
Greasy Fork is available in English.

sqwok.im hydar's dark theme

Un thème simple pour donner un look sombre à sqwok tout en gardant le style original.

Version au 01/01/2021. Voir la dernière version.

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This theme aims to give a darker, easier on the eyes look to the new chat/social media website sqwok.im, while also keeping the original design language: the slightly blue tinted background, the high contrast lines and border elements, and some popups kept white here and there.

This theme is still a work in progress. The code is currently messy and the theme have some issues. It is currently in an ALPHA state. The theme will enter a BETA state when all elements of the website are correctly themed, and a STABLE state when the code gets cleaner. I will eventually provide an alternate version with dark pop-ups.

This theme is made by hydargos. Feel free to write to me about any issue on Discord hydargos#7358, Twitter @hydargos123, [email protected], or even @hydargos on sqwok!

Known issues

  • Some border/lines are still appearing as their default color. (if anyone has any idea on this...)
  • Read posts appear to dim. (I don't know about that one either)
  • "Fake loading text" appears too bright
  • You tell me!


  • How do I use this?Install the Stylus browser addon on Firefox, Chrome or Opera (not tested). Then, click the second green button "Install as user style" on the top of this page. Leave "Search for updates" checked, and click che cyan "Install style" button. The theme shoud now be installed and instantly applied to sqwok.im. You can close the Stylus window that just opened.
  • Can I use Stylish instead of Stylus?Stylish is a discontinued and non open-source version of Stylus. It has an history of breaking user's privacy and coming with malwares. While the style should work with Stylish, I strongly advise you to use Stylus instead.
  • Can I use Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey or any other javascript user script plugin instead of Stylus?GreasyFork provides automatic conversion to Javascript. If you click the "Install this script" button, it should prompt you to install an automaticaly generated javascript version of the style. While it should work properly, this is not officially tested and maintained by myself. If you spot an issue that is specific to the Javascript version and can provide me with an easy fix, I will gladly include it in the code.
  • Why not post the theme on userstyle.org?Much like Stylish, userstyle.org is not being maintained anymore. While it is still used by both Stylus and Stylish to acquire themes, the website is very slow, unnmoderated, and it require more work to maintain the script on two different places. GreasyFork is open-source, easy to use, and works flawlessly with Stylus.


v0.0.12 - 2021-01-02

  • Fixed typo breaking 0.0.11

v0.0.11 - 2021-01-02

  • Themed a few minor unthemed elements

v0.0.10 - 2021-01-01

  • Fixed the theme being applied to every website.
  • The theme is now considered "usable" and will appear publicly on GreasyFork.

v0.0.9 - 2021-01-01

  • Removed support URL as it caused incompatibilities

v0.0.8 - 2021-01-01

  • Updated namespace (no idea what I'm doing tbh)

v0.0.7 - 2021-01-01

  • Initial release on GreasyFork
  • Fix to hide Inactive scrollbars on Windows, as intended by the developer


This theme is shared under the Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Feel free to share modify, and publish any part or the entirety of it's content, and to give credit whenever it is possible.
