Greasy Fork is available in English.
Ajoutez des boutons pour télécharger ou ouvrir des médias
// ==UserScript== // @name Instagram Download Button // @name:zh-TW Instagram 下載器 // @name:zh-CN Instagram 下载器 // @name:ja Instagram ダウンローダー // @name:ko Instagram 다운로더 // @name:es Descargador de Instagram // @name:fr Téléchargeur Instagram // @name:hi इंस्टाग्राम डाउनलोडर // @name:ru Загрузчик Instagram // @namespace // @version 1.17.18 // @compatible chrome // @description Add the download button and the open button to download or open profile picture and media in the posts, stories, and highlights in Instagram // @description:zh-TW 在Instagram頁面加入下載按鈕與開啟按鈕,透過這些按鈕可以下載或開啟大頭貼與貼文、限時動態、Highlight中的照片或影片 // @description:zh-CN 在Instagram页面加入下载按钮与开启按钮,透过这些按钮可以下载或开启大头贴与贴文、限时动态、Highlight中的照片或影片 // @description:ja メディアをダウンロードまたは開くためのボタンを追加します // @description:ko 미디어를 다운로드하거나 여는 버튼을 추가합니다 // @description:es Agregue botones para descargar o abrir medios // @description:fr Ajoutez des boutons pour télécharger ou ouvrir des médias // @description:hi मीडिया को डाउनलोड या खोलने के लिए बटन जोड़ें। // @description:ru Добавьте кнопки для загрузки или открытия медиа // @author ZhiYu // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // TO-DO: // - replace the checking timer with the observer (function () { 'use strict'; // ================= // = Options = // ================= // Old method is faster than new method, but not work or unable get highest resolution media sometime const disableNewUrlFetchMethod = false; const prefetchAndAttachLink = false; // prefetch and add link into the button elements const hoverToFetchAndAttachLink = true; // fetch and add link when hover the button const replaceJpegWithJpg = false; // === File name placeholders === // %id% : the poster id // %datetime% : the media upload time // %medianame% : the original media file name // %postId% : the post id // %mediaIndex% : the media index in multiple-media posts const postFilenameTemplate = '%id%-%datetime%-%medianame%'; const storyFilenameTemplate = postFilenameTemplate; // === Datetime placeholders === // %y%: year (4 digits) // %m%: month (01-12) // %d%: day (01-31) // %H%: hour (00-23) // %M%: min (00-59) // %S%: sec (00-59) const datetimeTemplate = '%y%%m%%d%_%H%%M%%S%'; // ================== const postIdPattern = /^\/p\/([^/]+)\//; const postUrlPattern = /instagram\.com\/p\/[\w-]+\//; var svgDownloadBtn = `<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 0 477.867 477.867" style="fill:%color;" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path d="M443.733,307.2c-9.426,0-17.067,7.641-17.067,17.067v102.4c0,9.426-7.641,17.067-17.067,17.067H68.267 c-9.426,0-17.067-7.641-17.067-17.067v-102.4c0-9.426-7.641-17.067-17.067-17.067s-17.067,7.641-17.067,17.067v102.4 c0,28.277,22.923,51.2,51.2,51.2H409.6c28.277,0,51.2-22.923,51.2-51.2v-102.4C460.8,314.841,453.159,307.2,443.733,307.2z"/> </g> <g> <path d="M335.947,295.134c-6.614-6.387-17.099-6.387-23.712,0L256,351.334V17.067C256,7.641,248.359,0,238.933,0 s-17.067,7.641-17.067,17.067v334.268l-56.201-56.201c-6.78-6.548-17.584-6.36-24.132,0.419c-6.388,6.614-6.388,17.099,0,23.713 l85.333,85.333c6.657,6.673,17.463,6.687,24.136,0.031c0.01-0.01,0.02-0.02,0.031-0.031l85.333-85.333 C342.915,312.486,342.727,301.682,335.947,295.134z"/> </g> </svg>`; var svgNewtabBtn = `<svg id="Capa_1" style="fill:%color;" viewBox="0 0 482.239 482.239" xmlns="" height="24" width="24"> <path d="m465.016 0h-344.456c-9.52 0-17.223 7.703-17.223 17.223v86.114h-86.114c-9.52 0-17.223 7.703-17.223 17.223v344.456c0 9.52 7.703 17.223 17.223 17.223h344.456c9.52 0 17.223-7.703 17.223-17.223v-86.114h86.114c9.52 0 17.223-7.703 17.223-17.223v-344.456c0-9.52-7.703-17.223-17.223-17.223zm-120.56 447.793h-310.01v-310.01h310.011v310.01zm103.337-103.337h-68.891v-223.896c0-9.52-7.703-17.223-17.223-17.223h-223.896v-68.891h310.011v310.01z"/> </svg>`; var preUrl = ""; document.addEventListener('keydown', keyDownHandler); function keyDownHandler(event) { if (window.location.href === '') return; const mockEventTemplate = { stopPropagation: function () { }, preventDefault: function () { } }; if (event.altKey && (event.code === 'KeyK' || event.key == 'k')) { let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('download-btn'); if (buttons.length > 0) { let mockEvent = { ...mockEventTemplate }; mockEvent.currentTarget = buttons[buttons.length - 1]; if (prefetchAndAttachLink || hoverToFetchAndAttachLink) onMouseInHandler(mockEvent); onClickHandler(mockEvent); } } if (event.altKey && (event.code === 'KeyI' || event.key == 'i')) { let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('newtab-btn'); if (buttons.length > 0) { let mockEvent = { ...mockEventTemplate }; mockEvent.currentTarget = buttons[buttons.length - 1]; if (prefetchAndAttachLink || hoverToFetchAndAttachLink) onMouseInHandler(mockEvent); onClickHandler(mockEvent); } } if (event.altKey && (event.code === 'KeyL' || event.key == 'l')) { // right arrow let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('_9zm2'); if (buttons.length > 0) { buttons[0].click(); } } if (event.altKey && (event.code === 'KeyJ' || event.key == 'j')) { // left arrow let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('_9zm0'); if (buttons.length > 0) { buttons[0].click(); } } } function isPostPage() { return Boolean(window.location.href.match(postUrlPattern)); } function queryHas(root, selector, has) { let nodes = root.querySelectorAll(selector); for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { let currentNode = nodes[i]; if (currentNode.querySelector(has)) { return currentNode; } } return null; } var checkExistTimer = setInterval(function () { const curUrl = window.location.href; const savePostSelector = 'article *:not(li)>*>*>*>div:not([class])>div[role="button"]:not([style]):not([tabindex="-1"])'; const storySelector = 'section > *:not(main) header div>svg:not([aria-label=""])'; const profileSelector = 'header section svg circle'; const playSvgPathSelector = 'path[d="M5.888 22.5a3.46 3.46 0 0 1-1.721-.46l-.003-.002a3.451 3.451 0 0 1-1.72-2.982V4.943a3.445 3.445 0 0 1 5.163-2.987l12.226 7.059a3.444 3.444 0 0 1-.001 5.967l-12.22 7.056a3.462 3.462 0 0 1-1.724.462Z"]'; const pauseSvgPathSelector = 'path[d="M15 1c-3.3 0-6 1.3-6 3v40c0 1.7 2.7 3 6 3s6-1.3 6-3V4c0-1.7-2.7-3-6-3zm18 0c-3.3 0-6 1.3-6 3v40c0 1.7 2.7 3 6 3s6-1.3 6-3V4c0-1.7-2.7-3-6-3z"]'; let rgb = getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor.match(/[.?\d]+/g); let iconColor = (rgb[0] * 0.299 + rgb[1] * 0.587 + rgb[2] * 0.114) <= 150 ? 'white' : 'black' // clear all custom buttons when url changing if (preUrl !== curUrl) { while (document.getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length !== 0) { document.getElementsByClassName('custom-btn')[0].remove(); } } // check post let articleList = document.querySelectorAll('article'); for (let i = 0; i < articleList.length; i++) { let buttonAnchor = (Array.from(articleList[i].querySelectorAll(savePostSelector))).pop(); if (buttonAnchor && articleList[i].getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length === 0) { addCustomBtn(buttonAnchor, iconColor, append2Post); } } // check independent post page if (isPostPage()) { let savebtn = queryHas(document, 'div[role="button"] > div[role="button"]:not([style])', 'polygon[points="20 21 12 13.44 4 21 4 3 20 3 20 21"]') || queryHas(document, 'div[role="button"] > div[role="button"]:not([style])', 'path[d="M20 22a.999.999 0 0 1-.687-.273L12 14.815l-7.313 6.912A1 1 0 0 1 3 21V3a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h16a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1Z"]'); if (document.getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length === 0) { if (savebtn.parentNode.querySelector('svg')) { addCustomBtn(savebtn.parentNode.querySelector('svg'), iconColor, append2IndependentPost); } } } // check profile if (document.getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length === 0 && !curUrl.includes("stor")) { if (document.querySelector(profileSelector)) { addCustomBtn(document.querySelector(profileSelector), iconColor, append2Header); } } // check story if (document.getElementsByClassName('custom-btn').length === 0) { let playPauseSvg = queryHas(document, 'svg', playSvgPathSelector) || queryHas(document, 'svg', pauseSvgPathSelector); if (playPauseSvg) { let buttonDiv = playPauseSvg.parentNode; addCustomBtn(buttonDiv, 'white', append2Story); } } preUrl = curUrl; }, 500); function append2Post(node, btn) { node.append(btn); } function append2IndependentPost(node, btn) { node.parentNode.parentNode.append(btn); } function append2Header(node, btn) { node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(btn, node.parentNode.parentNode); } function append2Story(node, btn) { node.