Greasy Fork is available in English.
Try to make userscripts work on non-tempermonkey environments(e.g. X Browser, Via Browser, etc.) as well. Attention: All data that are expected to be saved in browser storage will actually NOT be saved, that means, everytime the userscript executes will act as this is the first time.
// ==UserScript== // @name Userscript Runtime // @name:zh 用户脚本运行环境 // @name:zh-CN 用户脚本运行环境 // @namespace GM_PolyFill for Users // @version 0.1 // @description Try to make userscripts work on non-tempermonkey environments(e.g. X Browser, Via Browser, etc.) as well. Attention: All data that are expected to be saved in browser storage will actually NOT be saved, that means, everytime the userscript executes will act as this is the first time. // @description:zh 尝试使其他用户脚本适配没有油猴支持的运行环境(如:X浏览器,via浏览器等等)。注意:所有的脚本存储在本地的数据都将不会被真正储存,而是会随着浏览器页面的关闭而被丢弃,也就是说,每次脚本运行时,都将如同第一次运行一样。 // @description:zh-CN 尝试使其他用户脚本适配没有油猴支持的运行环境(如:X浏览器,via浏览器等等)。注意:所有的脚本存储在本地的数据都将不会被真正储存,而是会随着浏览器页面的关闭而被丢弃,也就是说,每次脚本运行时,都将如同第一次运行一样。 // @author PY-DNG // @include * // @include http?://* // @include * // @include http://* // @include https://* // @include file://* // @include file:///* // @include ftp://* // @include ftp:///* // @icon  // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_listValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; bypassXB(); GM_PolyFill_Once(); // Bypass xbrowser's useless GM_functions function bypassXB() { if (typeof(mbrowser) === 'object') { window.unsafeWindow = window.GM_setClipboard = window.GM_openInTab = window.GM_xmlhttpRequest = window.GM_getValue = window.GM_setValue = window.GM_listValues = window.GM_deleteValue = undefined; } } // GM_Polyfill By PY-DNG // Special Edition For Userscript Users // 2021.07.18 - 2021.07.19, 2021.10.03 - 2021.10.03 // Simply provides the following GM_functions using localStorage, XMLHttpRequest and // Returns object GM_POLYFILLED which has the following properties that shows you which GM_functions are actually polyfilled: // GM_setValue, GM_getValue, GM_deleteValue, GM_listValues, GM_xmlhttpRequest, GM_openInTab, GM_setClipboard, unsafeWindow(object) // All polyfilled GM_functions are accessable in window object/Global_Scope(only without Tempermonkey Sandboxing environment) // -!!!- IMPORTANT: PROVIDED GM_*FUNCTIONS WILL ONLY BE ABLE IN SINGLE USE - THAT MEANS THAT ALL DATA YOU EXPECTED TO BE STORED IN BROWSER USING GM_SETVALUE WILL ACTUALLY NOT BE STORED! GM_SETVALUE WILL JUST STORE DATA INTO A CACHE OBJECT! -!!!- function GM_PolyFill_Once() { let GM_POLYFILL_storage = {}; const GM_POLYFILLED = { GM_setValue: true, GM_getValue: true, GM_deleteValue: true, GM_listValues: true, GM_xmlhttpRequest: true, GM_openInTab: true, GM_setClipboard: true, unsafeWindow: true, once: true } GM_setValue_polyfill(); GM_getValue_polyfill(); GM_deleteValue_polyfill(); GM_listValues_polyfill(); GM_xmlhttpRequest_polyfill(); GM_openInTab_polyfill(); GM_setClipboard_polyfill(); unsafeWindow_polyfill(); // GM_setValue function GM_setValue_polyfill() { typeof (GM_setValue) === 'function' ? GM_POLYFILLED.GM_setValue = false: window.GM_setValue = PF_GM_setValue;; function PF_GM_setValue(name, value) { name = String(name); GM_POLYFILL_storage[name] = value; } } // GM_getValue function GM_getValue_polyfill() { typeof (GM_getValue) === 'function' ? GM_POLYFILLED.GM_getValue = false: window.GM_getValue = PF_GM_getValue; function PF_GM_getValue(name, defaultValue) { name = String(name); if (GM_POLYFILL_storage.