Ajouter un script à un jeu de scripts / supprimer un script d'un jeu de scripts directement sur la page d'informations sur les scripts GF
// ==UserScript== // @name Greasyfork script-set-edit button // @name:zh-CN Greasyfork 快捷编辑收藏 // @name:zh-TW Greasyfork 快捷編輯收藏 // @name:en Greasyfork script-set-edit button // @name:en-US Greasyfork script-set-edit button // @name:fr Greasyfork Set Edit+ // @namespace Greasyfork-Favorite // @version 0.3.0 // @description Add / Remove script into / from script set directly in GF script info page // @description:zh-CN 在GF脚本页直接编辑收藏集 // @description:zh-TW 在GF腳本頁直接編輯收藏集 // @description:en Add / Remove script into / from script set directly in GF script info page // @description:en-US Add / Remove script into / from script set directly in GF script info page // @description:fr Ajouter un script à un jeu de scripts / supprimer un script d'un jeu de scripts directement sur la page d'informations sur les scripts GF // @author PY-DNG // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @match http*://*.greasyfork.org/* // @match http*://*.sleazyfork.org/* // @match http*://*.cn-greasyfork.org/* // @require https://update.cn-greasyfork.org/scripts/456034/1532680/Basic%20Functions%20%28For%20userscripts%29.js // @require https://update.cn-greasyfork.org/scripts/449583/1324274/ConfigManager.js // @icon ###gfinRPuhfCoXCw3Q65XA4eLBl6zvw1S2eAZqmvTqOc5/NZhkMBqRSKWzbvgYxgbwquoAX4MGyLHK5HIlEgtFo9C+IOFEAo1gsWsvlUmyPx2MymYxAhsMh6XT6lpM7BXjWdf1xNpuRz+fl8GQywTAMGo0G1WpVnJxOJ692vinADP###AaZz+cCOR6PmKZJPB4XUb/fp1wuewF+KoBCf1JVBVE5dDodms3mWdDtdqlUKl6AX+8ALmS9XgtM0/5kvNlspKX9fv8RIgBp4bISCoXo9XqsVitKpRK6rrPb7STQ7XZ7eVRaeAYerz14OBxGOfL7/eIgmUwKzHEcJZEQ1eha1wBqPxqNihufzyeQWCzmtiPPqJYM0jWIyiISibBYLAgEAtTrdVqt1nmQXN0rcH/LicqmVqvRbrdN27bfjbKru+nk7ZD3Z7q4+b++82/YPKIrXsKZ3AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== /* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */ /* eslint-disable no-return-assign */ /* global LogLevel DoLog Err $ $All $CrE $AEL $$CrE addStyle detectDom destroyEvent copyProp copyProps parseArgs escJsStr replaceText getUrlArgv dl_browser dl_GM AsyncManager queueTask FunctionLoader loadFuncs require isLoaded */ /* global ConfigManager */ (function __MAIN__() { 'use strict'; const CONST = { Text: { 'zh-CN': { FavEdit: '收藏集:', Add: '加入此集', Remove: '移出此集', Edit: '手动编辑', EditIframe: '页内编辑', CloseIframe: '关闭编辑', CopySID: '复制脚本ID', Sync: '同步', NotLoggedIn: '请先登录Greasyfork', NoSetsYet: '您还没有创建过收藏集', NewSet: '新建收藏集', sortByApiDefault: ['默认排序', '默认倒序'], Working: ['工作中...', '就快好了...'], InSetStatus: ['[ ]', '[✔]'], Groups: { Server: 'GreasyFork收藏集', Local: '本地收藏集', New: '新建' }, Refreshing: { List: '获取收藏集列表...', Script: '获取收藏集内容...', Data: '获取收藏集数据...' }, UseAPI: ['[ ] 使用GF的收藏集API', '[✔]使用GF的收藏集API'], Error: { AlreadyExist: '脚本已经在此收藏集中了', NotExist: '脚本不在此收藏集中', NetworkError: '网络错误', Unknown: '未知错误' } }, 'zh-TW': { FavEdit: '收藏集:', Add: '加入此集', Remove: '移出此集', Edit: '手動編輯', EditIframe: '頁內編輯', CloseIframe: '關閉編輯', CopySID: '複製腳本ID', Sync: '同步', NotLoggedIn: '請先登錄Greasyfork', NoSetsYet: '您還沒有創建過收藏集', NewSet: '新建收藏集', sortByApiDefault: ['默認排序', '默認倒序'], Working: ['工作中...', '就快好了...'], InSetStatus: ['[ ]', '[✔]'], Groups: { Server: 'GreasyFork收藏集', Local: '本地收藏集', New: '新建' }, Refreshing: { List: '獲取收藏集清單...', Script: '獲取收藏集內容...', Data: '獲取收藏集數據...' }, UseAPI: ['[ ] 使用GF的收藏集API', '[✔]使用GF的收藏集API'], Error: { AlreadyExist: '腳本已經在此收藏集中了', NotExist: '腳本不在此收藏集中', NetworkError: '網絡錯誤', Unknown: '未知錯誤' } }, 'en': { FavEdit: 'Script set: ', Add: 'Add', Remove: 'Remove', Edit: 'Edit Manually', EditIframe: 'In-Page Edit', CloseIframe: 'Close Editor', CopySID: 'Copy Script-ID', Sync: 'Sync', NotLoggedIn: 'Login to greasyfork to use script sets', NoSetsYet: 'You haven\'t created a collection yet', NewSet: 'Create a new set', sortByApiDefault: ['Default', 'Default reverse'], Working: ['Working...', 'Just a moment...'], InSetStatus: ['[ ]', '[✔]'], Groups: { Server: 'GreasyFork', Local: 'Local', New: 'New' }, Refreshing: { List: 'Fetching script sets...', Script: 'Fetching set content...', Data: 'Fetching script sets data...' }, UseAPI: ['[ ] Use GF API', '[✔] Use GF API'], Error: { AlreadyExist: 'Script is already in set', NotExist: 'Script is not in set yet', NetworkError: 'Network Error', Unknown: 'Unknown Error' } }, 'default': { FavEdit: 'Script set: ', Add: 'Add', Remove: 'Remove', Edit: 