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// ==UserScript== // @name Stadia Avatars // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description victorWesterlund/stadia-avatar // @author VictorWesterlund // @match* // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const stadiaAvatar = new URL(""); const gravatar = new URL(""); /* G: Suitable for display on all websites with any audience type. PG: May contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence. R: May contain such things as harsh profanity, intense violence, nudity, or hard drug use. X: May contain hardcore sexual imagery or extremely disturbing violence. */ gravatar.searchParams.set("rating","G"); // Stylesheet for Stadia Avatars class StadiaAvatarCSS { constructor() { this.sheet = null; this.createStylesheet(); } createStylesheet() { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.setAttribute("data-stadia-avatars",""); style.setAttribute("data-late-css",""); document.head.appendChild(style); this.sheet = style.sheet; } // Serialized group of selectors based on context selectors(group,id = false) { switch(group) { case "me": return ` .ksZYgc, .rybUIf `; case "friends": return ` c-wiz[data-p='%[email protected],"${id}"]'] .drvCDc, .Y1rZWd[data-player-id="${id}"] .Fnd1Pd, .Y1rZWd[data-playerid="${id}"] .Fnd1Pd, .w2Sl7c[data-playerid="${id}"] .drvCDc `; } } add(selectors,avatar) { this.sheet.insertRule(`${selectors} { background-image: url(${avatar}) !important; }`); } } const avatars = new StadiaAvatarCSS(); // ---- // Return the player ID attribute of an element const getID = (target) => { const id = target.getAttribute("data-player-id") ?? target.getAttribute("data-playerid"); return id; } async function getStadiaAvatar(playerID) { stadiaAvatar.searchParams.set("userID",playerID); const response = await fetch(stadiaAvatar); return response.json(); } // Fetch avatar and append to stylesheet function replaceWithGravatar(group,playerID) { getStadiaAvatar(playerID).then(response => { if(response.status !== "OK") { return false; } gravatar.pathname = "/avatar/" + response.avatar; // Append Gravatar hash avatars.add(avatars.selectors(group,playerID),gravatar); // Add style override by group }).catch( // Ignore missing avatars ); } // ---- replaceWithGravatar("me",getID(document.querySelector("[jsname='HiaYvf']"))); function updateFamily(group,wrapper) { for(const element of wrapper) { const id = getID(element); if(!id) { continue; } replaceWithGravatar(group,id); } } let timeout = null; const friendsList = (mutation,observer) => { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => { let elements = []; elements = Array.prototype.concat.apply(elements,document.querySelector("[jsaction='JIbuQc:mbLu7b']").children); elements = Array.prototype.concat.apply(elements,document.querySelector("[jsname='FhFdCc']").children); updateFamily("friends",elements); },700); } const friendsMenu = document.querySelector("[jsname='TpfyL']"); const friends = new MutationObserver(friendsList); friends.observe(friendsMenu,{ childList: true, subtree: true }); })();