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.append(btn); } function addCustomBtn(node, iconColor, appendNode) { // add download button and set event handlers // add newtab button let newtabBtn = createCustomBtn(svgNewtabBtn, iconColor, 'newtab-btn', '16px'); appendNode(node, newtabBtn); // add download button let downloadBtn = createCustomBtn(svgDownloadBtn, iconColor, 'download-btn', '14px'); appendNode(node, downloadBtn); if (prefetchAndAttachLink) { onMouseInHandler({ currentTarget: newtabBtn }); onMouseInHandler({ currentTarget: downloadBtn }); } } function createCustomBtn(svg, iconColor, className, marginLeft) { let newBtn = document.createElement('a'); newBtn.innerHTML = svg.replace('%color', iconColor); newBtn.setAttribute('class', 'custom-btn ' + className); newBtn.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); newBtn.setAttribute('style', 'cursor: pointer;margin-left: ' + marginLeft + ';margin-top: 8px;z-index: 999;'); newBtn.onclick = onClickHandler; if (hoverToFetchAndAttachLink) newBtn.onmouseenter = onMouseInHandler; if (className.includes('newtab')) { newBtn.setAttribute('title', 'Open in new tab'); } else { newBtn.setAttribute('title', 'Download'); } return newBtn; } function onClickHandler(e) { // handle button click let target = e.currentTarget; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (window.location.pathname.includes('stories')) { storyOnClicked(target); } else if (document.querySelector('header') && document.querySelector('header').contains(target)) { profileOnClicked(target); } else { postOnClicked(target); } } function onMouseInHandler(e) { let target = e.currentTarget; if (!prefetchAndAttachLink && !hoverToFetchAndAttachLink) return; if (window.location.pathname.includes('stories')) { storyOnMouseIn(target); } else if (document.querySelector('header') && document.querySelector('header').contains(target)) { profileOnMouseIn(target); } else { postOnMouseIn(target); } } // ================================ // ==== Profile ==== // ================================ function profileOnMouseIn(target) { let url = profileGetUrl(target); target.setAttribute('href', url); } function profileOnClicked(target) { // extract profile picture url and download or open it let url = profileGetUrl(target); if (url.length > 0) { // check url if (target.getAttribute('class').includes('download-btn')) { // generate filename const filename = document.querySelector('header h2').textContent; downloadResource(url, filename); } else { // open url in new tab openResource(url); } } } function profileGetUrl(target) { let img = document.querySelector('header img'); let url = img.getAttribute('src'); return url; } // ================================ // ==== Post ==== // ================================ async function postOnMouseIn(target) { let articleNode = postGetArticleNode(target); let { url } = await postGetUrl(target, articleNode); target.setAttribute('href', url); } async function postOnClicked(target) { try { // extract url from target post and download or open it let articleNode = postGetArticleNode(target); let { url, mediaIndex } = await postGetUrl(target, articleNode); // download or open media url if (url.length > 0) { // check url if (target.getAttribute('class').includes('download-btn')) { let mediaName = url .split('?')[0] .split('\\') .pop() .split('/') .pop(); mediaName = mediaName.substring(0, mediaName.lastIndexOf('.')); let datetime = new Date(articleNode.querySelector('time').getAttribute('datetime')); let posterName = articleNode.querySelector('header a') || findPostName(articleNode); posterName = posterName.getAttribute('href').replace(/\//g, ''); let postId = findPostId(articleNode); let filename = filenameFormat(postFilenameTemplate, posterName, datetime, mediaName, postId, mediaIndex); downloadResource(url, filename); } else { // open url in new tab openResource(url); } } } catch (e) { console.log(`Uncatched in postOnClicked(): ${e}\n${e.stack}`); return null; } } function postGetArticleNode(target) { let articleNode = target; while (articleNode && articleNode.tagName !