'Edit Manually', EditIframe: 'In-Page Edit', CloseIframe: 'Close Editor', CopySID: 'Copy Script-ID', Sync: 'Sync', NotLoggedIn: 'Login to greasyfork to use script sets', NoSetsYet: 'You haven\'t created a collection yet', NewSet: 'Create a new set', sortByApiDefault: ['Default', 'Default reverse'], Working: ['Working...', 'Just a moment...'], InSetStatus: ['[ ]', '[✔]'], Groups: { Server: 'GreasyFork', Local: 'Local', New: 'New' }, Refreshing: { List: 'Fetching script sets...', Script: 'Fetching set content...', Data: 'Fetching script sets data...' }, UseAPI: ['[ ] Use GF API', '[✔] Use GF API'], Error: { AlreadyExist: 'Script is already in set', NotExist: 'Script is not in set yet', NetworkError: 'Network Error', Unknown: 'Unknown Error' } }, }, URL: { SetLink: `https://${location.host}/scripts?set=$ID`, SetEdit: `https://${location.host}/users/$UID/sets/$ID/edit` }, ConfigRule: { 'version-key': 'config-version', ignores: ['useAPI'], defaultValues: { 'script-sets': { sets: [], time: 0, 'config-version': 2, }, 'useAPI': true }, 'updaters': { /*'config-key': [ function() { // This function contains updater for config['config-key'] from v0 to v1 }, function() { // This function contains updater for config['config-key'] from v1 to v2 } ]*/ 'script-sets': [ config => { // v0 ==> v1 // Fill set.id const sets = config.sets; sets.forEach(set => { const id = getUrlArgv(set.link, 'set'); set.id = id; set.scripts = null; // After first refresh, it should be an array of SIDs:string }); // Delete old version identifier delete config.version; return config; }, config => { // v1 ==> v2 return config } ] }, } }; // Get i18n code let i18n = $('#language-selector-locale') ? $('#language-selector-locale').value : navigator.language; if (!Object.keys(CONST.Text).includes(i18n)) {i18n = 'default';} const CM = new ConfigManager(CONST.ConfigRule); const CONFIG = CM.Config; CM.updateAllConfigs(); CM.setDefaults(); loadFuncs([{ id: 'utils', func() { function makeBooleanSettings(settings) { for (const setting of settings) { makeBooleanMenu(setting.text, setting.key, setting.defaultValue, setting.callback, setting.initCallback); } function makeBooleanMenu(texts, key, defaultValue=false, callback=null, initCallback=false) { const initialVal = GM_getValue(key, defaultValue); const initialText = texts[initialVal + 0]; let id = makeMenu(initialText, onClick); initCallback && callback(key, initialVal); function onClick() { const newValue = !GM_getValue(key, defaultValue); const newText = texts[newValue + 0]; GM_setValue(key, newValue); id = makeMenu(newText, onClick, id); typeof callback === 'function' && callback(key, newValue); } function makeMenu(text, func, id) { if (GM_info.scriptHandler === 'Tampermonkey' && GM_hasVersion('5.0')) { return GM_registerMenuCommand(text, func, { id, autoClose: false, }); } else { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id); return GM_registerMenuCommand(text, func); } } } function GM_hasVersion(version) { return hasVersion(GM_info?.version || '0', version); function hasVersion(ver1, ver2) { return compareVersions(ver1.toString(), ver2.toString()) >= 0; // https://greasyfork.org/app/javascript/versioncheck.js // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/version/format function compareVersions(a, b) { if (a == b) { return 0; } let aParts = a.split('.'); let bParts = b.split('.'); for (let i = 0; i < aParts.length; i++) { let r###lt = compareVersionPart(aParts[i], bParts[i]); if (r###lt != 0) { return r###lt; } } // If all of a's parts are the same as b's parts, but b has additional parts, b is greater. if (bParts.length > aParts.length) { return -1; } return 0; } function compareVersionPart(partA, partB) { let partAParts = parseVersionPart(partA); let partBParts = parseVersionPart(partB); for (let i = 0; i < partAParts.length; i++) { // "A string-part that exists is always less than a string-part that doesn't exist" if (partAParts[i].length > 0 && partBParts[i].length == 0) { return -1; } if (partAParts[i].length == 0 && partBParts[i].length > 0) { return 1; } if (partAParts[i] > partBParts[i]) { return 1; } if (partAParts[i] < partBParts[i]) { return -1; } } return 0; } // It goes number, string, number, string. If it doesn't exist, then // 0 for numbers, empty string for strings. function parseVersionPart(part) { if (!part) { return [0, "", 0, ""]; } let partParts = /([0-9]*)([^0-9]*)([0-9]*)([^0-9]*)/.exec(part) return [ partParts[1] ? parseInt(partParts[1]) : 0, partParts[2], partParts[3] ? parseInt(partParts[3]) : 0, partParts[4] ]; } } } } // Copy text to clipboard (needs to be called in an user event) function copyText(text) { // Create a new textarea for copying const newInput = document.createElement('textarea'); document.body.appendChild(newInput); newInput.value = text; newInput.