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Genius.com translate lyrics

Shows English or Russian translation next to the lyrics on genius.com. Powered by Yandex.Translate

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Genius.com translate lyrics
// @description  Shows English or Russian translation next to the lyrics on genius.com. Powered by Yandex.Translate
// @namespace    cuzi
// @license      GPL-3.0-or-later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
// @copyright    2019, cuzi (https://github.com/cvzi)
// @version      1
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @connect      translate.yandex.net
// @include      https://genius.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
const YANDEX_API_KEY = 'trnsl.1.1.20190330T204003Z.a10ff99a15ff49d5.81a81cdd708ab5a0a1748539e579820da8446c9c'
const YANDEX_URL = 'https://translate.yandex.net/api/v1.5/tr.json/translate'
const YANDEX_HOME = 'https://translate.yandex.com/translate'
let DEFAULT_LANG = 'en'
const allLangs = {
'en': 'English',
'ru': 'Русский'
const spinner = '<style>.loadingspinner { pointer-events: none; width: 2.5em; height: 2.5em; border: 0.4em solid transparent; border-color: rgb(255, 255, 100) #181818 #181818 #181818; border-radius: 50%; animation: loadingspin 2s ease infinite;} @keyframes loadingspin { 25% { transform: rotate(90deg) } 50% { transform: rotate(180deg) } 75% { transform: rotate(270deg) } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg) }}</style><div class="loadingspinner"></div>'
const TAGS = ['A', 'I', 'EM', 'SMALL', 'STRONG']
function retrieveText (node) {
let child = node.firstChild
let text = ''
while (child) {
if (child.tagName === 'BR') {
text += '\n'
} else if (child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
text += child.textContent
} else if(TAGS.includes(child.tagName)) {
text += retrieveText(child)
} else if(child.firstChild && child.firstChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && child.firstChild.textContent.trim()) {
text += child.firstChild.textContent
child = child.nextSibling
return text
function metricPrefix (n, decimals, k) {
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/18650828
if (n <= 0) {
return String(n)
k = k || 1000
let dm = decimals <= 0 ? 0 : decimals || 2
let sizes = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']
let i = Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.log(k))
return parseFloat((n / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + sizes[i]
function askForKey (fromError) {
if (fromError) {
alert('The API key is incorrect or expired/out of quota!')
} else {
alert('You have not set your API key yet!')
function config () {
GM.getValue('api_key', false),
GM.getValue('lang', DEFAULT_LANG),
GM.getValue('requestcache', '{}')
]).then(function (values) {
let apiKey = values[0]
DEFAULT_LANG = values[1]
const requestcacheRaw = values[2]
// Window
const win = document.createElement('div')
win.setAttribute('style', 'position:fixed; top: 10px; left:10px; padding:15px; background:white; border-radius:10%; border:2px solid black; color:black; z-index:100')
const h1 = document.createElement('h1')
let a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = 'https://github.com/cvzi/Genius-translate-lyrics-userscript/issues'
a.style = 'color:blue'
win.appendChild(a).appendChild(document.createTextNode('Report problem: github.com/cvzi/Genius-translate-lyrics-userscript'))
// Text: Api Key
let div = document.createElement('div')
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Your Yandex API key: '))
const inputApiKey = div.appendChild(document.createElement('input'))
inputApiKey.type = 'text'
inputApiKey.size = 90
if (apiKey) {
inputApiKey.value = apiKey
} else {
inputApiKey.style.backgroundColor = '#f6f6a1'
inputApiKey.value = '#Not set'
const onApiKeyChange = function onApiKeyChangeListener () {
if (inputApiKey.value && (inputApiKey.value.length > 20 || inputApiKey.value === '#Not set')) {
GM.setValue('api_key', inputApiKey.value !== '#Not set' ? inputApiKey.value : false)
inputApiKey.style.backgroundColor = '#93d89c'
} else {
alert('Invalid api key')
inputApiKey.style.backgroundColor = '#f2c4be'
inputApiKey.addEventListener('change', onApiKeyChange)
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('You can get a free API key by registering an account here: '))
a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = 'https://translate.yandex.com/developers/keys'
a.style = 'color:blue'
// Select: Language
div = document.createElement('div')
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Your language: '))
const selectLang = div.appendChild(document.createElement('select'))
for (let key in allLangs) {
const option = selectLang.appendChild(document.createElement('option'))
option.value = key
if (DEFAULT_LANG === key) {
option.selected = true
const onLangChange = function onLangChangeListener () {
GM.setValue('lang', selectLang.selectedOptions[0].value)
selectLang.style.backgroundColor = '#93d89c'
selectLang.addEventListener('change', onLangChange)
// Clear request cache button
const bytes = metricPrefix(requestcacheRaw.length - 2, 2, ####) + 'Bytes'
const clearCacheButton = win.appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
clearCacheButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Clear cache (' + bytes + ')'))
clearCacheButton.addEventListener('click', function onClearCacheButtonClick () {
GM.setValue('requestcache', '{}').then(function () {
clearCacheButton.innerHTML = 'Cleared'
// Close button
const closeButton = win.appendChild(document.createElement('button'))
closeButton.style.color = 'black'
closeButton.addEventListener('click', function onCloseButtonClick () {
function createArea () {
if (document.getElementById('userscripttranslate')) {
// Move lyrics to the right
const columnLayout = document.querySelector('routable-page song-page .song_body.column_layout')
const minWidth = columnLayout.querySelector('.column_layout-column_span--primary').clientWidth + 50
const rightOffset = document.body.clientWidth - minWidth
if (rightOffset > 0) {
columnLayout.style.margin = '0 auto 0 ' + minWidth + 'px'
} else {
columnLayout.style.margin = '0 0 0 auto'
const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect()
const elemRect = document.querySelector('song-page lyrics div div.lyrics section p').getBoundingClientRect()
const offset = elemRect.top - bodyRect.top
const width = elemRect.left - bodyRect.left
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.setAttribute('id', 'userscripttranslate')
div.style = 'overflow:auto;position:absolute;top:' + offset + 'px;left:0px;max-width:' + width + 'px;padding:0 2.5rem 0 0;margin:0 1rem;white-space: nowrap;font-size: 1.125em;color:#222;background-color:#f7f7f7;font-family: Programme,sans-serif;word-break: break-word;line-height: 1.7em;font-weight: 100;'
return div
function translate () {
GM.getValue('api_key', false),
GM.getValue('requestcache', '{}')
]).then(function (values) {
if (!values[0]) {
let requestCache = JSON.parse(values[1])
requestCache = {
"cachekey0": "121648565.5\njsondata123",
const now = (new Date()).getTime()
const exp = 48 * 60 * 60 * 1000
for (let prop in requestCache) {
// Delete cached values, that are older than 2 days
const time = requestCache[prop].split('\n')[0]
if ((now - (new Date(time)).getTime()) > exp) {
delete requestCache[prop]
yandex(values[0] || YANDEX_API_KEY, requestCache)
function yandex (apiKey, requestCache) {
const div = createArea()
div.innerHTML = spinner + '<br>Collecting lyrics...'
