () { // Remove "premium" button try { const button = document.querySelector('button[class^=Button][aria-label*=Premium]') if (button) { = 'none' } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } // Remove "install app" button try { const button = document.querySelector('a[href*="/download"]') if (button) { = 'none' } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } // Remove iframe "GET 3 MONTHS FREE" try { const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe[data-testid="inAppMessageIframe"]') if (iframe && iframe.contentDocument && iframe.contentDocument.body) { iframe.contentDocument.body.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(function (button) { if (button.parentNode.innerHTML.indexOf('Dismiss_action') !== -1) { } }) } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } GM.getValue('hide_spotify_suggestions', true).then(function (hid###ggestions) { if (hid###ggestions) { // Remove hints and suggestions document.querySelectorAll('.encore-announcement-set button[class*="Button-"]').forEach(b => // Check "show never again" document.querySelectorAll('').forEach(c => (c.checked = true)) // Close bubble document.querySelectorAll('.tippy-box button[class*="Button-"]').forEach(b => } }) GM.getValue('hide_spotify_now_playing_view', true).then(function (hideNowPlaying) { if (hideNowPlaying) { // Close "Now Playing View" // Old: document.querySelectorAll('#Desktop_PanelContainer_Id [data-testid="PanelHeader_CloseButton"] button[class*="Button-"]').forEach(function (b) { if (b.parentNode.previousElementSibling && b.parentNode.previousElementSibling.tagName === 'BUTTON') { // Second button is the "Now Playing View" button but not in the "Queue view" } }) // New: 2024-10 document.querySelectorAll('#Desktop_PanelContainer_Id [data-testid="PanelHeader_CloseButton"] button[class*="Button-"]').forEach(function (b) { if (b.parentNode.previousElementSibling && b.parentNode.previousElementSibling.querySelector('button[data-testid="more-button"]')) { // Second button is the "Now Playing View" button but not in the "Queue view" } }) } }) }, 3000) genius = geniusLyrics({ GM, scriptName, scriptIssu###RL: '', scriptIssuesTitle: 'Report problem:', domain: '', emptyURL: '', main, addCss, listSongs, showSearchField, addLyrics, hideLyrics, getCleanLyricsContainer, setFrameDimensions, initResize, onResize, config: [ configShowSpotifyLyrics, configSubmitSpotifyLyrics, configHideSpotifySuggestions, configHideSpotifyNowPlayingView ], toggleLyricsKey: { shiftKey: true, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, key: 'L' }, onNoR###lts, onNewSongPlaying }) genius.option.enableStyl###bstitution = true genius.option.cacheHTMLRequest = true // 1 lyrics page consume 2XX KB [OR 25 ~ 50KB under ] genius.onThemeChanged.push(styleIframeContent) GM.registerMenuCommand(scriptName + ' - Show lyrics', () => addLyrics(true)) GM.registerMenuCommand(scriptName + ' - Options', () => genius.f.config()) GM.registerMenuCommand(scriptName + ' - Submit lyrics to Genius', () => submitLyricsFromMenu()) window.setInterval(updateAutoScroll, 1000) window.setInterval(improveLyricsPaywall, 10000) }