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(newInput); } return { makeBooleanSettings, copyText } } }, { id: 'api', func() { const API = { async getScriptSets() { const userpage = API.getUserpage(); const oDom = await API.getDocument(userpage); const list = Array.from($(oDom, 'ul#user-script-sets').children); const NoSets = list.length === 1 && list.every(li => li.children.length === 1); const script_sets = NoSets ? [] : Array.from($(oDom, 'ul#user-script-sets').children).filter(li => li.children.length === 2).map(li => { try { return { name: li.children[0].innerText, link: li.children[0].href, linkedit: li.children[1].href, id: getUrlArgv(li.children[0].href, 'set') } } catch(err) { DoLog(LogLevel.Error, [li, err, li.children.length, li.children[0]?.innerHTML, li.children[1]?.innerHTML], 'error'); Err(err); } }); return script_sets; }, async getSetScripts(url) { return [...$All(await API.getDocument(url), '#script-set-scripts>input[name="scripts-included[]"]')].map(input => input.value); }, /** * @typedef {Object} SetsDataAPI * @property {Response} resp - api fetch response object * @property {boolean} ok - resp.ok (resp.status >= 200 && resp.status <= 299) * @property {(Object|null)} data - api response json data, or null if not resp.ok */ /** * @returns {SetsDataAPI} */ async getSetsData() { const userpage = API.getUserpage(); const url = (userpage.endsWith('/') ? userpage : userpage + '/') + 'sets' const resp = await fetch(url, { credentials: 'same-origin' }); if (resp.ok) { return { ok: true, resp, data: await resp.json() }; } else { return { ok: false, resp, data: null }; } }, /** * @returns {(string|null)} the user's profile page url, from page top-right link <a>.href */ getUserpage() { const a = $('#nav-user-info>.user-profile-link>a'); return a ? a.href : null; }, /** * @returns {(string|null)} the user's id, in string format */ getUserID() { const userpage = API.getUserpage(); //https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/667968-pyudng return userpage ? userpage.match(/\/users\/(\d+)(-[^\/]*\/*)?/)[1] : null; }, // editCallback recieves: // true: edit doc load success // false: already in set // finishCallback recieves: // text: successfully added to set with text tip `text` // true: successfully loaded document but no text tip found // false: xhr error addFav(url, sid, editCallback, finishCallback) { API.modifyFav(url, oDom => { const existingInput = [...$All(oDom, '#script-set-scripts>input[name="scripts-included[]"][type="hidden"]')].find(input => input.value === sid); if (existingInput) { editCallback(false); return false; } const input = $CrE('input'); input.value = sid; input.name = 'scripts-included[]'; input.type = 'hidden'; $(oDom, '#script-set-scripts').appendChild(input); editCallback(true); }, oDom => { const status = $(oDom, 'p.notice'); const status_text = status ? status.innerText : true; finishCallback(status_text); }, err => finishCallback(false)); }, // editCallback recieves: // true: edit doc load success // false: already not in set // finishCallback recieves: // text: successfully removed from set with text tip `text` // true: successfully loaded document but no text tip found // false: xhr error removeFav(url, sid, editCallback, finishCallback) { API.modifyFav(url, oDom => { const existingInput = [...