Greasy Fork is available in English.
Hide the picture of related suggestion which occlude the video at the end on youtube.
- /* ==UserStyle==@name Youtube hide related suggestion which occlude the video@name:zh-CN 隐藏油管视频结尾的推荐@name:zh-TW 隱藏油管影片結尾的推薦@namespace hoothin@version 0.1@description Hide the picture of related suggestion which occlude the video at the end on youtube.@description:zh-CN 隐藏油管视频结尾遮挡画面的相关推荐图片@description:zh-TW 隱藏油管影片結尾遮擋畫面的相關推薦圖片@author hoothin@homepageURL MIT@preprocessor default==/UserStyle== */@-moz-document domain("") {.ytp-ce-element{opacity: 0.1!important;}.ytp-ce-element:hover{opacity: 1!important;}}