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Github Find Active Forks [Embeded Edition]

Trouver les forks les plus actifs d'un dépôt github.

Installer ce script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Github Find Active Forks [Embeded Edition]
// @version      1.4.1
// @description     Find most active fork of a github repository.
// @description:de  Finden Sie die aktivsten Forks eines Github-Repositorys.
// @description:fr  Trouver les forks les plus actifs d'un dépôt github.
// @description:it  Trova i fork più attivi di un repository github.
// @author       J.H
// @match        *://github.com/*
// @icon         https://github.githubassets.com/favicons/favicon-dark.png
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.min.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.29.1/moment.min.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-footable/3.1.6/footable.min.js
// @resource     footable.bootstrap.min.css       https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-footable/3.1.6/footable.bootstrap.min.css
// @resource     custom.css                       https://pastebin.com/raw/ReyeKaAm
// @run-at       document-end
// @license MIT
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/448067
// ==/UserScript==
const customInnerHTML = '<table class="table" data-paging="true" data-sorting="true"></table>';
const SIZE_KILO = ####;
const UNITS = [
const httpFetch = function (url, func) {
method: "GET",
url: url,
onload: function (response) {
const restInit = function (user, repo) {
"https://api.github.com/repos/" + user + "/" + repo,
function (resp) {
const json1 = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
"https://api.github.com/repos/" +
user +
"/" +
repo +
function (resp) {
const json2 = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
createTable(json2, json1);
const getHumanFileSize = function(size){
if (size === 0) {
return {
size: '0',
unit: UNITS[0],
} else if (size === -1) {
return {
size: '-1',
unit: UNITS[0],
size = size * SIZE_KILO;
const order = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(SIZE_KILO));
return {
size: (size / Math.pow(SIZE_KILO, order)).toFixed(2),
unit: UNITS[order],
const createTable = function (rJson, cJson) {
const humanSize = getHumanFileSize(cJson?.size ?? -1);
const rowsData = [];
const ev = {};
ev.repoName =
'<img id="1337" src="' +
cJson.owner.avatar_url +
'&amp;s=48" width="24" height="24" class="avatar rounded-1 avatar-user" title="" style="margin-right: .5rem!important;"><a href="' +
cJson.html_url +
'">' +
cJson.full_name +
ev.repoStars = cJson?.stargazers_count ?? -1;
ev.repoForks = cJson?.forks_count ?? -1;
ev.repoOpenIssue = cJson?.open_issues_count ?? -1;
ev.repoSize = humanSize;
ev.repoModified = Number(moment(cJson?.pushed_at ?? "NULL").format("x"));
for (const [_, v] of Object.entries(rJson)) {
const humanSize = getHumanFileSize(v?.size ?? -1);
const ec = {};
ec.repoName =
'<img src="' +
v.owner.avatar_url +
'&amp;s=48" width="24" height="24" class="avatar rounded-1 avatar-user" title="" style="margin-right: .5rem!important;"><a href="' +
v.html_url +
'">' +
v.full_name +
ec.repoStars = v?.stargazers_count ?? -1;
ec.repoForks = v?.forks_count ?? -1;
ec.repoOpenIssue = v?.open_issues_count ?? -1;
ec.repoSize = humanSize;
ec.repoModified = Number(moment(v?.pushed_at ?? "NULL").format("x"));
jQuery(function ($) {
columns: [
{ name: "repoName", title: "Repo" },
name: "repoStars",
title: "Stars",
breakpoints: "xs",
type: "number",
name: "repoForks",
title: "Forks",
breakpoints: "xs",
type: "number",
name: "repoOpenIssue",
title: "Open Issues",
breakpoints: "xs",
type: "number",
name: "repoSize",
title: "Size",
breakpoints: "xs",
type: "object",
direction: "DESC",
formatter: function(value){
if (value){
return value.size + value.unit;
return -1;
sortValue: function(value){
if (value){
// return value by it's UNIT value (PB, TB, GB, MB, KB, Bytes) in order to sort it
return value.size * Math.pow(SIZE_KILO, UNITS.indexOf(value.unit)); // in test..
// return UNITS.indexOf(value.unit) + Number(value.size); // should be OK
return null
name: "repoModified",
title: "Last Push",
type: "date",
breakpoints: "xs sm md",
formatter: function (value) {
return moment().to(moment(value, "YYYYMMDD"));
rows: rowsData,
).parentElement.parentElement.style.backgroundImage =
).parentElement.lastElementChild.style.color = "var(--color-checks-logline-warning-num-text)";
// loadMain function is called when the page is loaded, and it is the main function of the script
const loadMain = function () {
const pathComponents = window.location.pathname.split("/");
if (pathComponents.length >= 3) {
const user = pathComponents[1],
repo = pathComponents[2];
const divForks = document.querySelector('div[id="network"]');
divForks.innerHTML = customInnerHTML;
restInit(user, repo);
// use turbo to loadMain when the page is loaded via ajax request
document.addEventListener('turbo:render', function () {
if (location.pathname.endsWith("/network/members")) {
// loadMain when url ends with /network/members
if (location.pathname.endsWith("/network/members")) {