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return GM_POLYFILL_storage[name]; } else { return defaultValue; } } } // GM_deleteValue function GM_deleteValue_polyfill() { typeof (GM_deleteValue) === 'function' ? GM_POLYFILLED.GM_deleteValue = false: window.GM_deleteValue = PF_GM_deleteValue; function PF_GM_deleteValue(name) { name = String(name); if (GM_POLYFILL_storage.hasOwnProperty(name)) { delete GM_POLYFILL_storage[name]; } } } // GM_listValues function GM_listValues_polyfill() { typeof (GM_listValues) === 'function' ? GM_POLYFILLED.GM_listValues = false: window.GM_listValues = PF_GM_listValues; function PF_GM_listValues() { return Object.keys(GM_POLYFILL_storage); } } // unsafeWindow function unsafeWindow_polyfill() { typeof (unsafeWindow) === 'object' ? GM_POLYFILLED.unsafeWindow = false: window.unsafeWindow = window; } // GM_xmlhttpRequest // not supported properties of details: synchronous binary nocache revalidate context fetch // not supported properties of response(onload arguments[0]): finalUrl // ---!IMPORTANT!--- DOES NOT SUPPORT CROSS-ORIGIN REQUESTS!!!!! ---!IMPORTANT!--- function GM_xmlhttpRequest_polyfill() { typeof (GM_xmlhttpRequest) === 'function' ? GM_POLYFILLED.GM_xmlhttpRequest = false: window.GM_xmlhttpRequest = PF_GM_xmlhttpRequest; // details.synchronous is not supported as Tempermonkey function PF_GM_xmlhttpRequest(details) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // open request const openArgs = [details.method, details.url, true]; if (details.user && details.password) { openArgs.push(details.user); openArgs.push(details.password); }, openArgs); // set headers if (details.headers) { for (const key of Object.keys(details.headers)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, details.headers[key]); } } details.cookie ? xhr.setRequestHeader('cookie', details.cookie) : function () {}; details.anonymous ? xhr.setRequestHeader('cookie', '') : function () {}; // properties xhr.timeout = details.timeout; xhr.responseType = details.responseType; details.overrideMimeType ? xhr.overrideMimeType(details.overrideMimeType) : function () {}; // events xhr.onabort = details.onabort; xhr.onerror = details.onerror; xhr.onloadstart = details.onloadstart; xhr.onprogress = details.onprogress; xhr.onreadystatechange = details.onreadystatechange; xhr.ontimeout = details.ontimeout; xhr.onload = function (e) { const response = { readyState: xhr.readyState, status: xhr.status, statusText: xhr.statusText, responseHeaders: xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(), response: xhr.response }; (details.responseType === '' || details.responseType === 'text') ? (response.responseText = xhr.responseText) : function () {}; (details.responseType === '' || details.responseType === 'document') ? (response.responseXML = xhr.responseXML) : function () {}; details.onload(response); } // send request ? xhr.send( : xhr.send(); return { abort: xhr.abort }; } } // NOTE: options(arg2) is NOT SUPPORTED! if provided, then will just be skipped. function GM_openInTab_polyfill() { typeof (GM_openInTab) === 'function' ? GM_POLYFILLED.GM_openInTab = false: window.GM_openInTab = PF_GM_openInTab; function PF_GM_openInTab(url) {; } } // NOTE: needs to be called in an event handler function, and info(arg2) is NOT SUPPORTED! function GM_setClipboard_polyfill() { typeof (GM_setClipboard) === 'function' ? GM_POLYFILLED.GM_setClipboard = false: window.GM_setClipboard = PF_GM_setClipboard; function PF_GM_setClipboard(text) { // Create a new textarea for copying const newInput = document.createElement('textarea'); document.body.appendChild(newInput); newInput.value = text;; document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(newInput); } } window.GM_POLYFILLED = GM_POLYFILLED; return GM_POLYFILLED; } })();