$All(oDom, '#script-set-scripts>input[name="scripts-included[]"][type="hidden"]')].find(input => input.value === sid); if (!existingInput) { editCallback(false); return false; } existingInput.remove(); editCallback(true); }, oDom => { const status = $(oDom, 'p.notice'); const status_text = status ? status.innerText : true; finishCallback(status_text); }, err => finishCallback(false)); }, async modifyFav(url, editCallback, finishCallback, onerror) { const oDom = await API.getDocument(url); if (editCallback(oDom) === false) { return false; } const form = $(oDom, '.change-script-set'); const data = new FormData(form); data.append('save', '1'); // Use XMLHttpRequest insteadof GM_xmlhttpRequest because there's unknown issue with GM_xmlhttpRequest const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', API.toAbsoluteURL(form.getAttribute('action'))); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = async e => finishCallback(await API.parseDocument(xhr.response)); xhr.onerror = onerror; xhr.send(data); }, // Download and parse a url page into a html document(dom). // Returns a promise fulfills with dom async getDocument(url, retry=5) { try { const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', cache: 'reload', }); if (response.status === 200) { const blob = await response.blob(); const oDom = await API.parseDocument(blob); return oDom; } else { throw new Error(`response.status is not 200 (${response.status})`); } } catch(err) { if (--retry > 0) { return API.getDocument(url, retry); } else { throw err; } } }, // Returns a promise fulfills with dom parseDocument(htmlblob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { const htmlText = reader.r###lt; const dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(htmlText, 'text/html'); resolve(dom); } reader.onerror = err => reject(err); reader.readAsText(htmlblob, document.characterSet); }); }, toAbsoluteURL(relativeURL, base=`${location.protocol}//${location.host}/`) { return new URL(relativeURL, base).href; }, GM_hasVersion(version) { return hasVersion(GM_info?.version || '0', version); function hasVersion(ver1, ver2) { return compareVersions(ver1.toString(), ver2.toString()) >= 0; // https://greasyfork.org/app/javascript/versioncheck.js // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/version/format function compareVersions(a, b) { if (a == b) { return 0; } let aParts = a.split('.'); let bParts = b.split('.'); for (let i = 0; i < aParts.length; i++) { let r###lt = compareVersionPart(aParts[i], bParts[i]); if (r###lt != 0) { return r###lt; } } // If all of a's parts are the same as b's parts, but b has additional parts, b is greater. if (bParts.length > aParts.length) { return -1; } return 0; } function compareVersionPart(partA, partB) { let partAParts = parseVersionPart(partA); let partBParts = parseVersionPart(partB); for (let i = 0; i < partAParts.length; i++) { // "A string-part that exists is always less than a string-part that doesn't exist" if (partAParts[i].length > 0 && partBParts[i].length == 0) { return -1; } if (partAParts[i].length == 0 && partBParts[i].length > 0) { return 1; } if (partAParts[i] > partBParts[i]) { return 1; } if (partAParts[i] < partBParts[i]) { return -1; } } return 0; } // It goes number, string, number, string. If it doesn't exist, then // 0 for numbers, empty string for strings. function parseVersionPart(part) { if (!part) { return [0, "", 0, ""]; } let partParts = /([0-9]*)([^0-9]*)([0-9]*)([^0-9]*)/.exec(part) return [ partParts[1] ? parseInt(partParts[1]) : 0, partParts[2], partParts[3] ? parseInt(partParts[3]) : 0, partParts[4] ]; } } } }; return API; } }, { id: 'Favorite panel', checker: { type: 'func', value: () => { const path = location.pathname.split('/').filter(p=>p).map(p => p.toLowerCase()); const index = path.indexOf('scripts'); const scripts_exist = [0,1].includes(index); const is_scripts_list = path.length-1 === index; const is_set_page = /[\?&]set=\d+/.test(location.search); const correct_page = [undefined, 'code', 'feedback'].includes(path[index+2]); return scripts_exist && !is_scripts_list && !is_set_page && correct_page; } }, dependencies: ['utils', 'api'], func() { const utils = require('utils'); const GFScriptSetAPI = require('api'); //if (!GFScriptSetAPI.getUserpage()) {return false;} class FavoritePanel { #CM; #sid; #sets; #elements; #disabled; constructor(CM) { this.#CM = CM; this.#sid = location.pathname.match(/scripts\/(\d+)/)[1]; this.#sets = this.#CM.getConfig('script-sets').sets; this.#elements = {}; this.disabled = false; // Sort sets by name in alphabetical order FavoritePanel.#sortSetsdata(this.#sets); const script_after = $('#script-feedback-suggestion+*') || $('#new-script-discussion'); const script_parent = script_after.parentElement; // Container const script_favorite = this.#elements.container = $$CrE({ tagName: 'div', props: { id: 'script-favorite', innerHTML: CONST.Text[i18n].FavEdit }, styles: { margin: '0.75em 0' } }); // Selecter const favorite_groups = this.