== 'ARTICLE' && articleNode.tagName !== 'MAIN') { articleNode = articleNode.parentNode; } return articleNode; } async function postGetUrl(target, articleNode) { // meta[property="og:video"] let list = articleNode.querySelectorAll('li[style][class]'); let url = null; let mediaIndex = 0; if (list.length === 0) { // single img or video if (!disableNewUrlFetchMethod) url = await getUrlFromInfoApi(articleNode); if (url === null) { let videoElem = articleNode.querySelector('video'); if (videoElem) { // media type is video url = videoElem.getAttribute('src'); if (videoElem.hasAttribute('videoURL')) { url = videoElem.getAttribute('videoURL'); } else if (url === null || url.includes('blob')) { url = await fetchVideoURL(articleNode, videoElem); } } else if (articleNode.querySelector('article div[role] div > img')) { // media type is image url = articleNode.querySelector('article div[role] div > img').getAttribute('src'); } else { console.log('Err: not find media at handle post single'); } } } else { // multiple imgs or videos const postView = location.pathname.startsWith('/p/'); let dotsElements = [...articleNode.querySelectorAll(`div._acnb`)]; mediaIndex = [...dotsElements].reduce((r###lt, element, index) => (element.classList.length === 2 ? index : r###lt), null); if (mediaIndex === null) throw 'Cannot find the media index'; if (!disableNewUrlFetchMethod) url = await getUrlFromInfoApi(articleNode, mediaIndex); if (url === null) { const listElements = [...articleNode.querySelectorAll(`:scope > div > div:nth-child(${postView ? 1 : 2}) > div > div:nth-child(1) ul li[style*="translateX"]`)]; const listElementWidth = Math.max( => element.clientWidth)); const positionsMap = listElements.reduce((r###lt, element) => { const position = Math.round(Number(\d+)/)[1]) / listElementWidth); return { ...r###lt, [position]: element }; }, {}); const node = positionsMap[mediaIndex]; if (node.querySelector('video')) { // media type is video let videoElem = node.querySelector('video'); url = videoElem.getAttribute('src'); if (videoElem.hasAttribute('videoURL')) { url = videoElem.getAttribute('videoURL'); } else if (url === null || url.includes('blob')) { url = await fetchVideoURL(articleNode, videoElem); } } else if (node.querySelector('img')) { // media type is image url = node.querySelector('img').getAttribute('src'); } } } return { url, mediaIndex }; } function findHighlightsIndex() { let currentDivProgressbarDiv = document.querySelector('div[style^="transform"]').parentElement; let progressbarRootDiv = currentDivProgressbarDiv.parentElement; let progressbarDivs = progressbarRootDiv.children; return Array.from(progressbarDivs).indexOf(currentDivProgressbarDiv); } let infoCache = {}; // key: media id, value: info json let mediaIdCache = {}; // key: post id, value: media id async function getUrlFromInfoApi(articleNode, mediaIdx = 0) { // return media url if found else return null // fetch flow: // 1. find post id // 2. use step1 post id to send request to get post page // 3. find media id from the reponse text of step2 // 4. find app id in clicked page // 5. send info api request with media id and app id // 6. get media url from response json try { const appIdPattern = /"X-IG-App-ID":"([\d]+)"/; const mediaIdPattern = /instagram:\/\/media\?id=(\d+)|["' ]media_id["' ]:["' ](\d+)["' ]/; function findAppId() { let bodyScripts = document.querySelectorAll("body > script"); for (let i = 0; i < bodyScripts.length; ++i) { let match = bodyScripts[i].text.match(appIdPattern); if (match) return match[1]; } console.log("Cannot find app id"); return null; } async function findMediaId() { // method 1: extract from url. function method1() { let href = window.location.href; let match = href.match(/\/stories\/[^\/]+\/(\d+)/); if (!href.includes('highlights') && match) return match[1]; } // method 3 async function method3() { let postId = await findPostId(articleNode); if (!postId) { return null; } if (!