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FextraLife Tweaks

Various tweaks to FextraLife wiki(s).

Version au 24/09/2021. Voir la dernière version.

// ==UserScript==// @name         FextraLife Tweaks// @description  Various tweaks to FextraLife wiki(s).// @author       Magic of Lolis <[email protected]>// @icon         https://fextralife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/flswords-152.png// @version      0.1// @namespace    https://github.com/magicoflolis/userscriptrepo/tree/master/FextraLifeTweaks#fextralife-tweaks// @homepageURL  https://github.com/magicoflolis/userscriptrepo/tree/master/FextraLifeTweaks#fextralife-tweaks// @supportURL   https://github.com/magicoflolis/userscriptrepo/issues/new// @match        https://*.wiki.fextralife.com/*// @grant        GM_addStyle// ==/UserScript=="use strict";(() => {// Defaults are listed at the end of the user script.// Feel free to customize "Top" button (Scroll for example)let css = `top: 90%;left: 90%;font-family: inherit;font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;width: auto;min-height: 5px;margin: 0 3px;padding: 10px 15px;cursor: pointer;text-transform: uppercase;text-align: center;position: fixed; `,reduce_clutter = true, // Removes some clutter + wider pagescroll_amount = 202, // 0 to disable auto scroll AND "Top" button/*** Example = {* -left: 90%;* +left: 0%; "Top" will be moved to bottom left* The !important is needed for any color changes due to button matching site style.* +color: red !important; "Top" will have red text* +border: 2px solid #000 !important; "Top" will have black border with 2px width* ...}*/btn_css = `#top-btn {${css}}`,qs = (element, type = "") => {return (type !== "all") ? document.querySelector(element) : document.querySelectorAll(element)},create = (element, type, cname, iname) => {let el = document.createElement(element),ty = (type == "button") ? (el.type = type, el.value = "Top") : (el.type = type);type ? ty : false;cname ? (el.className = cname) : false;iname ? (el.id = iname) : false;return el;},top_btn = create("input", "button", "btn btn-default btn-xs", "top-btn");if(reduce_clutter) {qs("#sidebar-wrapper").remove()qs("#wrapper").setAttribute("style", "padding-left: 0px !important")for (let i = 0; i < qs("ul", "all").length; i++) {qs("ul", "all")[i].setAttribute("style", "max-width: 100% !important")}}GM_addStyle(btn_css);top_btn.onclick = () => {return window.scroll(0, scroll_amount);};if(scroll_amount > 0) {qs("#wrapper").append(top_btn);window.scroll(0, scroll_amount);window.onscroll = async () => {(document.documentElement.scrollTop > scroll_amount) ? top_btn.setAttribute("style",'display: inline-block !important') : top_btn.setAttribute("style",'display: none !important');};}})();/*** Defaults:** reduce_clutter = true // Removes some clutter + wider page* scroll_amount = 202 // Set to 0 disables auto scroll AND "Top" button* css = {top: 90%;left: 90%;font-family: inherit;font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;width: auto;min-height: 5px;margin: 0 3px;padding: 10px 15px;cursor: pointer;text-transform: uppercase;text-align: center;position: fixed; }*/