#elements.select = $$CrE({ tagName: 'select', props: { id: 'favorite-groups' }, styles: { maxWidth: '40vw' }, listeners: [['change', (() => { let lastSelected = 0; const record = () => lastSelected = favorite_groups.selectedIndex; const recover = () => favorite_groups.selectedIndex = lastSelected; return e => { const value = favorite_groups.value; const type = /^\d+$/.test(value) ? 'set-id' : 'command'; switch (type) { case 'set-id': { const set = this.#sets.find(set => set.id === favorite_groups.value); favorite_edit.href = set.linkedit; break; } case 'command': { recover(); this.#execCommand(value); } } this.#refreshButtonDisplay(); record(); } }) ()]] }); favorite_groups.id = 'favorite-groups'; // Buttons const makeBtn = (id, innerHTML, onClick, isLink=false) => $$CrE({ tagName: 'a', props: { id, innerHTML, [isLink ? 'target' : 'href']: isLink ? '_blank' : 'javascript:void(0);' }, styles: { margin: '0px 0.5em' }, listeners: [['click', onClick]] }); const favorite_add = this.#elements.btnAdd = makeBtn('favorite-add', CONST.Text[i18n].Add, e => this.#addFav()); const favorite_remove = this.#elements.btnRemove = makeBtn('favorite-remove', CONST.Text[i18n].Remove, e => this.#removeFav()); const favorite_edit = this.#elements.btnEdit = makeBtn('favorite-edit', CONST.Text[i18n].Edit, e => {}, true); const favorite_iframe = this.#elements.btnIframe = makeBtn('favorite-edit-in-page', CONST.Text[i18n].EditIframe, e => this.#editInPage(e)); const favorite_copy = this.#elements.btnCopy = makeBtn('favorite-add', CONST.Text[i18n].CopySID, e => utils.copyText(this.#sid)); const favorite_sync = this.#elements.btnSync = makeBtn('favorite-sync', CONST.Text[i18n].Sync, e => this.#refresh()); script_favorite.appendChild(favorite_groups); script_after.before(script_favorite); [favorite_add, favorite_remove, favorite_edit, favorite_iframe, favorite_copy, favorite_sync].forEach(button => script_favorite.appendChild(button)); // Text tip const tip = this.#elements.tip = $CrE('span'); script_favorite.appendChild(tip); // Display cached sets first this.#displaySets(); // Request GF document to update sets this.#autoRefresh(); } get sid() { return this.#sid; } get sets() { return FavoritePanel.#deepClone(this.#sets); } get elements() { return FavoritePanel.#lightClone(this.#elements); } #refresh() { const that = this; const method = CONFIG.useAPI ? 'api' : 'doc'; return { api: () => this.#refresh_api(), doc: () => this.#refresh_doc() }[method](); } async #refresh_api() { const CONFIG = this.#CM.Config; this.#disable(); this.#tip(CONST.Text[i18n].Refreshing.Data); // Check login status if (!GFScriptSetAPI.getUserpage()) { this.#tip(CONST.Text[i18n].NotLoggedIn); return; } // Request sets data api const api_r###lt = await GFScriptSetAPI.getSetsData(); const sets_data = api_r###lt.data; const uid = GFScriptSetAPI.getUserID(); if (!api_r###lt.ok) { // When api fails, use doc as fallback DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'Sets API failed.'); DoLog(LogLevel.Error, api_r###lt); return this.#refresh_doc(); } // For forward compatibility, convert all setids and scriptids to string // and fill property set.link and set.linkedit for (const set of sets_data) { // convert set id to string set.id = set.id.toString(); // https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts?set=439237 set.link = replaceText(CONST.URL.SetLink, { $ID: set.id }); // https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/667968-pyudng/sets/439237/edit set.linkedit = replaceText(CONST.URL.SetEdit, { $UID: uid, $ID: set.id }); // there's two kind of sets: Favorite and non-favorite // favorite set's data is an array of object, where each object represents a script, with script's properties // non-favorite set's data is an array of ints, where each int means a script's id // For forward compatibility, we only store script ids, in string format set.scripts.forEach((script, i, scripts) => { if (typeof script === 'number') { scripts[i] = script.toString(); } else { scripts[i] = script.id.toString(); } }); } // Sort sets by name in alphabetical order FavoritePanel.#sortSetsdata(sets_data); this.#sets = CONFIG['script-sets'].sets = sets_data; CONFIG['script-sets'].time = Date.now(); this.#tip(); this.#enable(); this.#displaySets(); this.#refreshButtonDisplay(); } // Request document: get sets list and async #refresh_doc() { const CONFIG = this.#CM.Config; this.#disable(); this.