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Montre les charmes (info supprimée) dans l'encart de popularité des profils AdopteUnMec
// ==UserScript== // @name AdopteUnMec - montre charmes // @description Montre les charmes (info supprimée) dans l'encart de popularité des profils AdopteUnMec // @author PhiLhoSoft // @version 1.1 // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @include* // @namespace PhiLhoSoft // ==/UserScript== /* // by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)> // File/Project history: 1.01 -- 2019/12/05 (PL) -- Handle a person with more than a million of visits… 17613196 1.00 -- 2019/11/09 (PL) -- Creation. */ /* Copyright notice: For details, see the following file: This program is distributed under the zlib/libpng license. Copyright (c) 2019 Philippe Lhoste / PhiLhoSoft */ (function() { //'AdopteUnMec - montre charmes'); const encart = document.querySelector('.encart-popularite-content'); if (!encart) { console.warn('[AdopteUnMec] Encart pas trouvé'); return; } const rows = encart.querySelectorAll('tr'); const stats = computeStats(rows); //console.log('Stats', stats); const target = rows[1]; const trCharmes = document.createElement('tr'); const thCharmes = document.createElement('th'); thCharmes.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Charmes')); const tdCalcul = document.createElement('td'); tdCalcul.className = 'calcul'; tdCalcul.appendChild(document.createTextNode(stats.charmes.number.toString())); tdCalcul.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' x ')); const str = document.createElement('strong'); str.appendChild(document.createTextNode('20')); tdCalcul.appendChild(str); const tdEquals = document.createElement('td'); tdEquals.className = 'equals'; tdEquals.appendChild(document.createTextNode('=')); const tdCount = document.createElement('td'); tdCount.className = 'count'; tdCount.appendChild(document.createTextNode(stats.charmes.subTotal.toString())); trCharmes.appendChild(thCharmes); trCharmes.appendChild(tdCalcul); trCharmes.appendChild(tdEquals); trCharmes.appendChild(tdCount); target.parentNode.insertBefore(trCharmes, target.nextSibling); const trRatio = document.createElement('tr'); const thRatio = document.createElement('th'); thRatio.colSpan = 2; thRatio.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Ratio paniers / charmes')); const tdEqualsR = document.createElement('td'); tdEqualsR.className = 'equals'; tdEqualsR.appendChild(document.createTextNode('=')); const tdCountR = document.createElement('td'); tdCountR.className = 'count'; tdCountR.appendChild(document.createTextNode( stats.charmes.number === 0 ? 'N/A' : `${Math.floor(100 * stats.panier.number / stats.charmes.number)}%` )); trRatio.appendChild(thRatio); trRatio.appendChild(tdEqualsR); trRatio.appendChild(tdCountR); trCharmes.parentNode.insertBefore(trRatio, trCharmes.nextSibling); })(); function normalizeNumber(nb) { return nb.replace(/\u202F/g, ''); } // NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE function parseRow(prefix, rowText, simple) { const NB = '([\\d\u202F]+)'; const re = simple ? // Simple = just a value; otherwise, has a multiplier (x) and a value new RegExp(`^${prefix}${NB}`) : new RegExp(`^${prefix}${NB}\\s+x\\s+(\\d+)=(\\d+[KM]?)`); const rem = rowText.match(re); //console.log('RE', re, rowText, rem); // Subtotal isn't used, can be deducted from number and value… and the K or M (kilo / mega suffixes) makes it useless anyway. return { number: parseInt(normalizeNumber(rem[1])), value: parseInt(rem[2]), subTotal: rem[3] }; } function computeStats(rows) { const stats = {}; rows.forEach((row, i) => { //console.log('Row', row); const text = row.innerText; switch (i) { case 0: stats.mails = parseRow('Mails', text); break; case 1: stats.visites = parseRow('Visites', text); break; case 2: stats.panier = parseRow('Panier', text); break; case 3: stats.bonus = parseRow('Bonus', text, true); break; case 4: = parseRow('Total', text, true); break; } }); //console.log('Stats', stats); const computedTotal = stats.mails.number * stats.mails.value + stats.visites.number * stats.visites.value + stats.panier.number * stats.panier.value + stats.bonus.number; const charmTotal = - computedTotal; const charmValue = 20; stats.charmes = { number: charmTotal / charmValue, value: charmValue, subTotal: charmTotal }; return stats; }