
Greasy Fork is available in English.

Tabview Youtube

Transformez les commentaires et les listes en onglets pour les vidéos YouTube

Voici les versions de ce script où le code a été modifié. Voir toutes les versions.

  • v0.705/07/2021

    Version 7
    fixed the bug that images not shown
    changed some codes for autocomplete plugin

  • v0.603/07/2021

    Version 6

    Some css improvement; Some Bug Fixes; Some Visual Effect added/changed;
    Keep #related as original
    Make some coding to use Youtube Play Next Queue

  • v0.501/07/2021

    Version 5
    added detection and coding for theater mode, single column mode, in addition to the original two column mode
    changed some css for better apperance
    fix some coding bug
    improve the performance of critical code (async promises to reduce mutation callback)
    show error msg if comments area is disabled - not stuck with "Fetching"
    removed the buggy body scrollbar (obviously shown a empty right vertical line in dark mode)

  • v0.430/06/2021

    Version 4

    Changed the apperance of the hover meta content
    changed height settings of container by css recalculation
    greatly improved comment loading mechanism (instant load)

  • v0.330/06/2021

    Version 3
    Update coding to make better performance and more robust

  • v0.229/06/2021

    upgrade to version 2

    Incorp. youtube theme color
    Changed codes to make it robust and faster

  • v0.129/06/2021

Afficher toutes les versions de script