#tip(CONST.Text[i18n].Refreshing.List); // Check login status if (!GFScriptSetAPI.getUserpage()) { this.#tip(CONST.Text[i18n].NotLoggedIn); return; } // Refresh sets list this.#sets = CONFIG['script-sets'].sets = await GFScriptSetAPI.getScriptSets(); CONFIG['script-sets'].time = Date.now(); this.#displaySets(); // Refresh each set's script list this.#tip(CONST.Text[i18n].Refreshing.Script); await Promise.all(this.#sets.map(async set => { // Fetch scripts set.scripts = await GFScriptSetAPI.getSetScripts(set.linkedit); this.#displaySets(); // Save to GM_storage const setIndex = CONFIG['script-sets'].sets.findIndex(s => s.id === set.id); CONFIG['script-sets'].sets[setIndex].scripts = set.scripts; CONFIG['script-sets'].time = Date.now(); })); this.#tip(); this.#enable(); this.#refreshButtonDisplay(); } // Refresh on instance creation. // This should be running in low-frequecy. Refreshing makes lots of requests which may r###l in a 503 error(rate limit) for the user. #autoRefresh(minTime=1*24*60*60*1000) { const CONFIG = this.#CM.Config; const lastRefresh = new Date(CONFIG['script-sets'].time); if (Date.now() - lastRefresh > minTime) { this.#refresh(); return true; } else { return false; } } #addFav() { const set = this.#getCurrentSet(); const option = set.elmOption; this.#displayNotice(CONST.Text[i18n].Working[0]); GFScriptSetAPI.addFav(this.#getCurrentSet().linkedit, this.#sid, editStatus => { if (!editStatus) { this.#displayNotice(CONST.Text[i18n].Error.AlreadyExist); option.innerText = `${CONST.Text[i18n].InSetStatus[1]} ${set.name}`; } else { this.#displayNotice(CONST.Text[i18n].Working[1]); } }, finishStatus => { if (finishStatus) { // Save to this.#sets and GM_storage if (CONFIG['script-sets'].sets.some(set => !set.scripts)) { // If scripts property is missing, do sync(refresh) this.#refresh(); } else { const setIndex = CONFIG['script-sets'].sets.findIndex(s => s.id === set.id); CONFIG['script-sets'].sets[setIndex].scripts.push(this.#sid); this.#sets = CM.getConfig('script-sets').sets; } // Display this.#displayNotice(typeof finishStatus === 'string' ? finishStatus : CONST.Text[i18n].Error.Unknown); set.elmOption.innerText = `${CONST.Text[i18n].InSetStatus[1]} ${set.name}`; this.#displaySets(); } else { this.#displayNotice(CONST.Text[i18n].Error.NetworkError); } }); } #removeFav() { const set = this.#getCurrentSet(); const option = set.elmOption; this.#displayNotice(CONST.Text[i18n].Working[0]); GFScriptSetAPI.removeFav(this.#getCurrentSet().linkedit, this.#sid, editStatus => { if (!editStatus) { this.#displayNotice(CONST.Text[i18n].Error.NotExist); option.innerText = `${CONST.Text[i18n].InSetStatus[0]} ${set.name}`; } else { this.#displayNotice(CONST.Text[i18n].Working[1]); } }, finishStatus => { if (finishStatus) { // Save to this.#sets and GM_storage if (CONFIG['script-sets'].sets.some(set => !set.scripts)) { // If scripts property is missing, do sync(refresh) this.#refresh(); } else { const setIndex = CONFIG['script-sets'].sets.findIndex(s => s.id === set.id); const scriptIndex = CONFIG['script-sets'].sets[setIndex].scripts.indexOf(this.#sid); CONFIG['script-sets'].sets[setIndex].scripts.splice(scriptIndex, 1); this.#sets = CM.getConfig('script-sets').sets; } // Display this.#displayNotice(typeof finishStatus === 'string' ? finishStatus : CONST.Text[i18n].Error.Unknown); set.elmOption.innerText = `${CONST.Text[i18n].InSetStatus[0]} ${set.name}`; this.#displaySets(); } else { this.#displayNotice(CONST.Text[i18n].Error.NetworkError); } }); } #editInPage(e) { e.preventDefault(); const _iframes = [...$All(this.#elements.container, '.script-edit-page')]; if (_iframes.length) { // Iframe exists, close iframe this.#elements.btnIframe.innerText = CONST.Text[i18n].EditIframe; _iframes.forEach(ifr => ifr.remove()); this.#refresh(); } else { // Iframe not exist, make iframe this.#elements.btnIframe.innerText = CONST.Text[i18n].CloseIframe; const iframe = $$CrE({ tagName: 'iframe', props: { src: this.#getCurrentSet().linkedit }, styles: { width: '100%', height: '60vh' }, classes: ['script-edit-page'], listeners: [['load', e => { //this.#refresh(); //iframe.style.height = iframe.contentDocument.body.parentElement.offsetHeight + 'px'; }]] }); this.