(postId in mediaIdCache)) { let postUrl = `${postId}/`; let resp = await fetch(postUrl); let text = await resp.text(); let idMatch = text ? text.match(mediaIdPattern) : []; let mediaId = null; for (let i = 0; i < idMatch.length; ++i) { if (idMatch[i]) mediaId = idMatch[i]; } if (!mediaId) return null; mediaIdCache[postId] = mediaId; } return mediaIdCache[postId]; } function method2() { let scriptJson = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/json"]'); for (let i = 0; i < scriptJson.length; i++) { let match = scriptJson[i].text.match(/"pk":"(\d+)","id":"[\d_]+"/); if (match) { if (!window.location.href.includes('highlights')) { return match[1]; } let matchs = Array.from(scriptJson[i].text.matchAll(/"pk":"(\d+)","id":"[\d_]+"/g), match => match[1]); const matchIndex = findHighlightsIndex(); if (matchs.length > matchIndex) { return matchs[matchIndex]; } } } } return method1() || await method3() || method2(); } function getImgOrVedioUrl(item) { if ("video_versions" in item) { return item.video_versions[0].url; } else { return item.image_versions2.candidates[0].url; } } let appId = findAppId(); if (!appId) return null; let headers = { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: '*/*', 'X-IG-App-ID': appId }, credentials: 'include', mode: 'cors' }; let mediaId = await findMediaId(); if (!mediaId) { console.log("Cannot find media id"); return null; } if (!(mediaId in infoCache)) { let url = '' + mediaId + '/info/'; let resp = await fetch(url, headers); if (resp.status !== 200) { console.log(`Fetch info API failed with status code: ${resp.status}`); return null; } let respJson = await resp.json(); infoCache[mediaId] = respJson; } let infoJson = infoCache[mediaId]; if ('carousel_media' in infoJson.items[0]) { // multi-media post return getImgOrVedioUrl(infoJson.items[0].carousel_media[mediaIdx]); } else { // single media post return getImgOrVedioUrl(infoJson.items[0]); } } catch (e) { console.log(`Uncatched in getUrlFromInfoApi(): ${e}\n${e.stack}`); return null; } } function findPostName(articleNode) { // this grabs the username link that is visually in the author's post comment below the media // 'article section' includes the likes section and comment box // '+ * a' pulls the first element after the section that contains a link (comment box doesn't) // '[href^="/"][href$="/"]' requires the href attribute to begin and end with a slash to match a username let imgNoCanvas = articleNode.querySelector('article section + * a[href^="/"][href$="/"]'); if (imgNoCanvas) { return imgNoCanvas; } // videos are handled differently let imgAlt = articleNode.querySelector('canvas ~ * img'); if (imgAlt) { imgAlt = imgAlt.getAttribute('alt'); let links = articleNode.querySelectorAll('a'); for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { const posterName = links[i].getAttribute('href').replace(/\//g, ''); if (imgAlt.includes(posterName)) { return links[i]; } } } else { // first H2 with a direction set const el = document.querySelector('h2[dir]'); return el.innerText; } } function findPostId(articleNode) { let aNodes = articleNode.querySelectorAll('a'); for (let i = 0; i < aNodes.length; ++i) { let link = aNodes[i].getAttribute('href'); if (link) { let match = link.match(postIdPattern); if (match) return match[1]; } } return null; } async function fetchVideoURL(articleNode, videoElem) { let poster = videoElem.getAttribute('poster'); let timeNodes = articleNode.querySelectorAll('time'); // special thanks 孙年# ( let posterUrl = timeNodes[timeNodes.length - 1].parentNode.parentNode.href; const posterPattern = /\/([^\/?]*)\?/; let posterMatch = poster.match(posterPattern); let postFileName = posterMatch[1]; let resp = await fetch(posterUrl); let content = await resp.text(); // special thanks to 孙年# for the pattern ( const pattern = new RegExp(`${postFileName}.*?video_versions.*?url":("[^"]*")`, 's'); let match = content.match(pattern); let videoUrl = JSON.parse(match[1]); videoUrl = videoUrl.replace(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\/\n]+@)?(?:www\.)?([^:\/?\n]+)/g, ''); videoElem.setAttribute('videoURL', videoUrl); return videoUrl; } // ================================ // ==== Story & Highlight ==== // ================================ async function storyOnMouseIn(target) { let sectionNode = storyGetSectionNode(target); let url = await storyGetUrl(target, sectionNode); target.setAttribute('href', url); } async function storyOnClicked(target) { // extract url from target story and download or open it let sectionNode = storyGetSectionNode(target); let url = await storyGetUrl(target, sectionNode); const posterUrlPat = /\/stories\/(.