
Greasy Fork is available in English.


To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search r###lts of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.

// ==UserScript==// @name             一键批量打开谷歌必应搜索前2的n次方项搜索结果// @name:zh          Alt + 123... 一键批量打开谷歌必应搜索前2的n次方项搜索结果// @name:en          Alt + 123... One-click batch open Google Bing search first 2 n-th power search r###lts// @namespace        https://userscript.snomiao.com/// @version          0.0.8// @description:en   To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search r###lts of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.// @description:zh   快速了解一个#域用,在谷歌或必应的搜索页面 按 Alt+1 ...2,3,4... Alt+5  将会打开前2的n次方项的搜索结果,并复制打开的链接。目前支持:谷歌、必应、知乎。// @author           [email protected]// @match            https://www.google.com/search?*// @match            https://www.google.com.*/search?*// @match            https://*.bing.com/search?*// @match            https://www.zhihu.com/search?*// @grant            none// @contributionURL  https://snomiao.com/donate// @supportURL       https://github.com/snomiao/userscript.js/issues// @deprecated       go to my new user-script [SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching R###lts Links List Batch Open// @description To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search r###lts of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.// ==/UserScript==// History:// (20200217)兼容 Google News//(function () {"use strict";var 已打开过的链接 = {};r;var open = (url) => {if (!已打开过的链接[url]) {window.open(url);}已打开过的链接[url] = 1;};var 复制文本 = (content) => {const input = document.createElement("textarea");input.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly");input.setAttribute("value", content);input.innerHTML = content;input.setAttribute("style","position: fixed; top:0; left:0;z-index: 9999");document.body.appendChild(input);input.select();input.setSelectionRange(0, input.value.length);if (document.execCommand("copy")) {document.execCommand("copy");console.log(`长度为${content.length}的内容已复制`);//alert(`长度为${content.length}的内容已复制`);}document.body.removeChild(input);};var 获取没有打开过的链接 = (需要的链接条数) => {var lsa = "";if (location.toString().match(/^https\:\/\/www.google\.com(\.\w+)?\/search/)) {// 谷歌lsa = [...document.querySelectorAll("h3>a, a>h3")].map((e) => (e.tagName == "A" && e) || e.parentElement);}if (location.toString().match(/^https:\/\/\w+\.bing\.com\/search/)) {// 必应lsa = [...document.querySelectorAll("h2")].map((h2) =>h2.querySelector("a"));}if (location.toString().match(/^https:\/\/\w+\.zhihu\.com\/search/)) {// 知乎lsa = [...document.querySelectorAll("h2")].map((h2) =>h2.querySelector("a"));}return lsa.filter((a) => a && a.href && a.textContent).map((a) => ({title: a.textContent,href: a.href,})).slice(0, 需要的链接条数).reverse();};var 打开一定数量链接 = (数量) => {// 复制文字复制文本(获取没有打开过的链接(数量).map((link) => "#" + link.title + "\n" + link.href).join("\n\n"));// 打开连接获取没有打开过的链接(数量).map((link) => link.href).map(open);};window.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && e.altKey && e.key.match(/[1-9]/)) {var 打开数量 = Math.pow(2, parseInt(e.key));打开一定数量链接(打开数量);}});console.log("loading: 谷歌一键打开前N项搜索结果");})();