#elements.container.appendChild(iframe); } } #displayNotice(text) { const notice = $CrE('p'); notice.classList.add('notice'); notice.id = 'fav-notice'; notice.innerText = text; const old_notice = $('#fav-notice'); old_notice && old_notice.parentElement.removeChild(old_notice); $('#script-content').insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', notice); } #tip(text='', timeout=0) { this.#elements.tip.innerText = text; timeout > 0 && setTimeout(() => this.#elements.tip.innerText = '', timeout); } // Apply this.#sets to gui #displaySets() { const elements = this.#elements; // Save selected set const old_value = elements.select.value; [...elements.select.children].forEach(child => child.remove()); // Make <optgroup>s and <option>s const serverGroup = elements.serverGroup = $$CrE({ tagName: 'optgroup', attrs: { label: CONST.Text[i18n].Groups.Server } }); this.#sets.forEach(set => { // Create <option> set.elmOption = $$CrE({ tagName: 'option', props: { innerText: set.name, value: set.id } }); // Display inset status if (set.scripts) { const inSet = set.scripts.includes(this.#sid); set.elmOption.innerText = `${CONST.Text[i18n].InSetStatus[inSet+0]} ${set.name}`; } // Append <option> into <select> serverGroup.appendChild(set.elmOption); }); if (this.#sets.length === 0) { const optEmpty = elements.optEmpty = $$CrE({ tagName: 'option', props: { innerText: CONST.Text[i18n].NoSetsYet, value: 'empty', selected: true } }); serverGroup.appendChild(optEmpty); } const newGroup = elements.newGroup = $$CrE({ tagName: 'optgroup', attrs: { label: CONST.Text[i18n].Groups.New } }); const newSet = elements.newSet = $$CrE({ tagName: 'option', props: { innerText: CONST.Text[i18n].NewSet, value: 'new', } }); newGroup.appendChild(newSet); [serverGroup, newGroup].forEach(optgroup => elements.select.appendChild(optgroup)); // Adjust <select> width elements.select.style.width = Math.max.apply(null, Array.from($All(elements.select, 'option')).map(o => o.innerText.length)).toString() + 'em'; // Select previous selected set's <option> const selected = old_value ? [...$All(elements.select, 'option')].find(option => option.value === old_value) : null; selected && (selected.selected = true); // Set edit-button.href if (elements.select.value !== 'empty') { const curset = this.#sets.find(set => set.id === elements.select.value); elements.btnEdit.href = curset.linkedit; } // Display correct button this.#refreshButtonDisplay(); } // Display only add button when script in current set, otherwise remove button // Disable set-related buttons when not selecting options that not represents a set #refreshButtonDisplay() { const set = this.#getCurrentSet(); !this.#disabled && ([this.#elements.btnAdd, this.#elements.btnRemove, this.#elements.btnEdit, this.#elements.btnIframe] .forEach(element => set ? FavoritePanel.#enableElement(element) : FavoritePanel.#disableElement(element))); if (!set || !set.scripts) { return null; } if (set.scripts.includes(this.#sid)) { this.#elements.btnAdd.style.setProperty('display', 'none'); this.#elements.btnRemove.style.removeProperty('display'); return true; } else { this.#elements.btnRemove.style.setProperty('display', 'none'); this.#elements.btnAdd.style.removeProperty('display'); return false; } } #execCommand(command) { switch (command) { case 'new': { const url = GFScriptSetAPI.getUserpage() + (this.#getCurrentSet() ? '/sets/new' : '/sets/new?fav=1'); window.open(url); break; } case 'empty': { // Do nothing break; } } } // Returns null if no <option>s yet #getCurrentSet() { return this.#sets.find(set => set.id === this.#elements.select.value) || null; } #disable() { [ this.#elements.select, this.#elements.btnAdd, this.#elements.btnRemove, this.#elements.btnEdit, this.#elements.btnIframe, this.#elements.btnCopy, this.#elements.btnSync ].forEach(element => FavoritePanel.#disableElement(element)); this.#disabled = true; } #enable() { [ this.#elements.select, this.#elements.btnAdd, this.#elements.btnRemove, this.#elements.btnEdit, this.#elements.btnIframe, this.#elements.btnCopy, this.#elements.btnSync ].forEach(element => FavoritePanel.#enableElement(element)); this.#disabled = false; } static #disableElement(element) { element.style.filter = 'grayscale(1) brightness(0.95)'; element.style.opacity = '0.25'; element.