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Raccourcis (scroll bar) pour réaction
// ==UserScript== // @name Reaction Scroll Bar // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Raccourcis (scroll bar) pour réaction // @author ArtesEveni // @match // @match // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // objet all reactions const optionElts = { "": "", "Ricane": "/me ricane", "Rit": "/me rit", "Se marre": "/me se marre", "Sourit": "/me sourit", "Ecoute": "/me ecoute", "Dors": "/me s'endort", "Incline la tête": "/me incline la tête de côté", "Regarder": "/me les regarde avec attention", "Ferme yeux": "/me ferme les yeux", "Lancer dés": "/roll" }; (() => { 'use strict'; /////////////// /* Variable */ ///////////// let formElt = $("#chatForm"), inputFormELt = $("form#chatForm input.text_chat"), selectElt = $('<select name="reaction" id="reaction" size="1" maxlength="1">'); // append the elements for (const property in optionElts) { selectElt.append($(`<option value="${optionElts[property]}">${property}</option>`)); } formElt.prepend(selectElt); // add attribue selected on the first option $('#chatForm select option:first').attr("selected"); ////////// /* CSS */ //////// // set css of the form formElt.css({ "padding": "0", }); // set css of the select element $("#chatForm select").css({ "width": "20px", "border": "1px solid #7ec8d8", "background-color": "#7ec8d8", "padding-bottom": "1px" }); // hover select element $("#chatForm select").hover( function() { $(this).css({ "background-color": "", "border": "1px solid #10426b", "color": "#7ec8d8" }); }, function() { $(this).css({ "border": "1px solid #7ec8d8", "background-color": "#7ec8d8", "color": "#10426b" }); } ); //set css of the input (form) inputFormELt.css({ "width": "210px" }); //////////////// /* Execution */ ////////////// // get the selected option value and set it in the input (form) selectElt.change( function() { inputFormELt.val(this.value); }); console.log("Reaction Scroll Bar is loaded."); })();