*)\/.*\// // download or open media url if (target.getAttribute('class').includes('download-btn')) { let mediaName = url.split('?')[0].split('\\').pop().split('/').pop(); mediaName = mediaName.substring(0, mediaName.lastIndexOf('.')); let datetime = new Date(sectionNode.querySelector('time').getAttribute('datetime')); let posterName = "unkown"; // method 1 const posterNameHeader = sectionNode.querySelector('header a'); if (posterNameHeader) { posterName = posterNameHeader.getAttribute('href').replace(/\//g, ''); } // method 2 if (posterName === "unkown") { const match = window.location.pathname.match(posterUrlPat); if (match) { posterName = match[1]; } } let filename = filenameFormat(storyFilenameTemplate, posterName, datetime, mediaName); downloadResource(url, filename); } else { // open url in new tab openResource(url); } } function storyGetSectionNode(target) { let sectionNode = target; while (sectionNode && sectionNode.tagName !== 'SECTION') { sectionNode = sectionNode.parentNode; } return sectionNode; } async function storyGetUrl(target, sectionNode) { let url = null; if (!disableNewUrlFetchMethod) url = await getUrlFromInfoApi(target); if (!url) { if (sectionNode.querySelector('video > source')) { url = sectionNode.querySelector('video > source').getAttribute('src'); } else if (sectionNode.querySelector('img[decoding="sync"]')) { let img = sectionNode.querySelector('img[decoding="sync"]'); url = img.srcset.split(/ \d+w/g)[0].trim(); // extract first src from srcset attr. of img if (url.length > 0) { return url; } url = sectionNode.querySelector('img[decoding="sync"]').getAttribute('src'); } else if (sectionNode.querySelector('video')) { url = sectionNode.querySelector('video').getAttribute('src'); } } return url; } function filenameFormat(template, id, datetime, medianame, postId = +new Date(), mediaIndex = '0') { let filename = template; filename = filename.replace(/%id%/g, id); filename = filename.replace(/%datetime%/g, datetimeFormat(datetimeTemplate, datetime)); filename = filename.replace(/%medianame%/g, medianame); filename = filename.replace(/%postId%/g, postId); filename = filename.replace(/%mediaIndex%/g, mediaIndex); return filename; } function datetimeFormat(template, datetime) { let datetimeStr = template; datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%y%/g, datetime.getFullYear()); datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%m%/g, fillZero((datetime.getMonth() + 1).toString())); datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%d%/g, fillZero(datetime.getDate().toString())); datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%H%/g, fillZero(datetime.getHours().toString())); datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%M%/g, fillZero(datetime.getMinutes().toString())); datetimeStr = datetimeStr.replace(/%S%/g, fillZero(datetime.getSeconds().toString())); return datetimeStr; } function fillZero(str) { if (str.length === 1) { return '0' + str; } return str; } function openResource(url) { // open url in new tab var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; a.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); document.body.appendChild(a);; a.remove(); } function forceDownload(blob, filename, extension) { // ref: var a = document.createElement('a'); if (replaceJpegWithJpg) extension = extension.replace('jpeg', 'jpg'); = filename + '.' + extension; a.href = blob; // For Firefox document.body.appendChild(a);; a.remove(); } // Current blob size limit is around 500MB for browsers function downloadResource(url, filename) { if (url.startsWith('blob:')) { forceDownload(url, filename, 'mp4'); return; } console.log(`Dowloading ${url}`); // ref: if (!filename) { filename = url .split('\\') .pop() .split('/') .pop(); } fetch(url, { headers: new Headers({ 'User-Agent': window.navigator.userAgent, Origin: location.origin, }), mode: 'cors', }) .then(response => response.blob()) .then(blob => { const extension = blob.type.split('/').pop(); let blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); forceDownload(blobUrl, filename, extension); }) .catch(e => console.error(e)); } })();