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; element.tabIndex = -1; } static #enableElement(element) { element.style.removeProperty('filter'); element.style.removeProperty('opacity'); element.style.removeProperty('pointer-events'); element.tabIndex = 0; } static #deepClone(val) { if (typeof structuredClone === 'function') { return structuredClone(val); } else { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val)); } } static #lightClone(val) { if (['string', 'number', 'boolean', 'undefined', 'bigint', 'symbol', 'function'].includes(val) || val === null) { return val; } if (Array.isArray(val)) { return val.slice(); } if (typeof val === 'object') { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(val)); } } static #sortSetsdata(sets_data) { // Sort sets by name in alphabetical order const sorted_names = sets_data.map(set => set.name).sort(); if (sorted_names.includes('Favorite')) { // Keep set `Favorite` at first place sorted_names.splice(0, 0, sorted_names.splice(sorted_names.indexOf('Favorite'), 1)[0]); } sets_data.sort((setA, setB) => sorted_names.indexOf(setA.name) - sorted_names.indexOf(setB.name)); } } const panel = new FavoritePanel(CM); } }, { id: 'api-doc switch', checker: { type: 'switch', value: true }, dependencies: 'utils', func: e => { const utils = require('utils'); utils.makeBooleanSettings([{ text: CONST.Text[i18n].UseAPI, key: 'useAPI', defaultValue: true }]); } }, { id: 'Set scripts sort', checker: { type: 'func', value: () => { const scripts_exist = [1, 2].map(index => location.pathname.split('/')[index]?.toLowerCase()).includes('scripts'); const is_set_page = /[\?&]set=\d+/.test(location.search); return scripts_exist && is_set_page; } }, detectDom: '#script-list-sort>ul', func: e => { const search = new URLSearchParams(location.search); const set_id = search.get('set'); const sort = search.get('sort'); if (!CONFIG['script-sets'].sets.some(set => set.id === set_id)) { return false; } const ul = $('#script-list-sort>ul'); [false, true].forEach(reverse => { const li = $$CrE({ tagName: 'li', classes: ['list-option', 'gse-sort'], // gse: (G)resyfork(S)et(E)dit+ attrs: { reverse: reverse ? '1' : '0' }, }); const a = $$CrE({ tagName: 'a', props: { innerText: CONST.Text[i18n].sortByApiDefault[+reverse] }, attrs: { rel: 'nofollow', href: getSortUrl(reverse) } }); li.appendChild(a); ul.appendChild(li); }); $AEL(ul, 'click', e => { if (e.target.matches('.gse-sort>a')) { e.preventDefault(); const a = e.target; const li = a.parentElement; const reverse = !!+li.getAttribute('reverse'); sortByApiDefault(reverse); buttonClicked(a); setSortUrl(reverse); } }, { capture: true }); switch (sort) { case 'gse_default': sortByApiDefault(false); buttonClicked($('.gse-sort[reverse="0"]>a')); break; case 'gse_reverse': sortByApiDefault(true); buttonClicked($('.gse-sort[reverse="1"]>a')); break; } /** * Sort <li>s in #browse-script-list by default api order * Default api order is by add-to-set time right now (2024-07-21), * but this is not a promising feature */ function sortByApiDefault(reverse=false) { const ol = $('#browse-script-list'); const li_scripts = Array.from(ol.children); const set = CM.getConfig('script-sets').sets.find(set => set.id === set_id); const scripts = set.scripts; li_scripts.sort((li1, li2) => { const [sid1, sid2] = [li1, li2].map(li => li.getAttribute('data-script-id')); const [index1, index2] = [sid1, sid2].map(sid => scripts.indexOf(sid)).map(index => index >= 0 ? index : Infinity); return (reverse ? [1, -1] : [-1, 1])[index1 > index2 ? 1 : 0]; }); //li_scripts.forEach(li => ol.removeChild(li)); li_scripts.forEach(li => ol.appendChild(li)); } /** * Change the clicked button gui to given one */ function buttonClicked(a) { const li = a.parentElement; const ul = li.parentElement; const old_li_current = Array.from(ul.children).find(li => li.classList.contains('list-current')); li.classList.add('list-current'); a.remove(); li.innerText = a.innerText; old_li_current.classList.remove('list-current'); const old_li_a = $$CrE({ tagName: 'a', attrs: { href: location.pathname + location.search + location.hash }, props: { innerText: old_li_current.innerText } }); old_li_current.innerText = ''; old_li_current.appendChild(old_li_a); } /** * Set url search params when sorting */ function setSortUrl(reverse) { history.replaceState({}, '', getSortUrl(reverse)); } /** * Make corrent url search params with sorting */ function getSortUrl(reverse) { const search = new URLSearchParams(location.search); search.set('sort', reverse ? 'gse_reverse' : 'gse_default'); const url = location.pathname + '?' + search.toString(); return url; } } }]); })();