const textInput = retrieveText(document.querySelector('song-page lyrics div div.lyrics section p'))
const cachekey = JSON.stringify(textInput)
if (cachekey in requestCache) {
div.innerHTML += ' Found in cache.'
const cacheResponse = JSON.parse(requestCache[cachekey].split('\n')[1])
showTranslation(JSON.parse(cacheResponse.responseText), div)
const requestURL = YANDEX_URL + '?key=' + apiKey + '&lang=' + DEFAULT_LANG + '&format=plain'
div.innerHTML += ' OK<br>Opening translate.yandex.net<br>'
method: 'POST',
url: requestURL,
data: '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(textInput),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
onload: function (response) {
div.innerHTML += response.status + ' ' + response.statusText
if (response.status === 200) {
// Cache r###lt:
const time = (new Date()).toJSON()
// Chrome fix: Otherwise JSON.stringify(requestCache) omits responseText
var newobj = {}
for (var key in response) {
newobj[key] = response[key]
newobj.responseText = response.responseText
requestCache[cachekey] = time + '\n' + JSON.stringify(newobj)
GM.setValue('requestcache', JSON.stringify(requestCache))
// Show r###lt
showTranslation(JSON.parse(response.responseText), div)
} else {
showError(response, div)
onreadystatechange: function (response) {
if (response.readyState === 1) {
div.innerHTML += 'Opened.'
} else if (response.readyState === 2) {
div.innerHTML += ' Sent.'
} else if (response.readyState === 3) {
div.innerHTML += ' Downloading... '
onerror: function (response) {
console.log('Error: ' + response.status + '\nURL: ' + requestURL + '\nResponse:\n' + response.responseText)
div.innerHTML += '<br><br>'
const a = div.appendChild(document.createElement('a'))
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Try again on translate.yandex.com/translate'))
a.href = YANDEX_HOME + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + '&lang=' + DEFAULT_LANG
a.target = '_blank'
div.innerHTML += '<br><br>Error: ' + response.status + '<br>URL: ' + requestURL + '<br>Response:<br>' + response.responseText
function showError (response, div) {
try {
let data = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
if ('code' in data) {
div.innerHTML += '<br>Error code: ' + data.code
if (data.code === 401) {
if ('message' in data) {
div.innerHTML += '<br>Error message: ' + data.message
} catch (e) {
div.innerHTML += '<br><br>'
const a = div.appendChild(document.createElement('a'))
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Try again on translate.yandex.com/translate'))
a.href = YANDEX_HOME + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + '&lang=' + DEFAULT_LANG
a.target = '_blank'
div.innerHTML += '<br><br>Response body:<br><pre>' + response.responseText + '</pre>'
function showTranslation (data, div) {
if (data.code !== 200) {
alert('Error ' + data.code + '\n' + JSON.stringify(data))
let html = '' + data.text
div.innerHTML = html.split('\n').join('<br>\n')
const a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = YANDEX_HOME + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + '&lang=' + DEFAULT_LANG
a.target = '_blank'
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\uD83D\uDD17 Powered by Yandex.Translate'))
const configLink = document.createElement('a')
configLink.href = '#'
configLink.addEventListener('click', function (ev) {
configLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u2699\uFE0F Userscript options'))
function addTranslateButton () {
GM.getValue('lang', DEFAULT_LANG).then(function (value) {
if (document.querySelector('lyrics div.lyrics_controls')) {
const button = document.createElement('button')
button.setAttribute('class', 'square_button')
button.addEventListener('click', translate)
button.addEventListener('auxclick', function (event) {
window.open(YANDEX_HOME + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + '&lang=' + DEFAULT_LANG)
document.querySelector('lyrics div.lyrics_controls').appendChild(button)
} else if (document.querySelector('song-page secondary song-metadata-preview > div')) {
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.setAttribute('class', 'header_with_cover_art-metadata_preview-unit')
const a = document.createElement('a')
a.addEventListener('click', function (ev) {
a.href = YANDEX_HOME + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + '&lang=' + DEFAULT_LANG
document.querySelector('song-page secondary song-metadata-preview > div').appendChild(div)
let iv = window.setInterval(function () {
if (document.querySelector('song-page lyrics div div.lyrics section p')) {
}, 500)